Agenda item


Presentation by Rob Percival, Planning Manager


Rob Percival, Area Planning Manager at Nottingham City Council, delivered a presentation, highlighting the following information:


(a)  Planning permission for the redevelopment of the Broadmarsh Shopping Centre was granted on 17 June by the Planning Committee following almost three months of discussion and consultation with the developers and members of the public. It is expected that the refurbished centre will be ready by 2018.


(b)  The proposals include 55,000 square metres of internal internal floor space with half of that relating to reconfiguration. The redevelopment will see the part demolition, alteration and extension to the centre, including the demolition of the western pedestrian bridge and the refurbishment of the eastern bridge across Collin Street. The entrances will also be altered along Collin Street, Lister Gate and Drury Walk, with the creation of a new entrance on Middle Hill. The scheme represents £114 million investment in the Broadmarsh Centre and it is anticipated that the construction phase will generate 450 jobs, plus 230 indirect jobs and an economic output of £7.1 million. Once completed, the scheme would provide over 2260 jobs, plus 1155 indirect jobs and an economic output of £55.4 million.


(c)  The proposals include an enhanced leisure and food/beverage facility, a multi-screen cinema and new larger shop units which are likely to secure new brands to Nottingham which will enhance and compliment the shopping experience of the city.


(d)  The creation of the cinema on the south east corner of the Centre, at the junction of Collin Street and Middle Hill involves partial demolition and rebuilding of this part of the Centre. The proposals for the part of the building which houses the cinema is to be finished with aluminium rainscreen cladding in shades of silver and grey.


(e)  The redevelopment of the entrance at Lister Gate includes the removal of the existing Lister Gate entrance which is to be replaced by a metal clad, bronze coloured portal structure with frameless glazing to either side. This will obscure the parapet wall of the service bridge behind, which would be rendered.


(f)  The internal routes through to Lister Gate Square have been designed with a lot of brick work with a glazed route. This is to give the impression of external brick work indoors. The internal columns have also been cladded in brick work for a consistent look throughout the building. Plans outlining the proposed work can still be viewed online or in person at the Centre.


(g)  There are currently two pedestrian footbridges connecting the Centre to the Boardmarsh multi-storey car park. The Western bridge is to be removed but it is proposed to retain and refurbish the eastern bridge which will provide a connection from the car park to the Centre on Level. The proposals remove the servicing route and open up the whole bridge for pedestrian use.


(h)  The existing Drury Walk part of the Centre is to be demolished and rebuilt. This has been conceived as an open street to follow the alignment of Bridlesmith Gate as closely as possible.


Following questions and comments from the Committee, the following information was highlighted:


(i)  The entrance to the caves attraction will remain in its current location. There have been discussions with Intu about enhancing the attractiveness of the caves and this will continue. Part of the planning permission was conditional on exploring how to enhance the caves as a city destination.


(j)  The vision for the Centre is to create an extended shopping day complemented by a leisure hub with catering which is open to the public into evening. Intu are currently negotiating with large retail operators for the lease of the larger units on the ground floor and reputable cinema operators for the 1st floor hub.


(k)  A safe method of accessing the entrance to the right of the cinema will be needed given the high number of foot traffic anticipated. A condition to the planning permission requires that measures are taken to alleviate this potential issue.


(l)  There are no plans to relocate the car park and bus station from their existing sites. Plans for the pedestrianisation of Collins Street could include the reconfiguration of the station but there are no current plans.

(m)  Many of Nottingham’s citizens will be aware of the gardens to the rear of Jamie’s Italian restaurant and Paul Smith on Low Pavement. Plans include a viewing terrace as customers use the escalators to give a glimpse of this hidden oasis.


(n)  Work will continue to take place to promote the heritage and cultural offer in Nottingham. There needs to be a greater emphasis on promoting what Nottingham is good at and there is a feeling that this will encourage shoppers and visitors to Nottingham.


(o)  Once work has finished at Broadmarsh, the intention is to revisit the Victoria Centre for further development. Planning permission has already been granted for the planned Victoria Centre redevelopment, however some aspects of the work might need to revisited nearer the time.


RESOLVED to thank Rob Percival for the informative presentation and to ensure that the proposals and images for the Broadmarsh Centre redevelopment are circulated to members of the Forum.