Agenda item



Margaret Knowles delivered a presentation which updates the Forum on the activity of the Planning subgroup.


The following points were highlighted and questions from the Forum responded to:


(a)  The Inspector for the Nottingham Local Plan Part 2 has issued a letter following on from the close of the Examination last year.  This sets out recommended modifications that, in the Inspector's view, are required to ensure that the Plan is sound and legally compliant. Once the Inspector is satisfied with the schedule of potential main modifications, there will be six weeks of public consultation. Currently planned for May to June 2019, this will be limited to the proposed main modifications, changes to the policies map and the updated sustainability assessment. The Council will then report the main issues raised and the Council’s response to these to the Inspector in July. The Inspector’s report is expected in late Summer 2019;


(b)  The Planning subgroup screening and commenting on Planning Applications has continued, with two people working for a month at a time. Up to 25 March, no applications which have been submitted in the last three months, have been identified of interest to the Forum;


(c)  So that those reading the subgroup comments on planning applications can see what the LAF is and the users groups it represents, one of the following preambles could be included. The Forum is asked to comment on the options:


i.  The Nottingham Local Access Forum is an independent group of local volunteers created by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 to advise the local planning and other authorities on proposals affecting walking, riding and access to open and green spaces (see and Section 94 CROW Act 2000; Local Access Forums (England) Regulations 2007).


ii.  The Nottingham Local Access Forum (NLAF) is the advisory body established by Nottingham City Council (the Council) under an obligation imposed by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.  It is a statutory function of NLAF to give advice to the Council on matters relevant to public access, including how such access may be affected by proposals received in planning applications.  In reaching decisions on planning applications the Council is obliged to have regard to any comments NLAF may make.


iii.  The Nottingham Local Access Forum is a statutory advisor made up of volunteers who advise the Council and other relevant bodies (Section 94 bodies under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000) on the improvement of public rights of way and access to and through Nottingham.


(d)  With regard to the development of York House, it is a concern that doors open outwards straight onto the footpath, which can be dangerous. It’s clear that something has gone wrong in the process so Margaret and Hugh will formally write to the Planners, particularly as the subgroup had not had a chance to comment;


(e)  With regard to the proposed Unity Square development, there is concern regarding a well established cycling and pedestrian route which should not be disrupted. The developer should provide a highway management plan which sets out how they intend to keep traffic, pedestrians and cyclists moving ;




(1)  with regard to comments on planning applications, for Margaret Knowles to submit a simplified explanation on who the LAF is and the users groups it represents, to the Planning subgroup for final agreement;


(2)  to record the Forum’s thanks to the members of the Planning Sub Group for the presentation and work to date.