Agenda item


Report of the Director of Public Health


Alison Challenger, Director of Public Health, presented her report which updates the Committee on the progress in identifying specific health and wellbeing and treatment barriers for the population of Nottingham, and to invite members of the Committee and Community to help identify health priorities within the area.


The following points were highlighted:


(a)  to date, training has been provided to ward Councillors to enable a better understanding of the health services commissioning process;


(b)  Councillors have been asked to share their local knowledge of common  issues and healthy lifestyle and treatment barriers with the Public Health Team and to encourage community groups to do the same;


(c)  this local intelligence will enable the Public Health Team to ‘fine tune’ Public Health Services to better meet the needs of the local population;


(d)  the information received so far has resulted in a different approach to commissioning some services which formerly were considered in isolation but have now been commissioned within one package. This includes stopping smoking, weight management and cook and eat sessions;


(e)  the specific questions asked of councillors and communities are listed in the appendix to the report, along with including the next stage of the process to address specific issues and barriers;


(f)  members of the Committee and community Groups are invited to continue to contribute and comment on  local health issues and priorities and the proposal resulting from the consultation to date to ensure that models of commissioning become and remain the most effective for the local population.


The Committee’s questions were responded to as follows:


(i)  the Public Health Team need to consider the whole issues and influences of social health within its remit prior to any major changes to commissioning. Only health and wellbeing areas for which the Public Health Team are responsible for can be considered and not those which are the responsibility of the NHS;


(ii)  Councillor’s concerns that there may be a shortage of GPs will be passed to the Commissioning Group, with which responsibility sits, and a response to the Committee requested;


(iii)  it is recognised that there are significantly varying issues and needs within some wards. Within the boundaries of this Area Committee, a significant proportion of citizens are students and have specific needs including mental health support, suicide prevention and sexual health support. In addition the concerns for older people living in isolation need to be addressed. This is why local intelligence of issues is so valuable;


(iv)  the Environmental Health Team are actively tackling  reports of noise which is often an under rated problem which can significantly impact on citizen’s health;


(v)  Public Health Team are working to address significant alcohol issues including cultures of pre-loading, binge drinking, chronic drinking and dependant drinking within an Alcohol Strategy Group which includes partner members. The Public Health Team is informed of licensing applications but has limited powers to object


(vi)  Physical activity is important but so too is diet. General activity, such as brisk walking, is valuable activity and by leaving their homes, can help citizens combat isolation. Activity doesn’t need to be focused on sports facilities and can be enjoyed socially such as by joining local walking groups.


Ward Councillors are aware of some of the ASB issues, including noise and drunken behaviour, caused by sections of the student population and are working with the Universities to try and address them, along with promoting the healthy lifestyles for students.


For physical activity, the Chair recommended groups like ‘Friends of Wollaton Park’ which offered volunteers the opportunity to participate in light to hard physical work which also befitted the park. Alternatively the group arranged walks around the Park.




(1)  to note the approach and the work undertaken so far identifying specific health and wellbeing and treatment barriers for the population of Nottingham;


(2)  for Councillors and Community Groups to forward any further comments and suggestions on the progress and planned improvements to the Public Health Team or Ward Councillors;


(3)  for Councillors to suggest the Public Health Team, any further knowledge or support they would require to progress their work on the public health and wellbeing agenda within their Area;


(4)  for Alison Challenger, Director of Public Health, to request form the Clinical Commissioning Group an update for the Councillors and Committee on the concerns that there is a shortage of GPs in the City, specifically relating to the closure of the Doctors Corner branch (Linden Medical Group) on Russell Drive. 

Supporting documents: