Venue: Remote - To be held remotely via Zoom - View directions
Contact: Mark Leavesley 0115 876 4302
No. | Item |
Chair Minutes: Due to Councillor Liversidge (Chair) having technical issues with his sound, in so far as he could hear the meeting but could not be heard by those present, it was agreed that Councillor Ahmed (Vice-Chair) would Chair the meeting. However, Councillor Liversidge remained in the meeting and voted on the items by visual indication only. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Councillor Langton - leave |
Declarations of interests Minutes: None. |
Last meeting held on 29 September 2020 (for confirmation) Minutes: The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 29 September as a correct record and they were signed by the Chair presiding at the meeting. |
Report of Director of HR and Customer Minutes: Jo Hill, Employee Relations Specialist, presented the report, which sought approval to amend the Council’s Discretionary Compensation Regulations (DCR) Policy statement (agreed June 2020) to accommodate new regulations (The Restriction of Public Sector Exit Payments Regulations 2020, which came into force in November 2020) and to help facilitate and incentivise further voluntary redundancy applications.
During discussion, the Committee stated that while the authority was disappointed that it was in the position of having to reduce staffing numbers, it welcomed the enhancements being proposed for those that may be made redundant.
(1) to approve the following amendments to the Council’s DCR Policy Statement, as detailed in appendix 1 of the report:
(a) to allow for enhancement to voluntary redundancy payments on the following basis:
For employees age under 55 on grades A-K (or equivalent) and SLMG (or equivalent)
Redundancy payments will be based on a multiplier of two (x2) to the statutory payment, subject to the statutory limit on a week’s pay;
For employees age 55 and over on grades A-K (or equivalent) and SLMG (or equivalent):
- The application of a two (x2) multiplier to the statutory payment for applicants when pension entitlement is reduced or deferred, subject to the statutory limit on a week’s pay. All payments are subject to the limits of the forthcoming further exit payment reforms;
- No change to DCR where an applicant is entitled to an unreduced pension. The amount payable will be based on the statutory limit on a week’s pay with no multiplier;
(b) to allow for the Head of Paid Service, in consultation with the Corporate Leadership Team, to determine, on a case by case basis, an enhancement to compulsory redundancy payments to be made on the following basis;
For employees age under 55 on grades A-K (or equivalent) and SLMG (or equivalent):
The application of a one and a half (x1.5) multiplier to the statutory redundancy payment, subject to the statutory limit on a week’s pay;
For employees age 55 and over on grades A-K (or equivalent) and SLMG (or equivalent):
- The application of a one and a half (x1.5) multiplier to the statutory payment for applicants when pension entitlement is reduced or deferred, subject to the statutory limit on a week’s pay. All payments are subject to the limits of the forthcoming further exit payment reforms;
- No change to DCR where an applicant is entitled to an unreduced pension. The amount payable will be based on the statutory limit on a week’s pay with no multiplier;
(2) to note the proposed reforms to redundancy compensation and early access to pension under consultation by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), as detailed in the report.
In respect of minute 1(b) above:
Councillor Clarke requested that his vote against the recommendation be recorded.
Councillor Ahmed abstained from voting on the recommendation. |