Committee attendance

Audit Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Leslie Ayoola 3
Councillor Cheryl Barnard 2
Councillor Michael Edwards 3
Councillor John Hartshorne 2
Councillor Rosemary Healy 1
Councillor Anne Peach 3
Councillor Nick Raine 2
Councillor Andrew Rule 3
Councillor Adele Williams 3
Councillor Steve Young 3
Berridge and Sherwood Area Committee, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Mohammed Ibrahim 1
Councillor Carole-Ann Jones 2
Councillor Toby Neal 2
Councillor Brian Parbutt 1
Councillor Jane Urquhart 2
Councillor Adele Williams 2
City Council, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Jim Armstrong 3
Councillor Cat Arnold 3
Councillor Leslie Ayoola 3
Councillor Ilyas Aziz 1
Councillor Cheryl Barnard 2
Councillor Steve Battlemuch 2
Councillor Merlita Bryan 3
Councillor Eunice Campbell-Clark 2
Councillor Graham Chapman 2
Councillor Azad Choudhry 2
Councillor Jon Collins 3
Councillor Josh Cook 2
Councillor Michael Edwards 3
Councillor Chris Gibson 3
Councillor Brian Grocock 3
Councillor John Hartshorne 3
Councillor Rosemary Healy 3
Councillor Nicola Heaton 1
Councillor Mohammed Ibrahim 2
Councillor Patience Uloma Ifediora 3
Councillor Corall Jenkins 1
Councillor Glyn Jenkins 3
Councillor Sue Johnson 1
Councillor Carole-Ann Jones 3
Councillor Gul Nawaz Khan 3
Councillor Neghat Khan 3
Councillor Ginny Klein 3
Councillor Dave Liversidge 3
Councillor Sally Longford 3
Councillor Carole McCulloch 2
Councillor Nick McDonald 0
Councillor David Mellen 2
Councillor Jackie Morris 2
Councillor Toby Neal 3
Councillor Brian Parbutt 2
Councillor Anne Peach 3
Councillor Georgia Power 3
Councillor Nick Raine 2
Councillor Andrew Rule 3
Councillor Mohammed Saghir 2
Councillor Wendy Smith 3
Councillor Roger Steel 1
Councillor Chris Tansley 1
Councillor Dave Trimble 3
Councillor Jane Urquhart 3
Councillor Marcia Watson 1
Councillor Sam Webster 3
Councillor Adele Williams 3
Councillor Malcolm Wood 3
Councillor Linda Woodings 3
Councillor Cate Woodward 3
Councillor Steve Young 3
Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee, 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Jim Armstrong 1
Councillor Ilyas Aziz 1
Councillor Merlita Bryan 1
Councillor Eunice Campbell-Clark 4
Councillor Ginny Klein 4
Councillor Nick McDonald 1
Councillor Brian Parbutt 2
Councillor Anne Peach 4
Councillor Georgia Power 1
Councillor Andrew Rule 3
Councillor Mohammed Saghir 2
Councillor Chris Tansley 2
Councillor Adele Williams 4
Councillor Cate Woodward 4
Licensing Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Cheryl Barnard 3
Councillor Michael Edwards 3
Councillor Brian Grocock 3
Councillor Nicola Heaton 0
Councillor Mohammed Ibrahim 0
Councillor Corall Jenkins 0
Councillor Sue Johnson 0
Councillor Gul Nawaz Khan 2
Councillor Dave Liversidge 0
Councillor Carole McCulloch 0
Councillor Toby Neal 0
Councillor Mohammed Saghir 3
Councillor Adele Williams 3
Councillor Linda Woodings 0
Licensing Panel B, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Nicola Heaton 0
Councillor Adele Williams 0
Regulatory and Appeals Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Jim Armstrong 2
Councillor Cheryl Barnard 3
Councillor Brian Grocock 3
Councillor Mohammed Ibrahim 0
Councillor Corall Jenkins 0
Councillor Gul Nawaz Khan 3
Councillor Dave Liversidge 3
Councillor Carole McCulloch 0
Councillor Toby Neal 1
Councillor Nick Raine 1
Councillor Mohammed Saghir 2
Councillor Adele Williams 2
Councillor Linda Woodings 0