Paper petition details

On Road Car Parking - Girton Road

Undertake a similar parking survey to Valmont Road with a view to putting in suitbale parking restrictions.


Started by: Mr Stephen Catterall

On reaching 1 signatures the head of the relevant department will be made aware of the matter.

This Paper petition ran from 08/02/2016 to 08/03/2016 and has now finished.

26 people signed this Paper petition.

Council response

Dear Mr Catterall


I have been informed that Berridge Ward councillors have agreed to fund a residents parking survey to look into the level of support (subject to approval at Area Committee on 18 February starting at 6pm), and what measures can be taken to ease parking congestion on Valmont Road and Girton Road.

If there are any further questions on this matter, please contact Cllr Carole Ann Jones directly at , or at a Berridge Ward surgery, which takes place every Saturday between 11am – 12pm at the Mary Potter Centre.