Agenda and minutes

Nottinghamshire and City of Nottingham Fire and Rescue Authority - Finance and Resources
Friday, 14th October, 2016 10.00 am

Venue: Fire and Rescue Services HQ, Bestwood Lodge, Arnold Nottingham NG5 8PD

Contact: James Welbourn  Email:

No. Item










MINUTES pdf icon PDF 218 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting on 24 June 2016.


There was an error in item 5 of the minutes from 24 June 2016 in the third paragraph.  The final sentence should have read:


“An earmarked reserve has been created this year to support the Wholetime pay budget during this transition and to date £108,000 of this £350,000 reserve will be required to fund the overspend.”


The incorrect value was previously stated at £180,000 rather than £108,000.


Subject to this change being made in the recorded minutes, they were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.




Revenue and Capital Monitoring Report to August 2016 pdf icon PDF 439 KB

Report of the Chief Fire Officer


Sue Maycock, Head of Finance at NFRS reported to Members on the financial performance of the Service in the year 2016/17 to the end of August 2016.


The following points were highlighted on the Revenue Budget:


(a)  by the end of August the numbers of NFRS employees is almost down to the established level of the Wholetime pay budget;


(b)  the Prince’s Trust saving is not a net saving;


(c)  the fuel saving should be a permanent budget saving;


(d)  income from the Prince’s Trust is not confirmed until some time after the teams have finished for that year.  Central College won’t release income until certification re course completion has been received.  Income is therefore predicated on whether students complete the course;


(e)  the £121,000 overtime overspend relates mainly to the ridership, and is an estimate.  However, NFRS know that once people retire appliances are going to have to be kept available using overtime;


(f)  the seven day notice continues for industrial action.  However, there is no action expected because of national comments made by the Fire Brigade Union. 


  The Employment Tribunal is listed for the middle of next year – contingency arrangements for the fleet have been amended to pull on front line appliances.


  Any changes in the pension scheme arising from the tribunal would fall to fire authorities on a national level;


The following points relate to the Capital Programme:


(g)  there is one final issue with the ground rent at Hucknall.  Once this has been agreed, the deal with East Midlands Ambulance Service will go to the solicitors, and then onto the Finance and Resources Committee.  There is a projected occupancy date of summer 2017 provided that building works can be completed quickly;


(h)  The contractors applied for and won an award in the regeneration category at the Forum of the Built Environment for the London Road Fire Station;


(i)  NFRS have now borrowed £3 million at a favourable rate.


Congratulations to all involved with the London Road Fire Station project was offered.  The final project cost is expected to be around £4.7 million, significantly under the original projected £5.5 million.


Members noted the contents of the report.


Prudential Code Monitoring Report to August 2016 pdf icon PDF 390 KB

Report of the Treasurer to the Fire Authority


Neil Timms, Treasurer to the Fire Authority informed Members of performance for the three month period to 31 August 2016.


The Fire Authority have now borrowed £3 million, and so are in full compliance with all financial indicators.


Members noted the content of the report.


Report on Fire Service Procurement pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Report of the Chief Fire Officer


Ian Pritchard, Head of Procurement and Resources provided an update to Members on the fire service procurement reforms under the Home Office.


In June 2016 the Home Office sent out a questionnaire requesting the prices paid by fire services across England for a list of twenty-five items (basket of goods).  The basket of goods covered items from uniform, personal protective

equipment (often referred to as ‘fire kit’), operational equipment, services,

vehicle parts and fire vehicles.


The example of helmets was cited – NFRS try and recondition helmets which are £85 rather than buying new.  Only two or three replacement helmets are bought per year, which is less than other authorities who may buy cheaper, and buy in greater quantities.


The exercise was about getting services to work collaboratively on purchasing.  The Home Office also laid a challenge to suppliers to not play services off against one another.


The new Procurement Hub is looking at some of the services being bought and seeing if there is any collaboration with services when buying in bulk.  Kent Fire and Rescue are acting as coordinators with the Home Office on this issue.


Members noted the content of the report.


Report on the Vehicle Replacement Strategy pdf icon PDF 431 KB

Report of the Chief Fire Officer


Ian Pritchard, Head of Procurement and Resources presented the NFRS Vehicle Replacement Strategy.  Plans are being drawn up for replacement vehicles to meet the strategy for 2020 and beyond.


Alternative energy sources for vehicles, along with the new Euro 6 diesel engines are being looked at as part of the strategy.  Once the technology behind alternative energy sources moves forward and a government grant becomes available this is something that can be picked up very quickly.


Old equipment was being used at some stations when new equipment was available – this part of the business needs to be made more effective.  In future, the engineering section will have one Head, and should be totally coordinated. A report on proposed changes to the establishment will be forthcoming through the HR Committee and full Authority.


RESOLVED to agree the Vehicle Replacement Strategy at Appendix A of the report.


Corporate Risk Management pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Report of the Chief Fire Officer


Sue Maycock, Head of Finance at NFRS updated members on a review of the risk management policy and also provided an overview of the key strategic and corporate risks to which the Authority is exposed.


The following information was highlighted:


(a)  Craig Parkin, Assistant Chief Fire Officer at NFRS observed that road risk doesn't relate just to road accidents, but also includes the regular accidents that happen with fire engines. Action plan is still on-going, but issue won't be completely dealt with as it is a long term approach with staff;


(b)   SYSTEL, a French supplier to NFRS are subject to English law and so the agreement should be unaffected by the BREXIT vote.




(1)  bring a paper on the implication of the falling Pound to a future Finance and Resources committee;


(2)  note the content of the report.