Committee details

Overview and Scrutiny Call-In Sub-Committee

Purpose of committee

Overview and scrutiny helps to provide accountability and transparency in local public services.  It is an opportunity for non-executive councillors to review policies, decisions and services of the City Council and other organisations operating in Nottingham to ensure they meet the needs of the community and, where necessary, makes recommendations for improvement.


The Call-in Panel is a sub-committee of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and meets as and when required to consider requests to ‘call-in’ a decision.  ‘Call-in’ refers to the power of overview and scrutiny to ask the Council’s Executive to reconsider a decision made, but which has not yet been implemented.  Decisions that can be called-in are those of:

  • The Executive Board
  • A committee of the Executive Board (Executive Board Commissioning Committee; Executive Board Strategic Regeneration Committee)
  • The City of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Economic Prosperity Committee
  • An individual Portfolio Holder
  • Executive decision made by an Area Committee
  • Executive decision (£10,000 or more) made by an officer under authority delegated by the Leader, Executive Board or a committee of the Executive Board

with the exception of decisions made under the urgency procedure, which cannot be called-in.


The Call-in Panel is made up of 8 non-executive councillors appointed to reflect the political balance of the Council.


Meetings are open to the public.


Contact information

Support officer: Jane Garrard. Senior Governance Officer

Phone: 0115 876 4315
