Agenda item


Report of the Director of Community Protection



Abu Belim, Principle Enforcement Officer, introduced a report on the Proposed Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSOP’s): Footpaths at Beverley Square, St Anns. The Committee previously discussed this matter at their 13 June 2017 meeting (minute 9). Further to that discussion he highlighted the following information:


(a)  The two footpaths run between 11 and 12 Beverley Square and between 14 and 15 Beverley Square, each is covered with the bedroom of the adjoining property, this makes the are sheltered from weather and from the from passive surveillance lending its self to the antisocial behaviour that is seen there;


(b)  There is a well-documented history of anti-social behaviour, including drug dealing, animal and human faeces and urination, graffiti and persistent littering;


(c)  One property is a Nottingham City Homes property, one is a housing association and 2 are owner occupiers;


(d)  Consultation on the proposed PSPO’s ran between 30 June and 2 August 2017, letters were sent to all addresses on Beverley Square and surrounding roads including Aster Road, Duncombe Road and Rushcliffe Close;


(e)  2 responses were received. The first from an energy company seeking assurance that they would still be able to access the footpaths in order to maintain equipment, which was confirmed. The second response was from a resident of Beverley Square who expressed concerns that if the footpaths were gated off then the anti-social behaviour would spill out into the wider area;


(f)  It is not anticipated that the anti-social behaviour will spill into the wider area due to better lighting, and less shelter less likely to lend its self to anti-social behaviour.




(1)  Note the evidence gathered and the results of the consultation on the proposal to introduce a PSPO to gate off the alleyways running between numbers 11 and 12 and numbers 14 and 15 Beverley Square, St Ann’s as indicated in the proposed PSPO attached at Appendix 1 of the report for the areas outlined with solid black lines on the plan in the proposed PSPO;


(2)  Authorise the Director of Legal Services and Governance and or the Head of Legal and Governance to make a PSPO in the form indicated by the proposed PSPO attached at Appendix 1 of the report over the land outlined with a solid black line on the plan attached to the proposed PSPO to last for a period of three years from the date that it comes into force being satisfied that the test in section 59 of the 2014 Act is met, having considered the objection received, the likely effect of making the proposed PSPO and the availability of an alternative route, and having regard to the rights of freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.


(3)  Authorise the Director of Community Protection to proceed with the manufacture and installation of the barriers and gating detailed in the report at paragraph 2.15 and to carry out the necessary publication and arrange for appropriate signage to be erected in accordance with the legislative requirements.


(4)  Note that the cost of the manufacture and installation of the barriers and gating detailed in the report at paragraph 2.15 will be met by the Public Realm budget of the St Ann’s Area Capital fund. 




Supporting documents: