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Joint Committee on Strategic Planning and Transport

This page lists the meetings for Joint Committee on Strategic Planning and Transport.

Click on the meeting dates listed below to find out more. If you want to look at meetings from previous years, select the relevant year from the drop down menu in the box below and click on Go

Information about Joint Committee on Strategic Planning and Transport

The Joint Committee on Strategic Planning and Transport is made up of 4 City Councillors and 4 County Councillors and exists to advise on regional, sub-regional and strategic planning and transport issues, including the conformity of local Development Documents, the Local Transport Plan, the Greater Nottingham Rail Development Plan and other public transport operations. Administration of the Joint Committee alternates between Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County every two years.


Nottingham City will administer the Joint Committee for the municipal years 2020/21 & 2021/22.  Details about committee meetings and papers can be found on the City Council’s website.


The Committee usually meets 4 times a year.


Meetings are open to the public.