Agenda item


Verbal update from Nottinghamshire Police


Police Inspectors Gordon Fenwick and Robert Wilson were present to deliver a Policing update for the area.


It is noted that Policing beats do not align with City Ward Boundaries but that the office near to the Waitrose site has three Police Officers and Community Protection Officers based there to ensure a visible community presence.


For the Wollaton East beat, Inspector Gordon Fenwick updated the committee as follows:


Compared to the same period last year,


(a)  Crime overall is down by 11% (57 incidents);

(b)  Victim based crime is down by 14% (65 incidents);

(c)  Theft is down by 20% (35 fewer incidents);

(d)  Vehicle crime has reduced by 26% (29 incidents);

(e)  Theft from vehicles is down 40%;

(f)  Shop burglary has also reduced;

(g)  Burglary of dwelling and non-dwellings has increased by 14% (6 incidents);

(h)  Antisocial behaviour has increased by 16% (24 incidents) which can be mainly attributed to young people gathering in the Nidderdale and Calderdale areas and around shops. This is something which the Police are trying to address.


The Committee’s questions were responded to as follows:


(i)  There is no news to date as to whether a ‘City Police Division’ will be reintroduced by the new Chief Constable.


(ii)  A more detailed break-down and analysis of crime figures and statistics for the areas, including property status (private, social and private rented) is considered at Neighbourhood Action Team (NAT) meetings.


(iii)  With regard to the ASB in the Nidderdale and Calderdale areas, patterns have been sough and it appears that the majority of problems can be attributed to young people from other areas, not locals. Once identified, the Police contact their schools and parents to address the behaviour, with the outcomes reported to the NAT meetings.


Inspector Rob Wilson updated the Committee on crime within the Wollaton East and Lenton Abbey ward and Hillside University park/Lenton Abbey beat, compared to the same period last year, as follows:


(i)  There has been a 25% reduction on ASB (30 fewer reports);

(j)  Criminal damage is down by 33% with 14 fewer incidents;

(k)  There has been an increase in violence (domestic and general) as a new report recording regime is now in place where the report is recorded as an assault and then investigated.  This in in response to the volume of reports for which the allegation is later withdrawn by victims. There were 30 more incidents recorded against last year’s figures, mostly minor and within the Lenton Abbey Area;

(l)  There has been an increase in dwelling and non-dwelling burglaries of 6 but this mainly relates to sheds;

(m)  thefts from vehicles have increased by two;

(n)  theft of cycles is up by seven which can be attributed to a spate of thefts on the university campus during the summer. Police are accessing University CCTV to try and identify the culprits.


The committee’s questions responded to as follows:


(iv)  the reduction in ASB reports can be attributed to specific policing work to reduce noise problems. The majority of new ASB reports are related Street issues, which are also being addressed;


(v)  with regard to the two recent sexual assaults to women in different areas, the person initially arrested was found not to be involved and so released but a second person has been charged, remanded and is awaiting trial.


Members of the Committee welcomed the reduction in dwelling burglaries in Wollaton East and Lenton Abbey as a result of the positive work undertaken by the Police.


The Chair thanked Inspectors Fenwick and Wilson for their attendance and updates.