Agenda item


Report of the Chief Fire Officer and Interim Treasurer to the Fire Authority


Nottinghamshire Fire Brigades Union submitted a question relating to budget proposals for 2018/19 to 2021 as follows:


‘The previous significant reductions to the operational establishment approved by this Authority have led to continued pressures to deliver on the current collective agreement maintaining fire appliance availability, with implications for communities of Nottinghamshire and our members. The FBU continues to engage with management in negotiations for a new collective agreement.


In the face of these prolonged significant cuts and continued period of transition, what strategy, including funding, has, or will be, put in place that ensures the Authority’s commitment to a new Collective Agreement will be met and provide FBU members reassurance before any new agreement can be reached?’


The Chair responded as follows:


‘The Authority recognises that dealing with a reduction in resources since 2010 has been difficult for the Service and the staff within it. To mitigate this we have always worked with staff to ease implementation and I welcome the FBU’s commitment to work with Management to secure a new collective agreement, as this is required to address some of the current challenges.


To support implementation of the proposals, a project plan is being developed and I would welcome engagement with the FBU in that work. There is also an earmarked reserve of £120,000 specifically for organisational transition, and also £1.4 million of general reserves will be used in 2018 which clearly demonstrates the strong commitment of this Authority to the Service, staff and communities we serve’.


Becky Smeathers, Head of Finance, introduced the report of the Interim Treasurer to the Authority, which informs members of the proposals for the revenue and capital budgets for 2018/19 to 2020/2021.


The Committee also considered a recommendation of the Finance and Resources Committee to apply a 2.95% Council Tax increase for the year 2018/19, with the balance of £1,444,104 being met by funding from reserves, in line with the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


Members made the following comments:


(a)  the Treasury Team was commended on producing the report in trying circumstances;


(b)  reserves could not be used in future years to meet the residual balance, as it was not recommended that reserve levels went below the current level of £4.3 million;


(c)  it was suggested that a cross-party working group be established to consider the wider issue of rationalising the Fire and Rescue Service estate, and the Chair agreed to discuss with the Chief Fire Officer. Councillor Zadrozny asked to be involved with the working group, should it be established;


(d)  central government grant has reduced from £28 million to £16 million and there is frustration that financial support from central government in the wake of Grenfell has not been forthcoming;


(e)  it was suggested that the issue of payment of Member Allowances should be the subject of a separate report in future years.


Members voting in favour of implementing a 2.95% increase of Council Tax precept are:


Councillor Brian Grocock (Chair)

Councillor Michael Payne (Vice-Chair)

Councillor Liaqat Ali

Councillor Andrew Brown

Councillor Eunice Campbell

Councillor John Clarke

Councillor Vaughan Hopewell

Councillor Patience Ifediora

Councillor John Longdon

Councillor Jackie Morris

Councillor Francis Purdue-Horan

Councillor Mike Quigley

Councillor Phil Rostance

Councillor Parry Tsimbiridis

Councillor Jonathan Wheeler

Councillor Malcolm Wood


Members voting against implementing a 2.95% increase of Council Tax precept are:


Councillor Jason Zadrozny


Member not present:


Councillor Sybil Fielding




(1)  approve the recommendation of the Finance and Resources Committee to increase Council Tax by 2.95%, with the residual balance of £1,444,104 to be met by funding from reserves, in line with the Medium Term Financial Strategy;


(2)  set a 2018/19 precept level to be notified to the Billing Authorities as required by statute;


(3)  approve the flexible use of capital receipts strategy as set out at Appendix 3 to the report, which is that capital receipts in 2018/19 will be used either to finance future capital expenditure or to repay borrowings, and will be in this year to fund the revenue cost of reform projects;


(4)  approve the fees and charges as set out in Appendix 4 to the report;


(5)  approve the payment of Member Allowances for 2018/19 in accordance with the approved scheme.


Councillor Jason Zadrozny abstained in respect of resolutions 3-5 above, and asked that his abstention be recorded.


Supporting documents: