Agenda item


Report of Corporate Director for Children and Adults.


Alison Challenger, Interim Director of Public Health, introduced thereport seeking approval for the re-procurement and award of a contract for the Integrated Sexual Health Service, and highlighting the following points in addition to responding to councillors’ questions:


(a)  The Service has high levels of demand, as Nottingham has high levels of acute sexually transmitted infections, including HIV;


(b)  The Service addresses both treatment and prevention, and will require significant infrastructure investment going forward;


(c)  Procurement contracts will include break clauses and capping where appropriate, to provide flexibility in the face of further expected budget reductions to non-NHS health-related services.




(1)  approve the procurement of the sexual health services outlined in exempt Appendix 2 to the report, jointly with Nottinghamshire County Council;


(2)  delegate authority to the Interim Director for Public Health in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adults and Health, to allocate funds for the above expenditure and to secure best value for Nottingham Citizens;


(3)  delegate authority to the Interim Director for Public Health in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adults and Health to approve the outcome of tenders, agree the final values and award contracts  for the services detailed in exempt Appendix 2, providing this does not exceed the maximum values indicated;


(4)  delegate authority to the Head of Contracting and Procurement to sign the final contracts in respect of the services detailed in exempt Appendix 2, following approval by the Interim Director for Public Health to the agreed contract awards;


(5)  approve the budget to support the contractual values set out in exempt Appendix 2. If the contractual values are over and above the indicative maximum values a separate report will be presented for approval.


Reasons for Decisions


(1)  To ensure that the Public Health funding allocations are utilised to commission and procure services in an appropriate way and in accordance with the correct legislation. The re-procurement of these sexual health services will seek to ensure the delivery of high quality services, at the best possible value for money. Exempt appendix 2 sets out the proposed maximum service values, contract duration and details of potential efficiencies.


(2)  To allow for relevant and mandatory commissioning activity to continue in order to maintain service provision for citizens and meet identified local need, including meeting the recommendations from the Nottingham City Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. Commissioning activity will also contribute to ensuring continued progress of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and relevant Public Health Outcomes Framework targets.


(3)  To enable contracts to be issued in a timely manner to ensure continuity of service delivery from April 2016, when the current contractual arrangements time expire.


Other options considered


(1)    Tender for sexual health services for the City only - This would ensure a compliant process and value for money. However this option would not deliver the added benefits for citizens of an integrated service and possible enhanced efficiency savings.


(2)  Do nothing – This option was rejected as this would mean that existing contracts for sexual  health services expire, leaving the city without this statutory service or with a service that has not been compliantly procured.


Supporting documents: