Venue: Ground Floor Committee Room - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG. View directions
Contact: Catherine Ziane-Pryor
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Councillor Francis Purdue-Horan (other County Council business) Councillor Leslie Ayoola (work commitments) Jim Thomas (unwell) Ian Bates
Declarations of Interests Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2024, for confirmation. Minutes: Councillor Michael Edwards requested that comment (m) raised within the discussion of minute 6 (NET Operational Performance and Progress Update) of ‘The best option for an extension currently is to Gedling’ is noted as merely an opinion expressed at the meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2024 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chair.
Greater Nottingham Light Rapid Transit (GNLRT) Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Report of the Director of Legal and Governance Minutes: Further to requests to withdraw from the membership of the committee by ‘Ridewise’, and the ongoing non-attendance of representative of Nottingham Trent University, Governance Services undertook a review of co-opted membership. The report sets out the arrangements to amend the membership and terms of reference, in line with the City Council’s constitution, and the requirements of the Nottingham Express Transit System Order 2009, for the committee’s approval.
All current representative members, with the exception of Ridewise and a student representative of Nottingham Trent University, had confirmed they wished to remain on the committee.
Nottingham Trent University was contacted and a named student representative requested, but a response was not received.
Whilst ‘Autism Nottingham’ was invited to nominate a representative, the organisation could not identify a suitable individual.
It is noted that within the report template, all listed ‘Relevant Council Plan Outcomes’ are relevant to the committee, with the exception of ‘Better Housing’.
Comments from Members of the committee are summarised as follows:
a) With the significant number of students within the City, further efforts should be made to identify a student representation for the Committee; b) Andrew Conroy of Tramlink informed the committee that he already works closely with the Nottingham University student bodies, so it may be that they do not feel it necessary to engage elsewhere regarding the tram. However, the invitation to nominate a representative can be made to his current student contacts, and if accepted, directed to Governance Services;
c) As the representative of ‘Travel Watch East Midlands’, Roger Bacon (also Treasurer), informed the committee that, whilst Travel Watch East Midlands is still formally in existence, since losing its statutory status, it is not as active as previously and it is possible that whilst functioning wholly with the support of volunteers, it may shortly cease to exist. However, ‘Railfuture East Midlands’ had welcomed Roger’s GNLRT updates, and as a more active group, would provide better user group representation on the GNLRT Advisory Committee. Roger therefore requested that Railfuture East Midlands replace Travel Wise East Midlands, with his representation remaining. Members of the Committee agreed, with Governance Services requiring the removal of Travel Watch as a representation to be received in writing from that organisation.
1) for Andrew Conroy, Chief Operating Officer, Tramlink Nottingham, to contact Nottingham Trent University student representatives with whom Tramlink have collaborative engagement, and invite representation on the committee with a named representative;
2) that once the status for student representative of Nottingham Trent University is determined, and the transference of representation from ‘Travelwatch East Midlands’ to ‘Railfuture East Midlands’ clarified with regard to the constitution, the City Council be recommended to amend the Greater Nottingham Light Rapid Transit Advisory Committee Terms of Reference regarding co-opted members, including the removal of Ridewise, and to include the following appointments for a three year term:
a) East Midlands Chamber of Commerce b) Nottingham City Disability Involvement Group c) Nottingham Federation of Small Businesses d) Nottinghamshire Better Transport
NET Operational Performance and Progress Update Report of the Head of Operations, Nottingham Trams Minutes: Trevor Stocker, Head of Operations at Nottingham Trams, introduced a report on the performance and progress of NET from the beginning of May 2024 to the end of November 2024. Andrew Conroy, Chief Operating Officer of Tramlink Nottingham, was also in attendance.
The following points which are detailed in the report were highlighted:
a) Operational performance (between 93.6 to 95.8%), including the factors such as tram availability, substation faults traffic congestion, and incidents with cyclists which impacted on performance;
b) key events in the period, including rail and points replacement, serious collisions and other significant emergency situations (including non-tram related), tram failure, Goose Fair, and weather impact;
c) the zero tolerance campaign on fare evasion;
d) Parking enforcement at park-and-ride sites;
e) Antisocial behaviour;
f) Partnership working and community engagement.
Questions from members of the committee were responded to as follows:
g) overall, antisocial behaviour is in decline, but continues across the network with peaks and troughs in different areas as action is taken. There have not been any specific significant antisocial behaviour instances reported at the Compton Acres tram stop, but it should be noted that problems are not necessarily caused by local people, and some people do travel some distance to gather in groups which may then cause antisocial issues;
h) where incidents occur, such as the scaffolding truck pulling out in front of the tram and causing a derailment, the Police are always involved, but neither NET nor Tramlink are informed of police prosecutions, such as for driving without due care and attention. The required information is collated and provided to insurers (and the Police), with the aim to recoup any financial losses;
i) the service is operating with two types of rolling stock. With regard to maintenance, the distance travelled before a disablement defect occurs is used as a gauge of longevity. The older rolling stock which has been operating since the initiation of phase 1 of the network has travelled further and requires a higher level of maintenance. Discussions have taken place between the City Council and Tramlink as there is 10 years concession left on the function of the network, but with no requirement to procure new rolling stock. This is an ongoing area of concern;
j) The highlighting of Silverdale residents’ safety concern is welcomed with regard to the poor lighting of the isolated pathways to both Clifton and Ruddington Lane tram stops, including the Ruddington Lane subway. Andrew Conroy asked the cllr to contact him and he would attend the location to look into what could be done.
k) Tramlink is aware of the sporadic antisocial behaviour issues of car meets taking place at park and ride sites, mainly at Toton, but occasionally at Phoenix Park. Significant investment has been dedicated at Toton tram park and ride to deter car meets and make the site less attractive to hold meets, but this hasn’t prevented activity and further Police attention and a prevention order have been requested, but have not materialised, even though CCTV footage has been provided to Police as evidence of the ongoing issue. Neither NET, nor Tramlink officers are aware of any particular car-meet issues at the Clifton Park and Ride site;
l) the surface water flooding on Wilford Lane has been unfairly attributed to the tram, but is due to the road network and surrounding developments. It does impact on the tram which drastically lowered speeds during periods of flooding. The recent flooding of the line in this area with polluted water has cost thousands of pounds due to the required cleaning of the track area and replacement of the track ballast and soak away. The flooding of a significant entry road to the city is a concern, particularly during events, but the responsibility for the solution does not sit with Tramlink;
m) an additional electricity sub-station to the south of the City is not required, even with the increasing amount of development. If current fluctuation from the central grid occurs, the current substations will shut down and will require resetting from the central grid workers. Sometimes this can be bypassed by an electrical substation, but time is needed to ensure that it is safe, before increasing power;
n) NET is still working with the Pythian Club, including to address antisocial behaviour, and has been working to establish a schedule of Springtime activities.
Comments from the committee included:
o) the comprehensive report is welcomed;
p) residents appreciate the lower speed of trams through the Meadows;
q) operators should refer to recent staffing solutions established by Nottingham City Transport to prevent further industrial action by tram staff;
r) the advertising ‘A-board outside Costa Coffee by the Royal Centre tram stop causes pedestrians and citizens using mobility scooters to move onto the tram tracks, which is dangerous and needs to be addressed;
s) the Chair requested to meet with Andrew Conroy and Trevor Stocker after the meeting to discuss the car meet issues at Toton Lane Park and Ride.
1) to note the report;
2) for Martin Williams, Commercial Governance Manager, to request that Community Protection ensure that the Costa Coffee café next to the Theatre Royal do not cause a dangerous footpath obstruction with their advertising ‘A’ board.
Issues Raised by Committee Members and Citizens Report of the Commercial & Governance Manager, Major Projects
Minutes: Martin Williams, Commercial & Governance Manager of Major Projects, informed the Committee that a passenger had requested that the Committee consider her complaint regarding the non-pro-rata refund on a 12-month season ticket.
The report includes both the case of the passenger (Appendix A), and the response of NET (Appendix B), including the rational for the level of refund provided, highlighting that this information is included in the terms and conditions for the season ticket which are available on the website and had to be acknowledged to enable the ticket to be purchased.
In summary, the refund terms and conditions allow for a refund to be made once the lowest ticket cost for the spent period of travel is deducted from the cost of the 12-month ticket. If the lowest ticket cost totals more than the proportion of the 12-month ticket, the difference is not pursued. A pro-rata refund is not provided as the cost of the 12-month ticket is offered at an incentive price.
Resolved to note that having considered the complaint, the Committee is satisfied with Tramlink’s response, and recommended that no further action is required.
Future Meeting Dates Provisionally (pending approval by the City Council)
15 July 2025 13 January 2026 Minutes: Noted that, subject to City Council approval, the Committee is proposed to meet on 15 July 2025, and 13 January 2026.