Agenda item

Commissioning of Domestic And Sexual Violence Services - Key Decision

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Corporate Director of Strategy and Resources, the Director of Public Health and the Director of Community Protection


Rasool Gore, Lead Commissioning Manager, presented a report on the Commissioning of domestic and sexual violence services.

Approval is sought to commission a number of services, some of which are direct awards. Funding is mainly through Nottingham City Council, however there are some partnership contributions, mainly the Police and Crime Commissioner.


During discussion it was highlighted that commissioning these services will help the Council fulfil statutory duties under the Housing Act, Care Act and Children and Families Act.




(1)  Approve to undertake a tender process for the Domestic Violence Service for Female Survivors service for a contract period of 3+2+2+2 years.  This will be for an annual contractual value of up to £584,185;


(2)  Delegate authority to the Head of Service for Contracting and Procurement to approve and sign off the outcome of the tender process for the Domestic Violence Service for Female Survivors and to award a contract;


(3)  Approve the award and a contract to Equation for the male survivors service (as set out in the report and appendix 1) for a contract period of 3+2+2+2 years for an annual contractual value of  up to £49,000;


(4)  Approve the award  and a contract to the current providers of domestic violence refuges (as set out in the report and appendix 1) for a contract period of 3+2+2+2 years for a total annual value of up to £472,487;


(5)  In accordance with Financial Regulation 3.29 to grant dispensations to Contract Procedure Rule 5.1.2 in respect of the contracts to be awarded under decisions 3 and 4 with a value of £5.812m;


(6)  Approve the award of a grant to Women’s Aid Integration Service for supporting the delivery of the Domestic Violence Helpline (as set out in this report and appendix 1).  It is recommended that this be for a grant period of 3+2+2+2 years for a total annual value of up to £173,330;


(7)  Delegate authority to the Head of Service for Contracting and Procurement to sign, or arrange for the sealing of, all contract documents arising under the recommendations of this report, including agreeing any extensions (based on performance and budget availability) of the proposed contracts; and


(8)  Approve the spend associated with this decision.


Reasons for decision


(1)  Where direct award has been proposed there will be a continuation of familiar services for vulnerable citizens and allow for a degree of stability. National research has shown that male survivors od domestic and sexual violence are reluctant to access services and the current provider has proven to be effective in engaging male survivors;


(2)  The services for female survivors of domestic violence will be consolidated into one service which brings together current services. This will bring value for money, and a reduction in overlapping provision as well as the opportunity to identify efficiency savings;


(3)  Proposals around the shelter offer the most stable and viable method of provision.  Setting up an new refuge requires extensive consultation with the local community which can be difficult given the need for it to remain anonymous. Evidence from other council has shown that commissioning the support element separately has not been successful;


(4)  The recommendation as set out in the report all offer best value for money, continuation of service provision and stability for service users. The Longer contract periods proposed will allow for providers to innovate during the contract life and respond to necessary and permitted contractual changes. It will also allow providers to secure additional funding from national grant programmes;


Other options considered


A number of other contract configurations were considered and rejected. The recommendations set out in the report represent the best value for money, offer savings and flexibility of service provision as well as stability and continuation of services for vulnerable citizens.


Consideration was given to jointly commissioning services with Nottinghamshire County Council. This option was rejected at this time as the timescales for the organisations did not align making joint commissioning not possible. Although this option was rejected at this time the City and County council commissioners will work together to ensure alignment of contracts with will support future joint commissioning.

Supporting documents: