Meeting documents

Schools Forum
Thursday, 24th January, 2013

Explanation of Terms

Page updated 11/02/2009


No documents have been circulated with the agenda for this item.

If you wish to know which members submitted their apologies for absence you will need to look at the minutes of this meeting. These are included as an agenda item for the next meeting of this body.


No documents have been circulated with the agenda for this item.

Members and officers will be asked if they have any interests to declare in items on the agenda before they are considered. The purpose of this item is to ensure that the impression is not created that they are, or may be, using their position to promote a private or personal interest rather than serving the general public interest.

If members or officers have a pecuniary (financial) interest in any matter and are present at a meeting when the matter is being considered they are required by law to disclose it and not speak or vote on that item. There are however exceptions to this:

  • membership of or employment by a public body does not count as an indirect pecuniary interest. Public bodies include other local authorities, trusts undertakings carried out under national ownership and governing bodies of universities, colleges and schools;

  • if the nominal value (not the current market price) of a members shares in a company is less than £5,000 or less than 1/100th of the total nominal value of the company.s issued share capital, they can speak and vote but the interest must still be disclosed;

  • liability to pay council tax, or the right to receive services provided to the public generally, does not count, nor does a pecuniary interest which is so remote or insignificant that it is not likely to influence them.

The National Code of Local Government Conduct says that, if they have a private or personal interest in something being discussed at a meeting, members should disclose it, unless it is insignificant or one which is shared with members of the public generally. There are however exceptions to this which allow speaking and voting even though a non-pecuniary interest has been declared which is clear and substantial:-

  • where they have an interest because of their membership of a public body;

  • where they have an interest because they are on the management committee of a charity or other voluntary body and they were appointed to it by the council as their representative;

  • where they have an interest because they are on the management committee of such an organisation but they were not appointed by the council. in this case they can speak on matters which their organisation is interested in but should not vote on any matter which directly affects the finances or property of the organisation;

  • where a dispensation has been obtained from the Secretary of State of the Environment for a specific dispensation to enable them to speak on an issue in which they would otherwise have to declare an interest.


No documents have been circulated with the agenda for this item.


No documents have been circulated with the agenda for this item.

This item appears on agendas under certain circumstances.

It is the custom at Nottingham City Council to appoint Members to serve as Chairs or Vice-Chairs of Boards, Committees or other similar bodies for its entire Municipal Year (May to April). This item will normally appear on the agenda for a body.s first meeting in a new Municipal Year. There is no written report for the item as oral nominations are made and seconded by Members during the meeting. The results of the election process are contained in the Minutes of the meeting, which can normally be found for confirmation on the agenda of the next meeting.

Under certain circumstances it may be necessary to appoint a Chair for a single meeting only or on a meeting by meeting basis. In that event the item would then appear on the relevant agenda.

If you require any further information about this item, please contact a member of the Committee Administration Section, City Secretary.s Department.


No documents have been circulated with the agenda for this item.

This item appears on agendas under certain circumstances

It is the custom at Nottingham City Council to appoint Members to serve as Chairs or Vice-Chairs of Boards, Committees or other similar bodies for its entire Municipal Year (May to April).

This item will normally appear on the agenda for a body.s first meeting in a new Municipal Year. There is no written report for the item as oral nominations are made and seconded by Members during the meeting. The results of the election process are contained in the Minutes of the meeting, which can normally be found for confirmation on the agenda of the next meeting.

Under certain circumstances it may be necessary to appoint a Vice-Chair for a single meeting only or on a meeting by meeting basis. In that event the item would then appear on the relevant agenda.

If you require any further information about this item, please contact a member of the Committee Administration Section, City Secretary.s Department.


No documents have been circulated with the agenda for this item.

This item requests the Board or committee concerned to note the resignation of a City Councillor from an organisation and seeks a nominated replacement if appropriate.


No documents have been circulated with the agenda for this item.

To determine, or to note, dates for future meetings of the committee.


The documents circulated in relation to these matters are listed in subsequent items, but the press and public are excluded from the meeting for the consideration of these item(s) on the basis that the report(s) contain exempt information from one or more of the following categories:

  1. Information relating to a particular employee, former employee or applicant to become an employee of, or a particular office-holder, former office-holder or applicant to become an office-holder under the Authority.

  2. Information relating to a particular employee, former employee or applicant to become an employee of, or a particular officer, former officer or applicant to become an officer appointed by:

    1. a Magistrate's Court Committee within the meaning of Section 19 of the Justices of the Peace Act 1979; or

    2. a Probation Committee appointed under paragraph 2 of Schedule 3 to the Powers of Criminal Courts Act 1973.
  3. Information relating to any particular occupier or former occupier of, or applicant for, accommodation provided by or at the expense of the Authority.

  4. Information relating to any particular applicant for, or recipient or former recipient of, any service provided by the Authority.

  5. Information relating to any particular applicant for, or recipient or former recipient of, any financial assistance provided by the Authority.

  6. Information relating to the adoption, care, fostering or education of any particular child.

  7. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (other than the Authority).

  8. The amount of any expenditure proposed to be incurred by the Authority under any particular contract for the acquisition of property or the supply of goods or services.

  9. Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the Authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services.

  10. The identity of the Authority (as well as any other person, by virtue of paragraph 7 above) as the person offering any particular tender for a contract for the supply of goods or services.

  11. Information relating to any consultations, or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations, in connection with any labour relations matter arising between the Authority or a Minister of the Crown and employees of, or office-holders under the Authority.

  12. Any instructions to Counsel and any opinion of Counsel (whether or not in connection with any proceedings) and any advice received, information obtained or action to be taken in connection with:

    1. any legal proceedings by or against the Authority; or

    2. the determination of any matter affecting the Authority.

    (whether, in either case, proceedings have been commenced or are in contemplation).

  13. Information which, if disclosed to the public would reveal that the Authority proposes:

    1. to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or

    2. to make an order or direction under any enactment.

  14. Any action taken or to be taken in connection with the prevention, investigation or prosecution of crime.

  15. The identity of a protected informant.

If you require information on any of the above aspects then contact the Committee Section on extension 55543)