Agenda item

Mental Health Accommodation and Support Pathways - Extension of Commissioned Mental Health Services - Key Decision

Report of the Director of Commissioning and Procurement


Christine Oliver, Head of Commissioning, introduced a report of the Portfolio Holder for Adults and Health, to approve the extensions of a number of contracts for Housing Related Support services for people with mental ill health.


During discussion, it was confirmed that the proposals will deliver increased provision without an increase in cost. A strategic commissioning review of mental health services will be required before the end of the extension period.




(1)   approve spend on services and agree to exercise the option to extend, as outlined in Appendix 1, table 1;


(2)  approve dispensation from Contract Procedure Rules5.1.1 and 5.1.2 in accordance with Financial Regulation 3.29 to allow for extensionsand funding of services as outlined in Appendix 1, table 2;


(3)  delegate authority to the Head of Contracting and Procurement to issueextensions to contracts up to the values noted in Appendix 1;


(4)  note that the further delivery of Star - Hughenden is subject to agreement by NHS Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group to maintain joint funding;


(5)  note that Phase 2 of the Mental Health Strategic Commissioning Review of wider support for citizens with mental ill health will be undertaken.


Reasons for decisions


These services were reviewed recently within the first phase of the Mental Health Strategic Commissioning Review (SCR). The review concluded that these services are operating effectively in line with current requirements. These services also enable the Council to deliver against its statutory requirements under the Mental Health Act 1983 and the Care Act 2014.


The Head of Contracting and Procurement will ensure that the best value possible is obtained in respect of the ongoing delivery of these services through negotiations with providers prior to the extension of agreements.


Nottingham City Council (NCC) and NHS Nottingham City CCG fund Star – Hughenden, one of the supported accommodation services jointly. The further delivery of this service is subject to Nottingham City CCG maintaining its funding.


The first phase of the Mental Health SCR identified the need for further investigation of the wider arrangements in place to respond to the health and social care needs of citizens with mental ill health and to promote their independence. A second phase of the Mental Health SCR with Nottingham City CCG will be undertaken. This will enable both organisations to identify opportunities to maximise resources and deliver improved outcomes for citizens through closer alignment and integration of commissioning.


The extension of current contracts is recommended in order to align the delivery of these services with the Council’s commissioning activity for 2017/18.  The extensions will allow for Phase 2 of the Mental Health SCR to be completed. 

It would not be practical or feasible to bring in a new provider and transition vulnerable citizens into the new services for a short period before the implementation of longer term commissioning decisions under phase 2. 


Other options considered


To re-commission services now: This option was not recommended because further work is needed to ensure that services and pathways of support for citizens with mental ill health are effective. Procurement of services in advance of this work is not recommended on the basis that further procurement may be necessary once the review has concluded. This would not only create uncertainty for vulnerable citizens and instability for providers, but would also not be a good use of the Council’s resources.



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