Agenda item


Presentation of Director of Economic Development


Mark Armstrong, Senior Regeneration Officer, presented a verbal update on the Clifton Town Centre Action Plan, highlighting the following points:


(a)  Mark is becoming a Town Centre Co-ordinator, as part of the Action Plan. Clifton has 2 or 3 major projects happening at the moment, and needs to be ready to grow and prosper;


(b)  all areas of Clifton need to be looked at, not just the centre. Each area also needs to be examined collectively, rather than in isolation;


(c)  the Action Plan has been divided into short term projects (1 year), medium term projects (2-3 years), and longer term projects;


(d)  the tram is likely to have a very large impact, with an influx of new people to Clifton using the park and ride. The aim will be to get them off the tram and into the shops, rather than straight into their cars;


(e)  central Clifton shops are at almost 100% capacity, which is excellent news;


(f)  an urban extension is taking place in Rushcliffe, and ideally the new people living there should be drawn in to the shops in Clifton;


(g)  the market is within Council control, so the Council can have a direct impact on its success. There is opportunity and potential funding available to renew all the market stalls;


(h)  it is difficult to know in advance what issues may arise with pedestrian flow routes as a result of the tram. The alleyway through to Morrison’s needs improvement, but there is insufficient funding available to improve the whole road leading to the alley;


(i)  the Holy Trinity shopping area is very attractive, but still has some large issues, including a gas box and some shop canopies in need of replacement. Pressure can be brought to improve the appearance of the gas box, and the Council will work with the shop owners to improve the canopies. Street furniture improvements are also being investigated;


(j)  market forces will help to bring about many physical regeneration projects, but the Council can also help to facilitate these improvements;


(k)  the next steps for the Action Plan include a stringent approval process involving Directors, Portfolio Holders, and the Strategic Regeneration Committee. After this there will be a consultation period. Overall there are 131 pages of actions, of which around 80% will be achievable, with more options potentially becoming apparent throughout the consultation process.


Following questions, comments and discussion from the Committee, Mark Armstrong provided further information:


(l)  a survey will need to be completed regarding the space above shops. Some national operators don’t like to have accommodation above their premises, they prefer for the space to be used as storage or meeting space. It is preferable from a regeneration perspective to have the spaces occupied, or at least decorated and maintained to look occupied, but both of these options need to happen in consultation with the shop owners;


(m)  speed bumps are beyond the current remit of the Action Plan, which is more focused on the shops and shopping areas;


(n)  the Fairham House site is included within the longer term aspect of the Action Plan, but issues surrounding Fairham House are currently commercially sensitive, so no further details are available at the moment;


(o)  whilst Clifton has a wide range of food shops, these mostly fall within the budget category. There is a large amount of interest in budget shops such as Aldi and Lidl, but Clifton should aim to offer a broader range, to draw in a wider demographic. Other shops are currently being engaged with a view to attracting them to Clifton;


(p)  a significant proportion of Clifton residents do not drive, and these residents need to be catered to;


(q)  the Committee suggested there is a need for places to eat, drink and relax, possibly an open space with cafes at the Royal Mail site. Mark confirmed this issue is being considered, and that it has been noted that Clifton doesn’t currently have a central square or focal point like many other towns. A square could potentially be used to host the market;


(r)  the main block of shops are Freehold long leases, owned by the City Council, so the Council knows a lot about the tenants and can work closely with them on any improvements;


(s)  the Committee noted that the market is currently very close to the road. The Markets Team at the Council is looking at what improvements can be made to the market.




(1)  thank Mark for his informative update on the Clifton Town Centre Action Plan and note its contents;


(2)  invite Mark to the next meeting of the Area 8 Committee scheduled for 16 September 2015, to provide an update on the consultation process.