Agenda item

Procurement Strategy 2018-23 Year End Report

Report of the Acting Director of Commissioning and Procurement.


Steve Oakley, Acting Director of Commissioning and Procurement, presented the report which provides an update of performance for 2019-2020 against the Procurement Strategy 2018-2023, with contributions from Jo Pettifor, Category Manager.


The following points were highlighted:


a)  334 contracts were awarded which represents a total value of £578.4 million £397.69 million has been injected into the local economy with 68.75% of total contract value awarded to city suppliers, 91% of the total contract value retained with the Nottinghamshire, and 94.31% awarded within the East Midlands area;

b)  175 new entry-level jobs and apprenticeships of been created;


c)  cash savings £1.42 million per annum on re-occurring contracts have been achieved, which represents 1.2% of the total contract value;


d)  £18.8 million has been income generation is being created for the Council;


e)  hundred 92 environmental measures and benefits have been secured through contracts awarded;


f)  31 contracts have been subject to the 1% levy;


g)  during the initial year of the strategy, it had been difficult to achieve the local suppliers target, but this year’s performance is much improved.


Members of the committee commented as follows:


h)  The report provides a lots positive elements, including progress in achieving the long term aim to purchase from within the local area and provide jobs for local residents and citizens;


i)  progress in the creation of 175 entry-level jobs and apprenticeships, and awarding 91% of contracts within the county are very welcome;


j)  environmental benefits identified through contract requirements are important and the behaviour of the council and its subcontractors will continue to be considered with regard to environmental impact;


k)  to citizens, it may appear, as though the council spends a lot of money, but it is important to understand the scale and wide range of services provided to citizens, including a large proportion of funding for care services for adults and children;


l)  members of the Commissioning and Procurement Teams are congratulated for their work and achievements to date;


m)  it is noted that many contracts were for social care, therefore thanks are also extended to key workers who, in one way or another, work for and support the council in these difficult times;


n)  the achievements outlined within the report are very much welcomed, including the incorporation of ethical and environmental considerations.


Members requested further information regarding the proportion of contracts awarded to external voluntary organisations. This information was not available at the time, but will be provided to members of the committee following the meeting.




1)  to note the outcomes delivered under the Nottingham City Council Procurement Strategy 2018-23 in its second year (2019-20) - as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report;


2)  to note that the Nottingham City Council Procurement Plan 2020 – 2025 will be reported to Committee when the planning of procurement priorities for the remainder of 2020-21 is completed.


This decision is not subject to call-in.


Reasons for decision:


·  to record that performance against the targets set by the strategy have been assessed and examined by the Committee;


·  to ensure that Committee members are informed of proposals to progress the Nottingham City Council Procurement Plan 2020 – 2025.


Other options considered in making recommendations


·  None. Progress against the strategy is reported on a yearly basis.



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