1.1 The purpose of this report is to consider
re-designation of the streets listed in recommendation 2.2 below
which are currently designated as prohibited streets to consent
streets, and designating the streets listed in recommendation 2.3
below which are not currently subject to a designation as consent
1.2 If approved, the change of designation from prohibited to
consent for the purposes of street trading under the Local
Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, will allow street
trading to take place on those designated streets where street
trading is currently prohibited, while giving Nottingham City
Council (‘the Council’) control over the types of
street trading allowed on those streets. Similarly, if approved,
the designation of streets as consent streets which are not
currently designated will give the Council control over the types
of street trading allowed on those streets. These changes are
considered appropriate in view of an overall review of street
trading controls in the City Centre and changes in the City
including restrictions to vehicle access to some prohibited
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Decision due: 5 Jun 2023 by Regulatory and Appeals Committee
Department: Communities, Environment and Resident Services
Contact: Shaun Miles Email: shaun.miles@nottinghamcity.gov.uk Email: Shaun.Miles@nottinghamcity.gov.uk.