Agenda item

Nottingham City Homes Update

Report of the Chief Executive of Nottingham City Homes


Luke Walters, Area Housing Manager for Nottingham City Home, introduced the report updating the committee on the activity of Nottingham City Homes since the last meeting. He highlighted the following information:


(a)  Work at Morley, Byron, Haywood and Keswick Courts is progressing well. Work at Haywood and Morley will be bought forward  with the aim of completing by October;


(b)  The replacement and renewal programme is continuing across properties across the wards with new bathrooms, kitchens doors and windows being installed following a survey of stock condition;


(c)  Work on the lifts at Victoria Centre is progressing well and despite  some delay the work on the roof gardens should be underway very soon. Negotiation of the work programme to repair the bin chutes has been started and the design for the sprinkler system has commenced;


(d)  Work will start soon on major improvement works to the Radbourne Road Estate which will include resurfacing work, upgrade to the planters, and works to tackle fly tipping;


(e)  Specific work programmes are taking place with vulnerable adults and care leavers to help support sustained tenancy;




(1)  Note the update and performance information set out in appendices 1 and 2 of the published report


(2)  To note the allocation of funds for 2018/19 as below:



Actual Budget (including carry over from 2017/18

Schemes Approved

Schemes Committed

Schemes De Committed

Remaining Budget













St Ann’s







(3)  To approve the Area Capital Programme funding requests set out below:





Nottingham City Homes Officer


West Walk

(St Ann’s)

Environmental works to properties on West Walk to improve boundary treatments and communal court yard areas. Works undertaken will be resurfacing, fencing replacement and repairs and general improvements to  the street scene and security.

Significant works have been undertaken to the properties on West Walk to improve the thermal efficiency and external appearance of the buildings. These environmental works will complete the project and improve the environment for citizens living in the properties but also improve the aesthetics of this significant junction into the City Centre.

Anthony Slater-Davison


Dane Court (St Ann’s)

New railings to be installed around the complex to improve security and remove exiting boundary which has reached end of life.

New vertical ball railings to be installed to improve the aesthetic view of the complex and security for residents

Anthony Slater-Davison


Courtney Gardens

(St Ann’s)

Equality Act compliant hand rails to be installed to all properties at Courtney Gardens to assist with continued independence and ease of access for the client group at the complex.

Existing handrails are not compliant. This project will upgrade the handrails to meet current regulations.

Anthony Slater-Davison


27 Luther Close (St Ann’s)

Replace fencing to property.

Existing fencing has reached end of life and needs to be replaced in line with other fencing completed in the same area.

Anthony Slater-Davison


Lancaster Road

Parking improvements – installation of parking bay

NCH contribution to a wider project to improve the parking for citizens on Lancaster Road – This funding supports a contribution already made for NCH customers and covers additional cost incurred on site.

Anthony Slater-Davison


Newark Crescent

Improvements to boundaries and general upkeep of structure

Improvements to fencing across the estate, painting of garages and railings, general improvements to seating areas and HRA public realm.

Anthony Slater-Davison


Newark Crescent

Tree management and maintenance

Improvements are needed across the estate to manage and maintain a large number of trees that are creating a challenging environments for citizens and the structure of the homes.

Anthony Slater-Davison


Warton Avenue


Security gate installation

Gates to improve security for customers on Warton Ave

Anthony Slater-Davison




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