Agenda and minutes

Schools Forum
Tuesday, 21st January, 2020 1.45 pm

Venue: LB 31-32 - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG. View directions

Contact: Phil Wye  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Andy Jenkins, Maintained Primary Schools

Sean Kelly, Special Academies

Patricia Lewis, Maintained Special Schools

Janet Molyneux, Maintained Primary Schools

Cath Rowell, Secondary Academies

Terry Smith, Maintained Primary Schools

Sheena Wheatley, Trade Unions

Bob White, Secondary Academies

Councillor Neghat Khan, Portfolio Holder for Early Years, Education & Skills


Declarations of Interest




Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 249 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2019, for approval


The Forum confirmed the minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2019 as a correct record and these were signed by the Chair.


Outcome of the consultation on the proposed changes to the local funding formula for schools in 2020/21

Joint Report of the Corporate Director for People and the Chief Finance Officer

Additional documents:


Julia Holmes, Senior Commercial Business Partner, introduced the report collating details of the responses to the consultation with schools following the Secretary of State for Education’s September 2019 announcement on funding arrangements for 2020/21.


Nottingham City Council will continue to distribute funding to individual schools in 2020/21 in line with the National Funding Formula (NFF) and to adopt the changes to the formula introduced in 2020/21, including:


·  A new mobility formula;

·  Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) of between 0.5% and 1.84% per pupil;

·  No cap on gains under the NFF.


Resolved to


(1)  note the content of the proposed schools funding formula for 2020/21 in the consultation document;

(2)  note the consultation responses received from Nottingham City schools and the significantly low response rate;

(3)  note the Local Authority’s proposal to distribute funding to schools in 2020/21 in line with the 2020/21 NFF.


Schools Budget 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 928 KB

Joint report of the Corporate Director for People and the Chief Finance Officer


Kathryn Stevenson, Senior Commercial Business Partner, introduced the report presenting the proposed Schools Budget for 2020/21. The Budget has been prepared in line with the parameters agreed at Schools Forum and with the financial regulations issued by the Department for Education.


Nottingham City has received the maximum 17% increase per head for High Needs, which would have been £5.2m higher had there not been a national cap on gains. This allows for a High Needs budget to be set within the allocation with no need to use reserves or a Schools Block Transfer.


The Education and Skills Funding Agency has reduced its allocation for historic commitments of Central Expenditure in the Central Schools Services Block by 20%.


The Chair stressed the importance of ongoing discussions regarding the contributions to the Central Schools Services Block’s historic commitments when preparing for future budgets.


Resolved to


(1)  note the overall indicative 2020/21 Schools Budget to be spent incorporating the Schools, Central Schools Services, Early Years and High Needs blocks is £289.303m, as below:

Schools Block


Central Schools Services Block


Early Years Block


High Needs Block


Total Dedicated Schools Grant


(2)  note this is funded by the provisional 2020/21 DSG allocation of £287.776m, the reimbursement of £0.237m funding paid to academies for pupil growth April to August 2020 and £1.060m from the Statutory School Reserve;

(3)  note that the budget will be updated in year to reflect subsequent adjustments made by the ESFA to the 2020/21 DSG allocation;

(4)  note that any balance remaining will be allocated to the Statutory School Reserve;

(5)  note the impact to schools budgets of the indicative allocation as set out below:




EY – 3-4 Year olds universal allocation updated to reflect the January 2019 census


EY – 3-4 Year olds additional 15 hours allocation updated to reflect the January 2019 census


EY – Maintained nursery school supplementary funding


EY – 2 Year olds allocation updated to reflect the January 2019 census


EYPP – 3-4 Year olds allocation updated to reflect the January 2019 census


HN – ESFA agreed baseline correction linked to college merger


HN – 2019/20 Import/export adjustment based on January 2018 school census and February R06 2017/18 ILR




Schools – Increased pupil numbers and the impact of the changes to the NFF in 2020/21


Pupil growth contingence fund


Historic commitments allocation


Ongoing commitments net effect of reduction in rate and the increase in pupil numbers


EY – Impact of the EYNFF 8p/hour increase on 3 & 4 YO funding allocation


EY – Impact of the 8p/hour increase on 3 2 YO funding allocation


HN – NFF allocation excluding basic entitlement factor and import and export adjustments


HN – Basic entitlement factor


Total allocation increase



(6)  note the allocation of Pupil Premium funding will be allocated to schools in accordance with the grant conditions.


Future meeting dates

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Tuesday 23 June 2020



The Forum noted the remaining meetings of the 2019/20 academic year on the following Tuesdays at Loxley House:


25 February 2020

28 April 2020

23 June 2020