Agenda item

Urgent Care Services

Report of the Head of Democratic Services


Naomi Robinson, Commissioning Manager – Primary Care, Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group, introduced a report and presentation, updating the Panel on the preferred provider for urgent care services, providing further detail on plans for interim and future service provision.


Ms Robinson made the following points in her presentation:


(a)  a review of walk-in service contracts took place in 2011/12, and identified a duplication of services and variances in delivery between both services. Patient feedback indicated high levels of satisfaction with the services, but also highlighted problems in accessing primary care. GP commissioners used these findings to inform a remodelling of walk-in services;

(b)  the remodelling approach presented to key stakeholders in 2013/14 was broadly welcomed. There was specific support for a more seamless ‘see and treat’ approach, for greater clarity between the roles of walk-in and primary care services, and for greater equity of access through having a city centre location;

(c)  there followed intensive clinical and patient engagement, involving the Patient Engagement Team and Healthwatch Nottingham and including ‘roadshows’ and 2 significant engagement events. The engagement findings confirmed support for a city centre location, increased diagnostics (particularly x-Ray), co-location with urgent dental services, consistent 7-day opening times and public transport and parking access;

(d)  a further period of engagement focused on ‘seldom heard’ groups. Feedback included the need for a welcoming and non-judgmental approach, maintaining current links between services and substance misuse and homelessness organisations and access to repeat prescriptions;

(e)  the key features of the final urgent care specification included high quality assessment, diagnosis and treatment of urgent health conditions, urgent diagnostic x-Ray without attending Accident and Emergency year-round opening hours of 7am-9pm, short waiting times for initial assessment and treatment and continued access for vulnerable patient groups with close links to specialist services;

(f)  the procurement process attracted 13 expressions of interest, and, following a market management-bidder event in September 2014, 3 organisations submitted a bid. The procurement process was supported by a Patient Procurement Panel, providing a ‘patient voice’ throughout;

(g)  Nottingham CityCare Partnership was announced as the preferred bidder in February 2015, and an Implementation Group is to be established to oversee the development of the Urgent Care Centre;

(h)  The Centre is to be sited at Seaton House, London Road and the CityCare Partnership is working to a commencement ate of 1 October 2015. Work is ongoing with providers of the 8-8 Health Centre and Clifton Nurse Access Point to manage transition.


The Panel commended the process for its high levels of transparency and stakeholder engagement. During discussion, the following points were made:


(i)  Ms Robinson confirmed that there will be consistent ongoing communication with citizens and through GP practices on transition arrangements. While it would be for the preferred bidder to clarify what was meant by ‘urgent’ care, communications leads from all relevant organisations involved in interim arrangements needed to liaise to ensure a seamless transition;

(j)  Ms Robinson confirmed that TUPE arrangements will apply for affected staff. While specific consultation with existing staff did not take place, current clinicians did attend and contribute to ‘roadshow’ events;

(k)  There was consensus that Seaton House on London Road, while not ideal, was the best available option, being relatively central, on an arterial route and having parking available;

(l)  A Panel member suggested that a ‘Hopper’ bus service would make the Centre more accessible;

(m)  Ms Robinson welcomed a Healthwatch suggestion to locate a Healthwatch ‘Talk to Us’ information and feedback point at Seaton House;

(n)  The Panel requested an update once the Seaton House facility was fully established, and welcomed the opportunity to visit the Seaton House site in the future.




(1)  thank Ms Robinson for her informative presentation;

(2)  consider a further update once the Seaton House Walk-In Centre was fully operational, and to organise a visit to the Centre to inform the Panel;


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