Agenda and minutes

Nottingham Local Access Forum
Wednesday, 10th October, 2018 6.30 pm

Venue: Ground Floor Committee Room - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG. View directions

Contact: Catherine Ziane-Pryor  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Councillor Jane Urquhart

Steve Rhodes

Hugh McClintock

Zoe Bremer

Laura Marshall


Minutes pdf icon PDF 145 KB

Last meeting held on 27 June 2018 (for confirmation).



The minutes of the meeting held on 27 June 2018 were confirmed as a true record.


Following the Sneinton Greenway litter pick sessions, it has been agreed that NCC Cleansing will maintain the site.


Further to minute 33 ‘Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans Workshop’ a meeting is scheduled for 24 October. Three members of the Forum will be attending.


With regard to the route to the rear of the Tennis Centre across the Midland Main Railway Line into Boots, the bridgeis now in place but the agreement regarding the path through Boots’ land is waiting for final legal sign off. It is anticipated that the path and bridge will be open to citizens during January 2019.


Opportunity to raise items for discussion which are not listed below


The Chair invited members of the Forum to raise any points or issues that were not already listed for consideration on the agenda.


Liz Cordle informed the Forum that she has attended the Nottingham Open Spaces Forum (NOSF) and as several issues raised appear to overlap with LAF, including with regard to planning applications which LAF sub groups consider. The next NOSF is scheduled for Thursday 25 October 2018.


With regard to the HS2 (High Speed 2 railway line), PEDALS want to support a shared foot and cycle bridge across the River Trent between Long Eaton and Thrumpton. LAF is invited to either write in support of the scheme or wait until a formal proposal is presented before responding.


AGREED to wait until a formal proposal for a shared foot and cycle bridge is presented with more information.


Sustaining Urban Habitat Project


Further to minute 32 dated 27 June 2018, Huong Le and Amanda Winter, researchers from the University of Nottingham, briefly summarised their work regarding environmental efficiencies in cities, to the Forum as follows:


(a)  Data is still being collected and mainly focuses on the quality of policy governance in Local Government, communication and how citizens and groups get involved in environmental policy;


(b)  Urban Sustainability is being closely considered in Nottingham;


(c)  Huong and Amanda will also be leaving for Shanghai later this week to examine the same issues and points as a case study to compare to Nottingham;


(d)  The offer at the last meeting to interview LAF members is much appreciated and may be taken up on in the spring or summer once the case study information has been initially reviewed;


(e)  A solid draft document for comparison should be available during the summer of 2019 but the full final results are likely to be available for 2021.


AGREED to invite Huong Le and Amanda Winter to provide an update to the LAF at the April 2019 meeting.


LAF recruitment and appointment of new members

John Lee to report.


John Lee, Senior Rights of Way Officer, informed the LAF that the recent recruitment drive had been very productive with 12 expressions of interest received, 8 formal applications made, 4 of which have been interviewed and appointed whilst the remaining 4 are yet to be interviewed.


The information on the sub-Groups will be circulated to new members and if they are interested in any of the groups, they should contact John Lee.


The Chair commented that if new members have any specific areas of relevant interest which are not covered by the current sub-groups, there is potential for further groups to be established if other members share that interest.


Forum members welcomed the new members and acknowledged the good work of John Lee in the recruitment process.


RESOLVED to note the update.


Update from Walks Sub-Group


Katie France introduced the item and with contributions from other members of the Walks Sub-Group, and highlighted the following points:


(a)  The Sherwood and Carrington walk guide is being finalised and includes a map, directions, points of interest and history along the route which is numbered as Walk 5. Once the guide has been printed there will be a launch event;


(b)  The route has been thoroughly tested and health and safety aspects carefully considered;


(c)  It was difficult to select only a limited number of photographs for the cover and points of interest as there are so many interesting images available, but it is believed that those chosen do appropriately represent the feeling of the area;


(d)  A lot research went into investigating the local history to ensure that the information provided is accurate and concise;


(e)  Weekend launches are considered the most effective following a range of promotions. The walk guide will be uploaded to the LAF website and approximately 200 printed copies produced;


(f)  A Bestwood guided walk has now been plotted and tested with the aim of a Spring  launch;


(g)  A Bulwell and Bulwell Forest guided walk is proposed for next year.


Members of the Forum welcomed the progress and acknowledged the time and effort required in creating a guided walk.




(1)  to note the update and the work to produce the Carrington and Sherwood Walk guide;


(2)  for the Walk Sub-Group identify their preferred launch date in November which can then be shared with the other members of the forum so they can attend and support the launch along with local Councillors if available.


Update from the Planning Sub-Group


Margaret Knowles updated the Forum on the activity of the Planning Sub-Group since the last meeting as follows:


(a)  There are only 2 people currently on the rota to examine the monthly planning applications;


(b)  Whilst the Group had already commented on the outline planning permission back in July, a planning application for the Island Site has been submitted;


(c)  The development of Broadmarsh has been subject to a policy revision and comments submitted from the Group;


(d)  Examination hearing sessions of the issues raised on the Local Plan will take place on 20 November at the Central Methodist Church Lower Parliament Street but in this instance the group has decided not to put a themselves forward as a consultative group;


(e)  The Planning Sub-Group hasn’t met since the training but if any new LAF members are interested in joining, they should contact John Lee.


RESOLVED to note the update.


Update from the Definitive Map Sub-Group


Nick Hynes and Chris Thompson updated the Forum on the activity of the Group:


(a)  Under the Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Act 2000, public rights of way that are not recorded on the Definitive Map and Statement by 2026 will be extinguished;


(b)  Since 2000, around  300 paths have now been recorded but there are around a further 1,000 to be done before the 2026 deadline;


(c)  Once an application to claim a public right of way has been made, the process involves  investigating the claim and if the claimed route is public the council has a statutory duty to make a modification order to record those rights which involves full public consultation;


(d)  Nick Hynes referred to his comments to proposals for pedestrian and cycle paths in Gedling Borough and how routes link across municipal boundaries. No feedback on the comments have been received yet;


(e)  Access has at last been possible to the very well catalogued, if random, collection of maps at Bromley House Library, where the group’s interest and enthusiasm is welcomed. The library is proving a very valuable and interesting research resource;


(f)  The definitive map work is focusing on Bridlesmith Walk, a path from Winchester Street to Woodthorpe Park, Sussex Street, The Meadows and The Park Estate.


(g)  Paths recorded on Nottingham City Council’s Definitive Map can be found at 


(h)  It is not anticipated that there will be a sudden stampede of landowners closing unregistered routes in 2026, but this work needs to be carried out in order to ensure their protection.


RESOLVED to note the update.


Update from the Local Neighbourhoods and Environment Sub-Group


The Chair summarised that this group’s previous focus was to address street clutter but would now focus on engaging local communities to get involved in their local neighbourhoods, for example litter picking along public rights of way and open spaces.


The following points were highlighted and discussed:


(a)  Two litter picks have taken place on Sneinton Greenway, one just by members of the sub-group and Forum and another where the Sneinton Neighbourhood and Councillors assisted;


(b)  For 2019, the group needs to consider what to do next and where and how this will tie-in with the remit of the Forum;


(c)  Steve Stott from Community Protection has previously spoken to the Forum about the surprisingly limited powers which the Council has with regard to street clutter and particularly parking on pavements, but it does now appear that powers will be extended to enable fines to be issued for parking on pavements;


(d)  It was queried whether protection of open spaces could be included in the remit of the sub-group or if establishing a further sub-group would be more appropriate. John Lee and members of the Forum felt that as the NOSF was already focusing on this issue and that the LAF Planning Sub-Group also considered planning applications which could impact on rights of way and open spaces, that there was potential to link with NOSF on these issues and maybe request that representatives of the LAF attend NOSF meetings and in turn, invite NOSF to send a representative to LAF meetings;


(e)  The Chair commented that it was important for the Forum to determine what it wanted to achieve and how. There are pressures on parks and where an impact on open spaces is identified, this needs to be raised. As LAF is building relationships with communities, it will be easier to get its collective opinion heard and have a positive environmental impact;


(f)  Concern was expressed by Brendan McCabe whereby some time ago, access to Nottingham Castle Grounds had been free but there is now a charge. Members of the Forum responded that with the forthcoming requirement for parks to be self-funding, it was unlikely that this decision would be reversed. However, John Rhodes commented that once the major refurbishment work of the Castle was completed, enquiries could be made as to the potential for free access to the Castle grounds with entry charges only applying to the exhibits. It was felt that this would attract more visitors and therefore be good business. John Lee agreed to pursue the query.




(1)  to note the update;


(2)  for the Chair of the Forum (via John Lee and Liz Cordle) to liaise with the NOSF Chair to suggest a mutually beneficial representation arrangement;


(3)  for any LAF members interested in NOSF, attending its meetings and reporting back to the LAF, to contact John Lee;


(4)  for John Lee to invite a relevant officer responsible for the management of Nottingham Castle (once it reopens to the public), to attend the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.


Public Rights of Way Schemes - Improvements and Orders

John Lee, Senior Rights of Way Officer, to report


Signage Improvements

John Lee, Senior Rights of Way Officer, informed the Forum of the current, completed and proposed work to improve signage for rights of way to encourage usage, including:


(i)  Bulwell Hall Park from Hucknall to Bulwell Town Centre (as part of the Robin Hood Way);


(ii)  Colwick Woods, including the ‘East View’ over Sneinton (working with the ‘Friends of Colwick Woods’ Group);


(iii)  New Road to Ascot Road in Basford;


(iv)From the new residential development on Ascot Road Aspley, across the old railway bridge to New Road Radford;


(v)  Sneinton Dale to Carlton Road


Sunbourne Court Closure Request

John Lee, Senior Rights Of Way Officer, informed the Forum that the owners of Sunbourne Court, between Alfreton Road and Forest Road West, have requested that the because the road is a cul-de-sac it is ‘unnecessary’ as a highway and should be closed to public access. As a cul-de-sac, there is no predicted impact on the public’s right of way. The closure is currently subject to consultation and any objections can be presented at the Magistrates’ Court on 26 November. As this is highways stopping-up order request, there is no requirement to submit a planning application. A footfall survey is being undertaken to assess public use, but parking is not considered the “usual” use of a highway which is to pass and repass, and not to park on. The area is currently adopted and maintained, including street lighting, by the City Council, so if approved, will provide a modest but long-term saving to the City Council.


Claimed public bridleway from Trowel Road to Glaisdale Drive West, Wollaton

This route was part of Lord Middleton’s land back in the 18th Century and was considered an occupation road with a public bridleway. A Modification Order has been made and no objections received so the Order may now be confirmed and the route added to the Definitive Map.


Update on Foot/Cycle Bridge Proposals - Lady Bay to Trent Lane

John Rhodes to report


Prior to consideration of this item, Dave Mackrory informed the Forum that within an element of his paid work in planning and development development and an agreed framework, he has and may again make representations on behalf of Blueprint, a company integral with the development of the Tent Basin. At this point, he did not feel that this declaration was significant enough to exclude him from the meeting or prevent him from speaking on the item.


John Rhodes delivered a presentation and updated the Forum on the Cycle/footpath bridge proposals from Lady Bay to the Trent Basin. The following points were highlighted and comments made:


(a)  Although Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council support the proposal in principal, neither Local Authority nor supportive local MPs are in a position to offer funding towards the project. With the additional support of more than 20 Local Interest Groups, it is anticipated that the eligibility for external funding will be strengthened;


(b)  It is intended that the scheme meet a stage whereby if funding pots can be identified, bids can immediately be submitted;


(c)  Nottingham Civic Society has generously contributed £6,000 towards a feasibility for the bridge but landings need to be identified on each side of the River Trent as the initial development Plans for the Trent Basin have altered;


(d)  It is wholly believed that the installation of the bridge will be beneficial to the Trent Basin development, particularly as a public footpath already exists on the Lady Bay side of the river;


(e)  To ensure stability the bridge will require ‘back stays’ and also capacity for an appropriately pitched disability compliant ramp, which will impact on land in the Trent Basin and beyond the current footpath on the Lady Bay side, although the Rugby Club which owns the scrub land beyond the path does not object;


(f)  Hugh McClintock will be attending the D2N2 meetings to help raise support for the scheme as an aspiration. Having the agreement in principle of formal bodies will be beneficial when applying to external funders;


(g)  The plans and proposals will go before the Blueprint Board shortly but one of the most significant challenges will be around the footprint capacity needed for the disabled ramp, so various options will be considered.


Members of the Forum commented that when considering the pitch of the disabled ramp, care should be taken to ensure that it is accessible and usable by push wheelchairs and not make the presumption that all disabled equipment is motorised.


RESOLVED to note the update and thank those who are working to progress the scheme for their efforts.


Suggestions for Future Agenda Items

Members to consider


In addition to topics already identified during the meeting, the Chair invited members of the Forum to suggest items for future meetings.


The following suggestions were made:


(a)  For Ted Cantrell, Chair of the Trent Basin/Lady Bay foot and cycle path bridge campaign group, to be invited to address the Forum;


(b)  John Lee informed the Forum that on Wednesday 14 November 2018 from 6pm to 8pm in Loxley House, a ‘HS2 workshop’ will be held by the HS2 Engagement Team to which members of the Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire LAF’s are invited alongside local Councillors. Whilst John will email details of the event to all LAF members, a summary of the event should be reported to the next meeting;


(c)  Brendan McCabe queried the potential for a footpath on the northern bank of the River Trent between Trent Basin and the canal as although only a short distance of a quarter to a half mile, it would prove a valuable link. John Rhodes responded that whilst such a project had already been informally discussed, it would be a huge challenge.  As a brown field site, it is ideal for housing and a path would be suitable for the development but the decision rested with the developer Blueprint. The City Council is mindful of this when planning applications are submitted but developers have expressed concern that potential residents of a new development may not want a public right of way sited along their property boundaries.


RESOLVED  for John Lee to invite Ted Cantrell to a future meeting and for a summary of the HS2 workshop to be submitted to the next meeting.


Dates of meetings in 2019.

John Lee, Senior Rights of Way Officer, to advise.


RESOLVED for the Forum to meet on the following Wednesdays:


9 January 2019

10 April 2019

10 July 2019

9 October 2019


Any Other Business


The Chair announced that this was to be Katie French’s last meeting as Vice-Chair as she was stepping down from the Forum as in addition to her day job, she is expecting a baby in the New Year and does not believe that she will be in a position to dedicate an appropriate amount of time to the Forum.