02/08/2017 - Redevelopment of land at Tunstall Drive to provide 40 to 42 new Council homes - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision due date: Not before 16/08/2017

Lead officer: David Baillie

Notice of decision: 02/08/2017

Reason for urgency:
In order to meet the development programme timescales and avoid loss of “Right to buy replacement funding” NCH will need to let the contract and place work orders. This requires a decision by the date shown.

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
The decision includes commercially sensitive information which if released could jeopardise achieving a competative price for the works.

27/07/2017 - Establishment of the Security & Logistics Function - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision due date: Not before 04/08/2017

Lead officer: Mary Lester

Notice of decision: 27/07/2017

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
The item could not be included on the 28 Day Notice because of the consultation process required prior to the formal establishment of the function, which needs to start sooner than giving 28 days' notice would allow

25/07/2017 - Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) - Revised Publication Version - Approval for Consultation - Key Decision

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision due date: Not before 23/08/2017

Lead officer: Matt Gregory

Notice of decision: 25/07/2017