ePetition details

Resident parking Withern Road

We the undersigned petition the council to Create residential parking spaces on Withern Road square

We would like to request residential parking spaces for residents of Withern Road square with house numbers 30-60. We currently have very limited parking with residents being unable to leave the cars on the square. There are 2 unused green spaces overgrown by grass and trees, which overhang the street and areas around the square. Green spaces are surrounded by 2 large paved areas, which are unused by residents and don't provide access to any properties or pavements. There are number of residents with young children, including disabled, and elderly, and with current parking arrangements, it is becoming increasingly dangerous for residents. Greens on the square are being used by residents of surrounding roads for dogs and fouling, have herefore become unusable for residents of the square and create nuisance. Vehicles are being parked on sloping road leading down to the square, with trees overhanging it, as the leaves fallen are not cleaned up due to side of road being blocked off by parked cars, road is becoming wet and slippery whilst driving off and parking, which is creating danger to residents, as this is the only access to and out of the square. As parking spaces are limited due to lay out and driveways on some properties, residents have no other parking spaces, and would have to park on the main road, where spaces are also limited, for residents of square, families with children and elderly, access to those vehicles is becoming increasingly limited and difficult. Only spaces currently usable for residents have trees overhanging them, with falling branches, tree sap and bird droppings, damaging vehicles parked underneath those, and affect visibility of drivers creating further danger, tight spaces also cause vehicles to be blocked in and damaged, creating issues between residents. We would therefore like to request for one of the green spaces to be turned into parking spaces for residents to allow access to properties and our vehicles as we don't feel safe leaving them further away from properties with valuables in and vehicles not being visible from square, as well as to allow residents to safely park with children and elderly close to their properties and away from main road. This would also allow us to unload shopping as we are sometimes are unable to do so. We would also like to request for the overhanging trees in the nearest future to be removed to avoid any further damage to vehicles parked where possible.

Started by: Agnieszka Malicka

This ePetition ran from 06/03/2023 to 11/04/2023 and has now finished.

One person signed this ePetition.

Council response

Thank you for submitting a petition to Nottingham City Council outlining concerns about the lack of on-street parking for residents of 30-60 Withern Road.
The two green areas on Withern Road are managed by the Council’s Housing Services section and are an important community and environmental asset. Green spaces can enhance quality of life by offering a space for socialising, exercise, rest and play whilst also improving the sense of community and enabling more sustainable living. The two green spaces currently house 11 mature trees, and collectively support the Council’s carbon reduction initiatives and reduce the risk of surface water flooding.
The Council recognises that parking pressures are prevalent in residential areas such as Withern Road, and the impact this can have on quality of life and community cohesion. Houses were built without off-street parking and at a time when levels of car ownership were much lower. The increase in home-working has further exacerbated the demand for daytime parking, which is a problem in many areas where options for enhancing on-street parking capacity are limited and where it is not possible to construct a driveway or hardstanding within the property boundary.
Where opportunities for adding additional on-street parking capacity exists, construction costs are often prohibitive and very few schemes are taken forward in isolation. Where opportunities for adding additional on-street parking capacity exists, construction costs are often prohibitive and very few schemes are taken forward in isolation. All projects will need to be subject to availability of funds and relevant council approval processes.
Aside from the environmental and social reasons for retaining the green space, the adopted highway provides a more suitable setting for parking and associated vehicular movements and we would therefore be seeking potential locations that could be maintained as public highway in the future. I believe the options have been discussed with your local Councillor and as an alternative to removing the green space, consideration will be given to removing the two adjacent circular paved areas to accommodate additional residential parking.
Owing to the forthcoming elections, approval to proceed with any alterations here must wait until the newly elected ward Councillors have been appointed. Any works are also subject to the completion of a feasibility design, which will take into account the position of the two telegraph poles and a suitable location for accommodating new trees to account for the two that will need to be removed from the paved area. Please note that, if approved, the earliest opportunity to begin developing proposals and undertaking consultation about any changes will be programmed for the 2024/25 financial year with construction taking place after this.
Finally, our Tree Services section has been asked to inspect the area in view of the points raised in the petition. Any remedial works will be scheduled accordingly, subject to the outcome of these site investigations.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and I trust this is positive outcome for residents of Withern Road.