Agenda item

Questions and Petitions from Citizens


Questions from citizens


Mr S H asked the following question of the Portfolio Holder for Jobs, Growth and Transport, to receive a written response:


Can you please explain the process of consultation as it does not appear as democratic as first seen. I refer for example to the proposal to make Station Street pedestrian only. It would appear from press reports that the funding was signed off before the consultation even began. How can you sign off a project when the residents have not had a chance to give their approval, and, given that you do not know what amendments to the proposal would be, what he budget required is anyway? Exactly how does the council view the consultation process, is it part of an approval process? Can it be used to stop ideas being taken forward? Can I also request that in examples such as the above, it is made perfectly clear when requesting opinions that "funding has already been signed off, it is going ahead"?


Councillor Nick McDonald responded, in writing, as follows:


The Station Street project was included in the City Council’s refreshed capital programme approved at the February 2015 Executive Board meeting. Following further development of the proposals to confirm funding and likely costs a delegated Leader decision was approved on the 12th May 2015. This agreed to commence transport infrastructure improvement works for a new high quality public space on Station Street adjacent to the Station and re-arrange traffic management, to approve funding from:

·  Creative Quarter Public Realm schemes funded by the City Deal

·  European Regional Development Fund grant

·  Contributions from the Nottingham Station Hub scheme highway improvement allocation

·  Local Growth Fund Turning Point South / Broadmarsh allocation (subject to D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership confirmation)

·  Approval to use the Councils in house contractors to undertake works

The approval therefore fulfils the City Councils approval procedures for implementing Capital funded schemes.


The detail design of the scheme and traffic orders are subject to consultation which is currently being undertaken in accordance with statutory procedures for the Traffic Regulation Orders proposed and will continue with the development of the detail design / layout for the works.


It would be unusual to undertake consultation, detailed design and make changes to traffic regulation orders in advance of approvals for the project to commence and for the necessary funding required. I hope this clarifies the process and confirms the current status of the consultation process for the Station Street proposals.


Petitions from councillors on behalf of citizens


Three petitions were presented to Council. Councillor Steve Battlemuch presented a petition from the residents of Chalcote Drive in Wollaton, requesting effective resurfacing of road and pavements to ensure safety to all, and a petition from the residents of Ringwood Crescent in Wollaton, requesting a residents parking scheme for the street. Councillor Jon Collins presented a petition from residents of the Victoria Centre flats, requesting increased security, such as fob entry, at the entrance to the Victoria Centre flats from Clinton Street.