Agenda item


Verbal Update by the Head of Parks and Open Spaces


Eddie Curry, Head of Parks and Open Spaces, updated the Committee on from his last update to the May meeting of the Committee:


(a)  following an arson attack in May the operator’s machinery was written off and buildings damaged. At this time  the operator took the decision to place the Golf Centre into voluntary liquidation;

(b)  a partnership between the Nottingham City Golf Club and the City Council has worked hard to sustain the business and implemented a package of improvements which have also raised standards;

(c)  the partnership has engaged with the contractor who has now agreed to finish the scheme;

(d)  the partnership is now planning the shape and grades of some mounds to ensure easier maintenance and the best use of the site;

(e)  tipping works are in the final phase and will be followed by laying and stone picking of topsoil and repairs to a haulage road before the site can be grass seeded and mounds ‘polished’;

(f)  the partnership between the Golf Club and City Council, which includes a shared financial arrangement, has temporarily agreed to take responsibility for the maintenance of the course with the City Council redirecting some staffing resources and lending the Golf Club a mower;

(g)  the contractor is being directly managed by the partnership which has resulted in better control and a stronger relationship;

(h)  it was important to keep the golf course operational to ensure its long-term future;

(i)  a new operator will be sought and the arrangements may include the partnership aspect;

(j)  new income is required to help maintain the site. A creative approach will be taken and while it has been difficult, there are now more opportunities than previously and the site, including the café, is still open and operating with everyone welcome to use the facilities.


Members of the Committee expressed concern at the ongoing issues regarding the Bulwell Hall stable block (no connection with the golf course) which can now be considered a liability rather than an asset. Bulwell residents felt that responsibility for this Grade 2 listed building, which now stands derelict, has been passed to a variety of Council Departments and requested a 3-4 year development plan be produced for the building to ensure its survival as part of Bulwell Hall Park.


Eddie Curry responded, agreeing with residents, that the remote position of the building had attracted high levels of antisocial behaviour and vandalism, including arson, which were difficult to prevent even when the residential apartment attached to the building was occupied. Operating from the site became difficult and costly to sustain and with the necessary security measures, it was not viable to operate a depot from the building. It was offered for use to voluntary sector groups, however, none found it appropriate.


The building continues to be frequently vandalised although it has been offered to developers there is no market interest. However the future of the building may become more attractive when the former Rolls Royce site is developed. External resources will be required to secure the future of the site.


English Heritage has been asked to advise on the history of the building which now requires a substantial amount of money to bring back bring it back into use. Heritage Lottery Funding requires match funding but in its current state, without a huge amount of investment, the building cannot generate an income.


The proposal for a working group to consider and develop a long-term plan for Bulwell Hall Park, including the stable block is welcomed.


Eric Hames, Captain of the Nottingham City Golf Club, and James Turner, from the Bulwell Hall Golf Club made the following points:


(k)  without the efforts of Eddie Curry and his team the Club would not exist;

(l)  during 8 years of uncertainty around the development of the site, the club has lost 50% of its membership and has not been able to attract new or younger members;

(m)  the junior squad has been revitalised and is doing very well but encouragement of more young people from Bulwell to become involved is needed as many current members are not local;

(n)  free golf lessons are available to juniors. Further information can be obtained by calling the Club on 0115 9272767.


The Chair expressed appreciation to Eddie Curry, members of the Bulwell Hall Golf Club for all of their hard work and dedication which has secured the future of the golf course.




(1)  to acknowledge the achievements of the Nottingham City Golf Club and the Parks And Open Spaces Team partnership in securing the future of the Nottingham City Golf Course;


(2)  for the Head of Parks and Open Spaces to convene a meeting with Ward Councillors in preparation of establishing the Bulwell Hall Park Working Group.