Delegated Decisions

For decisions published since 1 February 2015, please click the bulleted links below to go to the relevant decision type. For Licensing Panel decisions this applies to decisions published from 11 September 2014. You can then use the search facility below to search for a decision by date, by number and/ or by key words in the ‘Title contains’ box and then clicking ‘Find’.

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Title Date Effective from
5232 - Local Development Scheme (LDS) Update ref: 861211/02/202519/02/2025
5230 - Insourcing the Administration, Maintenance and Management of St Anns Allotments ref: 861031/01/202531/01/2025
5226 - The Disposal of Surplus Property Assets ref: 860423/12/202403/01/2025
5224 - To seek approval to invoke contract extension via the EEM framework to supply kitchen units for Housing Services ref: 860016/12/202424/12/2024
5223 - Museums and Galleries Service - Future Delivery Plan ref: 859910/12/202419/12/2024
5221 - Disposal of 49-53 Carlton Road, Nottingham, NG3 2DN ref: 859605/12/202414/12/2024
5220 - Procurement of resources to progress cross cutting opportunities across the authority ref: 859505/12/202413/12/2024
5219 - Move to a software as a service solution for children's and adults case management (Liquidlogic) and ContrOCC systems ref: 859426/11/202405/12/2024
5218 - Warm Homes : Social Housing Fund Wave 3 ref: 859326/11/202426/11/2024
5217 - Expenditure of Traffic Signals Obsolescence Grant Funding ref: 859225/11/202403/12/2024
5214 - Housing Disrepair Claims Locum Support ref: 858912/11/202420/11/2024
5213 - Receipt of £350k of grant funding for the continuation of the successful delivery of the Heat Training Grant for Heat Pumps managed by Midlands Net Zero Hub in CERS ref: 858812/11/202420/11/2024
5211 - Sutton House - Temporary Accommodation for Homeless ref: 858608/11/202419/11/2024
5210 - To request approval to dispose of property known as land on corner of Forum Road/Gala Way, Bulwell, NG5 9RG ref: 858505/11/202414/11/2024
5209 - Deputyship Service Charging Policy: Introduction of new Fees for DWP Appointeeship case work ref: 858430/10/202414/11/2024
5208 - To approve the disposal of land at the junction of Gamble Street and Newdigate Street, NG7 4EY ref: 858305/11/202414/11/2024
5207 - Council Tax Support Scheme Consultation05/11/2024Decision Approved
5206 - HM Coroner's Transportation of Bodies Contract 2024 ref: 858104/11/202412/11/2024
5204 - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham NG2 3NG - Procurement of Landlord works ref: 857930/10/202407/11/2024
5203 - Surrender and re-grant of a new lease for 0.749 Hectares of land at Crossgate Drive, Queens Industrial Estate Nottingham ref: 857830/10/202407/11/2024
5202 - To request approval to dispose of the site formerly known as Innovation House, Daleside Road, Nottingham NG2 4DH ref: 857730/10/202407/11/2024
5201 - Asset Revaluation Programme 2024-2025 ref: 857630/10/202407/11/2024
5199 - Acceptance and Allocation of Household Support Fund 5 Grant Extension ref: 857425/10/202402/11/2024
5195 - Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) 2024/25 Tailored Learning Grant Funding ref: 857022/10/202430/10/2024
5194 - To request approval to dispose of the property known as Ayr Street Studios Ayr Street NG7 4FX ref: 856922/10/202430/10/2024
5193 - To request the approval to dispose of the property known as the Falcon Supermarket 135 Carlton Road Nottingham NG3 2FN ref: 856822/10/202430/10/2024
5192 - To request approval to dispose of the property known as The Embankment, 282-284 Arkwright Street, NG2 2GR ref: 856722/10/202430/10/2024
5197 - To approve disposal of Alfred House, Ashley Street, NG3 1JG ref: 857222/10/202430/10/2024
5196 - Disposal of 49-53 Carlton Road, Nottingham, NG3 2DN ref: 857122/10/202430/10/2024
5189 - To request approval to dispose of property known as 1-6 Miall Court, Miall Street, Nottingham ref: 856415/10/202423/10/2024
5184 - Approval to dispose of property known as 9/9a Poulton Drive, Nottingham ref: 855930/09/202411/10/2024
5183 - People Seeking Asylum and Refugee Access to Healthcare Service ref: 855803/10/202411/10/2024
5182 - Public Transport Commuter Discount Ticket Scheme funded by Department for Transport Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) Grant ref: 855730/09/202409/10/2024
5181 - To approve disposal of 4 Claremont Road, NG5 1BH ref: 855530/09/202409/10/2024
5180 - To approve disposal of the former Thorneywood PRU, Fairmead Close, NG3 3AL ref: 855630/09/202409/10/2024
5178 - To request approval to dispose of the property known as Science Park Land off Fellows Way Nottingham NG7 2RU ref: 855330/09/202408/10/2024
5179 - Surrender and re-grant of a new lease for 3.868 Acres of land at Longwall Avenue, Queens Industrial Estate Nottingham ref: 855430/09/202408/10/2024
5172 - Acceptance and receipt of Department for Transport challenge funding for Traffic Signals Obsolescence Grant ref: 854813/09/202425/09/2024
5169 - Department for Education 24/25 Improvement Funding Allocation ref: 854510/09/202419/09/2024
5163 - Procurement of Waste services ref: 853922/08/202422/08/2024
5159 - Lease Renewal in respect of Part Ground Floor Premises, Donington Court, Herald Way, Castle Donington Leicestershire, DE74 2UZ ref: 853509/08/202420/08/2024
5157 - Asset of Community Value Nomination: Robin Hood Chase06/08/2024Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
5156 - Asset of Community Value Nomination - Alfred House, Ashley Street ref: 853005/08/202414/08/2024
5155 - To seek approval to procure and award a contract for professional services for Housing Services ref: 852905/08/202413/08/2024
5154 - Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham NG2 3NG ref: 852802/08/202413/08/2024
5150 - Recruit external agencies to continue delivery of Strength Based Review workstream as part of the Adults Transformation Programme26/07/2024Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
5146 - Proposed extension to the Nottingham City Council PSPO Dane Court ref: 852216/07/202416/07/2024
5144 - Replacement for IT Service Management (ITSM) case management system ref: 852012/07/202420/07/2024
5145 - Purchase of Microsoft software and services 2022-25 ref: 852112/07/202420/07/2024
5143 - Relocating Hospital, Home Education Learning Centre (HHELC) to the NGY building at 29/31 Castlegate, as a permanent site ref: 851908/07/202416/07/2024
5141 - Inpatient detox service 'The Level' ref: 851726/06/202426/06/2024
5140 - Surrender and re-grant of a new lease for 1.612 acres of land fronting to Lenton Lane Industrial Estate25/06/2024Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
5138 - Ice Cream Concessions on Parks ref: 851525/06/202403/07/2024
5139 - 3 Year Moving Traffic Enforcement (MTE) Programme of Highway Investment ref: 851625/06/202403/07/2024
5137 - Grant of a licence at Eastcroft Depot, London Road, Nottingham ref: 851424/06/202402/07/2024
5136 - Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Capability funding ref: 851319/06/202428/06/2024
5135 - Granting of a Long Lease of (former) Aspley Children's Centre, Amesbury Circus, Nottingham NG8 6DD ref: 851219/06/202427/06/2024
5133 - Midlands Net Zero Hub Grant Funding - Local Net Zero Programme (Continuation Funding) ref: 851014/06/202414/06/2024
5130 - To receive grant funding from Small Steps Big Changes (SSBC) to recruit a Service Manager and Programme Manager ref: 850713/06/202421/06/2024
5129 - Transportation of Passenger Transport Services and School Trips, and school meals transport10/06/2024Decision Approved
5128 - Installation of Temporary Accommodation - Bluecoat Wollaton Academy ref: 850507/06/202407/06/2024
5127 - Approval to extend the existing Refuse Collection Vehicle lease agreement and spend of associated 24/25 costs as set out in financial exempt appendix ref: 850403/06/202412/06/2024
5126 - Disposal of part of the Broad Marsh Development Site24/05/2024Decision Approved
5124 - To receive additional funding from ICB to increase CAMHS staffing provision in Nottingham City ref: 850220/05/202430/05/2024
5121 - NHS tender for winter maintenance, ground maintenance and Christmas tree installation/removal contracts ref: 849914/05/202422/05/2024
5120 - Community Pharmacy Harm Reduction Services ref: 849809/05/202418/05/2024
5118 - Acceptance of Network North Bus Service Improvement Plan Grant ref: 849609/05/202417/05/2024
5119 - Acceptance and Allocation of Household Support Fund 5 Grant ref: 849709/05/202417/05/2024
5117 - Create Growth Programme Expansion ref: 849525/04/202404/05/2024
5116 - Vehicle Identification Plates for Private Hire & Hackney Carriage Vehicles - Tender approval and award of contract ref: 849418/04/202426/04/2024
5112 - Family Hubs Grant and Spend 2022-2025 ref: 849010/04/202410/04/2024
5111 - NCC Enviroenergy Scaffolding Procurement ref: 848904/04/202412/04/2024
5110 - Grant funding for the provision of advice and assistance for people in financial difficulty to improve health and wellbeing outcomes ref: 848825/03/202405/04/2024
5109 - One year Support and Enterprise License contract for NEC Housing system ref: 848721/03/202429/03/2024
5107 - Future High Streets Fund Maid Marian Way Infrastructure Improvements - Main Works Contract ref: 848414/03/202423/03/2024
5106 - Acceptance of grant funding from the Department for Transport ref: 848314/03/202414/03/2024
5104 - To grant a new lease at 1-4 Fountain Dale Court, St Anns, Nottingham, NG3 4QT ref: 848108/03/202419/03/2024
5099 - Drugs and Alcohol Care Team (DACT) ref: 847604/03/202412/03/2024
5098 - Funding for temporary classrooms and design works to expand Bluecoat Wollaton Academy by 300 secondary school places (60 per year group) ref: 847529/02/202408/03/2024
5095 - To recommend a refreshed Strategic Council Plan 2024 - 2027 to Council ref: 847223/02/202402/03/2024
5090 - To Approve the letting of Unit 10 Mulberry Walk, Mere Green, Birmingham, B75 5BP ref: 846715/02/202423/02/2024
5089 - To create a Special Education Needs Provision at Nottingham Girls Academy ref: 846614/02/202422/02/2024
5085 - Traffic Island Sponsorship Framework Concession Contract Award to Community Partners Limited (T/A CP Media) ref: 846214/02/202422/02/2024
5086 - SCATTER updates ref: 846314/02/202422/02/2024
5084 - Local Development Scheme (LDS) Update ref: 846108/02/202416/02/2024
5079 - Independent Advocacy and Support Service (IASS) funding agreement. ref: 845625/01/202402/02/2024
5080 - Procurement of Supported Lodgings services ref: 845725/01/202402/02/2024
5078 - Supply of New and Used Heavy Equipment for use in Schools Catering and Commercial Cafes ref: 845422/01/202431/01/2024
5077 - Further funding for external providers to provide reviews and assessments in Adult Social care ref: 845319/01/202427/01/2024
5076 - Catering Equipment Maintenance and Specialised Coffee Equipment Maintenance Contract ref: 845217/01/202425/01/2024
5075 - Review and updated licence conditions for selective licensing ref: 845115/01/202424/01/2024
5074 - 4 Claremont Road, Nottingham, NG5 1BH ref: 845015/01/202423/01/2024
5073 - 3 Year Income Management Software Renewal ref: 844911/01/202419/01/2024
5069 - Off-street Car Park Tariff Changes ref: 844508/01/202416/01/2024
5070 - On Street Zones 1-3 Tariff Changes ref: 844608/01/202416/01/2024
5068 - Section 106 Funding for Park Projects ref: 844405/01/202413/01/2024
5068 - Section 106 Funding for Park Projects04/01/2024Decision Approved
5067 - Retender Scheduling System ref: 844122/12/202305/01/2024
5065 - Gambling related harm strategy 2023-2028 ref: 843918/12/202328/12/2023
5064 - Regional Skills Pilot - Home Decarbonisation ref: 843829/11/202307/12/2023
5061 - Lease Renewal at 4th Floor Fothergill House, King Street, Nottingham NG1 2AS ref: 843524/11/202305/12/2023
5055 - Capital funding to improve facilities for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at Greenfields Community Primary School ref: 842908/11/202316/11/2023
5054 - New lease at 8-10 The Bridgeway Centre, The Meadows, Nottingham, NG2 2JD ref: 842802/11/202311/11/2023
5044 - Additional funding for external providers to provide reviews and assessments in Adult Social care ref: 841723/10/202301/11/2023
5043 - Mental Health Reablement service - capacity ref: 841623/10/202331/10/2023
5041 - Another Way Funding ref: 841423/10/202331/10/2023
5042 - Slavery Exploitation Team County Expansion ref: 841523/10/202331/10/2023
5039 - East Midlands Library Consortium (EMLib) Library Management System (LMS) Tender ref: 841206/10/202306/10/2023
5038 - Extension of Hovenden Garden Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) ref: 841116/10/202324/10/2023
5036 - Proposed Extension of the Public Spaces Protection Orders restricting public rights of way over specified highways in Nottingham City Council ref: 840916/10/202324/10/2023
5034 - Surrender of existing lease and re-grant of new lease for 226-228 Southchurch Drive, Clifton, Nottingham, NG11 8AA ref: 840710/10/202319/10/2023
5033 - Broad Marsh Acceptance of Homes England Grant and progression of Business case development ref: 840609/10/202318/10/2023
5029 - Department for Education FY23/24 Wave 2 improvement funding ref: 840203/10/202311/10/2023
5028 - Commissioning of PwC to provide project management and business analysis support for the Adult Social Care transformation programme ref: 840103/10/202311/10/2023
5027 - Asylum Dispersal Fund 2021/22 ref: 840002/10/202311/10/2023
5026 - Sale of land off Arnside Road, Bestwood, Nottingham ref: 839902/10/202311/10/2023
5025 - Adoption of Council Enforcement Policy 2023 (Replacement of 2016 version) ref: 839802/10/202310/10/2023
5023 - Attendance Improvement Enhanced Programme (PEIA Grant Funded) ref: 839626/09/202304/10/2023
5020 - TCF 2 New Cycle and Pedestrian Bridge Across the River Trent - Approval to obtain the necessary powers to construct a bridge over navigable water ref: 839307/09/202315/09/2023
5018 - Woodthorpe Park Plant Nursery Catering Concession Contract Award ref: 839107/09/202315/09/2023
5016 - Variation of Hovenden Gardens Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) ref: 838905/09/202313/09/2023
5015 - To accept and spend a grant awarded from Arts Council England's Museum, Estate and Repair Fund for a programme of repairs at Wollaton Hall ref: 838831/08/202308/09/2023
5012 - Surrender of existing lease and re-grant of new lease for 155-157 Canal Street & 96 Cliff Road and 149 -153 Canal Street Nottingham NG1 7HD ref: 838624/08/202302/09/2023
5013 - Local Energy Capacity Support Section 31 Grant Determination (2023-24): No. 31/6810 - Project Funding - Second Variation ref: 838524/08/202302/09/2023
5007 - To grant a new lease at 7-8 Denton Green, Broxtowe, Nottingham, NG8 6GD ref: 838010/08/202319/08/2023
5006 - Purchase of Nottingham City Homes (NCH) Fleet ref: 837909/08/202309/08/2023
4999 - New Catering Contract ref: 837207/08/202315/08/2023
4997 - Spend of grant awarded from National Lottery Heritage Fund for the Wollaton Transformation Programme ref: 837001/08/202310/08/2023
4996 - Lease of Highwood House to Nottingham City Homes Registered Provider Ltd ref: 836927/07/202327/07/2023
4995 - Schools Microsoft Licensing and associated support application spend ref: 836821/07/202329/07/2023
4994 - EE Monitor Service contract for Wales & West Housing ref: 836520/07/202328/07/2023
4987 - Victoria Embankment Water Play Experience (Paddling Pool) ref: 835914/07/202322/07/2023
4988 - Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) Skills Training Competition 2023-24 ref: 835814/07/202322/07/2023
4986 - Housing disrepair claims - locum support ref: 835713/07/202321/07/2023
4985 - Procurement of a Right To Buy Valuer ref: 835513/07/202321/07/2023
4983 - Lease of land adjacent to Eastcroft Depot, London Road, Nottingham ref: 835303/07/202313/07/2023
4978 - Approval to procure a contract through a framework to seek creative design work for libraries. ref: 834803/07/202303/07/2023
4976 - Updated Workplace Parking Levy Operating Model - Increase to Staffing Budget ref: 834628/06/202306/07/2023
4971 - Statement of Intent under Energy Company Obligation ref: 834120/06/202328/06/2023
4970 - NET Phase 2 Land - Lifting of a restriction of use on a surplus parcel of land disposed as part of the NET Phase 2 project ref: 834016/06/202327/06/2023
4966 - Agree to accept and spend the Active Travel Capability Fund 2022/23 Grant (revenue) ref: 833615/06/202323/06/2023
4965 - Street bin replacement Program ref: 833514/06/202322/06/2023
4964 - Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA )- Adult Education Budget 2023/24 ref: 833409/06/202321/06/2023
4963 - Operational Asset Review & Property Strategy Development ref: 833312/06/202320/06/2023
4961 - Department for Education FY23/24 Improvement Funding - Liquid Logic Consultancy Investment ref: 833108/06/202316/06/2023
4955 - Co-County Carbon Co-ordination; a co-ordinated approach to achieving Net Zero at scale ref: 832531/05/202308/06/2023
4953 - Policy and Process for Board Appointments to Council Owned Companies ref: 832331/05/202308/06/2023
4950 - Cleaning, Inspection & Maintenance of Bus Stop Assets, including Real-Time Passenger Information Hardware ref: 832025/05/202306/06/2023
4946 - Concession process for annual music festival at Wollaton Park ref: 831616/05/202325/05/2023
4942 - Home Upgrade Grant 2 Funding ref: 831216/05/202324/05/2023
4934 - Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Wave 2.1 ref: 830312/05/202323/05/2023
4930 - Department for Education FY23/24 Improvement Funding Allocation ref: 829909/05/202318/05/2023
4929 - Supply and deliver polythene / polypropylene refuse bags and sacks ref: 829804/05/202318/05/2023
4927 - Oral Health Promotion ref: 829703/05/202312/05/2023
4928 - Individual Placement and Support grant 23/24 and 24/25 ref: 829603/05/202312/05/2023
4924 - Approval to tender for solar PV portal services ref: 829328/04/202310/05/2023
4923 - Uplift in fostering national minimum allowances ref: 829228/04/202310/05/2023
4922 - Energy Bills Support Scheme Alternative Funding (EBSS AF) & Alternative Fuel Payments (AFP)26/04/2023Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
4921 - Be-friending and Hosting service ref: 828825/04/202304/05/2023
4919 - Invitation to tender for a new Employee Benefits contract (following expiry of existing contract) ref: 828718/04/202327/04/2023
4918 - Short Breaks Innovation Fund ref: 828613/04/202327/04/2023
4917 - Homelessness Prevention Grant 2022-2314/04/2023Decision Approved
4916 - Approval to extend a vehicle lease agreement and spend of associated costs for 2023/24 to deliver Commercial Waste Functions for Derby City Council. ref: 828513/04/202322/04/2023
4915 - Local Energy Advice (LEA) ref: 828413/04/202313/04/2023
Homelessness Prevention Grant 2022-23 - key Decision12/04/2023For Determination
4910 - Healthy Schools Team ref: 827905/04/202315/04/2023
4908 - Heat Training Grant ref: 827703/04/202313/04/2023
4906 - Use of interim Commissioning staff ref: 827531/03/202313/04/2023
4904 - COVID Outbreak Funds spend approval to increase staffing in Commissioning and Contracts ref: 827330/03/202312/04/2023
4902 - DLUHC grant funding for Homelessness Accommodation ref: 827028/03/202328/03/2023
4898 - Acceptance and Allocation of Household Support Fund 4 Grant ref: 826624/03/202324/03/2023
LKD - Acceptance and Allocation of Household Support Fund 4 Grant - Key Decision17/03/2023For Determination
4894 - Approval to consult on extending the Public Space Protection Orders in respect of alcohol ref: 826116/03/202325/03/2023
4892 - Early Years SEN Inclusion Fund ref: 825916/03/202324/03/2023
4891 - Local Energy Capacity Support Section 31 Grant Determination (2022/23): No. 31/6547 - Project Funding - First Variation ref: 825816/03/202324/03/2023
4890 - Continuation of Planned Respite Provision ref: 825713/03/202322/03/2023
4882 - Apprenticeship Levy ref: 824907/03/202315/03/2023
4881 - Auction sale of Units 1-12, Vernon Place, Northern Court, NG6 0DE ref: 824807/03/202307/03/2023
4880 - Auction sale of York House, 15-17 King Street, NG1 2AY ref: 824707/03/202307/03/2023
4879 - Street Naming and Numbering Policy ref: 824607/03/202315/03/2023
4876 - Finance Service Interim Resource Requirements ref: 824303/03/202303/03/2023
4875 - Review of high value commercial assets ref: 824202/03/202310/03/2023
4874 - Acceptance and spend of grant from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities - Supported Housing Improvement Programme ref: 824128/02/202328/02/2023
4873 - DREeM project additional ERDF grant opportunity ref: 824028/02/202308/03/2023
4872 - Sale of freehold in Land PDSA Midland Area Hospital, Dunkirk Road, Nottingham NG7 2PH ref: 823928/02/202308/03/2023
4870 - Temporary Extension of Tree Services Framework Contract and Increase in the Corporate Procurement Approval ref: 823728/02/202308/03/2023
4869 - DLUHC Grant funding for DVA Statutory Duty Community Based Services ref: 823624/02/202304/03/2023
4867 - Colwick Country Park Marina Pontoon Replacement Project ref: 823420/02/202328/02/2023
4864 - Corporate Cleaning Contract Direct Award on ESPO Cleaning Materials and Janitorial Supplies 2022 framework ref: 823116/02/202328/02/2023
4865 - Replacement Telematics System ref: 823218/02/202328/02/2023
4861 - Devolved Local Tendered Services Bus Services Operating Grant (DLTS BSOG) & Local Transport Fund (LTF) Grant 2022-23 ref: 822715/02/202324/02/2023
4860 - Procurement of Place Marketing Services ref: 822615/02/202324/02/2023
4857 - Direct appoint supplier for maintenance and support for Robin Hood Ticket Machines ref: 822315/02/202323/02/2023
4856 - Provision of Security Staff ref: 822214/02/202323/02/2023
4854 - Grant Funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to improve and modernise planning through 3D digital engagement ref: 822009/02/202317/02/2023
4852 - Sale of The Navigation Inn Public House, 6 Wilford Street, Nottingham NG2 1AA ref: 821807/02/202315/02/2023
4847 - Acceptance of Option Fee - Land at Harrier Business Park, Dorey Way, Hucknall, Nottinghamshire ref: 821303/02/202314/02/2023
4846 - Sale of The Hole in the Wall Public House, 63 North Sherwood St, Nottingham, NG1 4EZ ref: 821203/02/202314/02/2023
4845 - Sale of land to north of Prospect Place, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 1RS ref: 821103/02/202314/02/2023
4842 - NHS Health Checks Programme Delivery ref: 820802/02/202310/02/2023
4838 - Sale of Land at 306 Colwick Road, Colwick, Nottingham, NG2 4BD ref: 820531/01/202308/02/2023
4838 - Procurement of a Managed Service Provider for the supply of Agency Workers ref: 820427/01/202327/01/2023
4837 - Finance Improvement Programme PWC Phase 2B ref: 820326/01/202304/02/2023
4836 - Finance Improvement Programme PWC Phase 2A ref: 820226/01/202304/02/2023
4835 - Sale of Units 1-12, Vernon Place, Northern Court, Nottingham, NG6 0DE ref: 820125/01/202303/02/2023
4834 - Sale of Units 1-6, Logan Square, Northern Court, Nottingham, NG6 0BJ ref: 820025/01/202303/02/2023
4833 - Sale of 1.62acres of land, known as Units 1-8, Stamford Court, Casterton Road, Nottingham NG5 5LZ. ref: 819925/01/202303/02/2023
4832 - Sale of York House, 15-17 King Street, Nottingham, NG1 2AY ref: 819825/01/202303/02/2023
4831 - Sale of Granville Court, Leighton Street, Nottingham, NG3 2FU ref: 819725/01/202303/02/2023
4830 - Sale of 8-10 Strelley Road, Aspley, Nottingham, NG8 3AP ref: 819625/01/202302/02/2023
4829 - Safer Streets Funding for Bestwood / Radford / Hyson Green & Arboretum wards ref: 819524/01/202301/02/2023
4818 - Changing Places Toilets UK Government Grant Funding ref: 818417/01/202325/01/2023
4815 - Contract for Banking Services ref: 818111/01/202319/01/2023
4814 - Online Sexual Health Testing Services 2023/24 ref: 818005/01/202318/01/2023
4813 - E resources tender (e-newspapers,e- magazines and e-books) as part of a consortium ref: 817909/01/202317/01/2023
4812 - Homes for Ukraine Education and Childcare Grant ref: 817803/01/202311/01/2023
4802 - Broadmarsh - Acceptance of £100,000 grant funding from Homes England ref: 816719/12/202229/12/2022
4801 - Asset Revaluation Programme 2022-23 ref: 816619/12/202229/12/2022
4800 - Sale of freehold reversions in 24 and 56 Cycle Road, Lenton, NG7 2DT ref: 816519/12/202229/12/2022
4793 - Demolition and clearance of garage sites across the city: phase 3 ref: 815816/12/202224/12/2022
4791 - Midlands Net Zero Hub Grant Funding – Local Net Zero Programme ref: 815606/12/202206/12/2022
4788 - Increase staffing in Children's Integrated Services ref: 815323/11/202207/12/2022
4785 - Victoria Embankment Paddling Pool & Park Improvement Projects ref: 815029/11/202207/12/2022
4784 - Award of the CCTV Enforcement Maintenance Contract for Nottingham City Council and Leicester City Council ref: 814925/11/202206/12/2022
4783 - Approval to tender for solar PV maintenance and spend allocated funds. ref: 814825/11/202203/12/2022
4776 - Grant to Marketing Nottingham and Nottinghamshire 2022/2023 ref: 814122/11/202230/11/2022
4777 - Home for Ukraine (Sponsor Scheme) Funding arrangements ref: 814222/11/202230/11/2022
4774 - Sale of premises at Commercial Road and Pilkington Street, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8QB ref: 813916/11/202217/11/2022
4773 - Sale of Fairham Hotel Public House, Clifton, Nottingham, NG11 8LT ref: 813816/11/202224/11/2022
4772 - Sale of Units 1-3, Hubert Court, Hubert Street, Nottingham, NG7 5AJ ref: 813716/11/202224/11/2022
4771 - Sale of 0.36 acres of land at Wollaton Vale, Nottingham, NG8 2PR ref: 813616/11/202224/11/2022
4770 - Sale of premises known as Coventry Court, Cinderhill Road, Nottingham, NG6 8PR ref: 813516/11/202224/11/2022
4768 - Broxtowe Park Skate Park ref: 813314/11/202223/11/2022
4769 - Sale of 3 George Street, Nottingham, NG1 3BH. ref: 813415/11/202223/11/2022
4767 - Community and Family Learning ref: 813221/11/202211/11/2022
4766 - Procurement of works for the demolition and the rebuild of the Eastcroft Waste Transfer Station ref: 813111/11/202222/11/2022
4765 - Increase social work posts within the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub ref: 813011/11/202222/11/2022
4759 - Agency support for Building Control (extension of contract to decision 4673) ref: 812408/11/202216/11/2022
4755 - Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Funding for 2022/23 ref: 812026/10/202204/11/2022
4754 - Broadmarsh Caves ref: 811925/10/202202/11/2022
4753 - Mobile communications contract 2023 ref: 811821/10/202201/11/2022
4752 - Whynott Transport delay of DPS for transactional spend ref: 811719/10/202228/10/2022
4751 - The adoption of financial penalties as an enforcement option for specific offences under The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) Regs 2015 ref: 811619/10/202227/10/2022
4749 - Gamble Street surface car park, Nottingham NG2 ref: 811414/10/202222/10/2022
4748 - Creation of a Project Team ref: 811313/10/202222/10/2022
4747 - Supply and maintenance of leisure centre lockers and cubicles ref: 811211/10/202220/10/2022
4746 - Supply and delivery of leisure centre swimming pool chemicals ref: 811111/10/202220/10/2022
4744 - Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) Parks Refurbishment Programme Funding ref: 810910/10/202219/10/2022
4745 - Recruit Conurbation Manager - 2 year Secondment ref: 811011/10/202219/10/2022
4737 - Household Support Grant 3 ref: 810206/10/202214/10/2022
4736 - Purchase of smartphones for all staff in assessment teams ref: 810105/10/202214/10/2022
4735 - Sale of freehold in land (1,670sq yards) fronting to Lloyd Street and Mansfield Street, Nottingham, NG5 4BP ref: 810005/10/202213/10/2022
4734 - Former Toll Bridge Inn site, Victoria Embankment Nottingham NG2 2LW ref: 809905/10/202213/10/2022
4730 - SEND Disagreement Resolution, Mediation Advice and Mediation Services ref: 809528/09/202211/10/2022
4729 - Consultation on Admission Arrangements for 2024/2025 Academic Year ref: 809428/09/202207/10/2022
4726 - Establishment of 2 Additional Waste Advisor Posts ref: 809127/09/202205/10/2022
4725 - Chewing Gum Task Force - grant approval ref: 809023/09/202223/09/2022
4724 - Changing Futures Main Delivery Service - Price Variation ref: 808922/09/202201/10/2022
4723 - Preparation of Reduction of Carbon in New Development Supplementary Planning Document ref: 808823/09/202201/10/2022
4722 - Procurement of School Staff Absence Insurance ref: 808716/09/202227/09/2022
4718 - Supplementary Resources to the Finance Establishment ref: 808314/09/202223/09/2022
4717 - Sustainable Warmth Competition - additional spend ref: 808214/09/202223/09/2022
4716 - Procurement of a New/Replacement Case Management System for Legal Services ref: 808109/09/202217/09/2022
4714 - Covid Additional Relief Fund (CARF) ref: 807808/09/202208/09/2022
4713 - Acceptance of public sector decarbonisation skills grant funding and approval to spend the consultancy budget ref: 807902/09/202216/09/2022
4711 - Arts Council England Capital Investment Programme - Connect Culture: Nottingham City Libraries Inclusive, Immersive ref: 807607/09/202215/09/2022
4712 - Request to declare the former Thorneywood Education Centre building surplus to operational requirement ref: 807705/09/202215/09/2022
4710 - Independent assurance of financial arrangements ref: 807502/09/202214/09/2022
4708 - Approval to procure services to continue the Nottingham Contactless Scheme Operations ref: 807302/09/202210/09/2022
4706 - Grant Support for Energy Efficiency Upskilling Competition ref: 807131/08/202231/08/2022
4707 - Provision for Commercial Lease Negotiations ref: 807231/08/202231/08/2022
4701 - Safety works - Demolition of former Elms Primary School and Caretakers House, Cranmer Street, St Anns, Nottingham ref: 806630/08/202207/09/2022
4697 - Amendment to Provision Of Parts At Garage Stores Workshops ref: 806217/08/202225/08/2022
4700 - Interim Support for the Finance Function ref: 806523/08/202201/09/2022
4695 - Litigation and Dispute Resolution Team (Disrepair) staffing ref: 806016/08/202224/08/2022
4691 - Lease of vacant office floor at Unit 2, Castlebridge Office Village, Castle Marina, Nottingham ref: 805710/08/202219/08/2022
4690 - Supply of new Leisure Management System ref: 805608/08/202216/08/2022
4689 - Bird Proofing for existing Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels ref: 805505/08/202213/08/2022
4687 - Government Council Tax Energy Rebate ref: 805329/07/202209/08/2022
4686 - Warm Homes Fund Extension to Funding ref: 805201/08/202209/08/2022
4685 - Software Maintenance Renewal for Captia ONE (2023-2026) ref: 805127/07/202206/08/2022
4682 - Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) Update May 2022 ref: 804825/07/202202/08/2022
4678 - Schools Accessibility Programme 2022/23 - Schools Forum Funding and Special Educational Needs and Disability Capital Allocation ref: 804218/07/202226/07/2022
4677 - External grant funding to establish a Key Working Service within Whole Life Disability ref: 804118/07/202226/07/2022
4673 - Agency support for Building Control (amendment to decision 4602) ref: 803713/07/202223/07/2022
4671 - Translation and Interpreting Services13/07/2022Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
4672 - Acceptance of Grant Funding from the Arts Council England Cultural Recovery Fund Round 3 ref: 803513/07/202221/07/2022
4670 - Further Extension of Temporary Additional Legal Support ref: 803407/07/202215/07/2022
4669 - Funding for Market Supplements in Children's Integrated Services ref: 803306/07/202214/07/2022
4667 - Private Rental Sector Enforcement Competition - Additional Funding ref: 803105/07/202214/07/2022
4668 - Approval to re-allocate £335,000 Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Phase 2 Grant Funding (LAD2) ref: 803206/07/202206/07/2022
4666 - Agreement to enter into a Power Purchase Agreement with the Lawn Tennis association ref: 803005/07/202213/07/2022
4663 - Supply of Catering Procurement Software - Additional Costs ref: 802701/07/202209/07/2022
4662 - Supply of Ventilation & High Level Cleaning services to Nottingham City Catering sites ref: 802601/07/202209/07/2022
4659 - New Pay and Progression Policy for Registered Workers within Adult Social Care - Key Decision ref: 802324/06/202202/07/2022
4660 - Apprenticeship Levy ref: 802424/06/202202/07/2022
4657 - Procurement of a Needle and Injecting Equipment Supply Contract ref: 802123/06/202201/07/2022
4654 - Sustainable Warmth Competition - Key Decision ref: 801817/06/202225/06/2022
4650 - Sale of 16-18 Sneinton Road, Nottingham, NG2 4PA ref: 801410/06/202221/06/2022
4649 - External funding approval ref: 801310/06/202221/06/2022
4648 - District Heating and Waste Strategy Funding ref: 801210/06/202218/06/2022
4647 - Residual cost share of body storage facility ref: 801110/06/202218/06/2022
4646 - Local Transport Fund - Key Decision ref: 801010/06/202218/06/2022
4645 - Interim strategic Finance Lead and Deputy 151 Appointment ref: 800910/06/202218/06/2022
4644 - Children's Advocacy and Independent Visitor Service ref: 800807/06/202216/06/2022
4642 - Review and Restructure of Strategic Assets and Property ref: 800631/05/202210/06/2022
4643 - Data Accelerator Project - Spend an d Recruitment Proposal ref: 800731/05/202210/06/2022
4641 - Play Area Improvement Projects ref: 800527/05/202208/06/2022
4637 - Continuation of capacity to 1) Support Asset Rationalisation and disposal and 2) Management of Sneinton Market Premises ref: 800126/05/202207/06/2022
4636 - Lease Renewal, Connex 90 - Key Decision ref: 800026/05/202207/06/2022
4638 - Finance Recovery Programme #52 ref: 800225/05/202207/06/2022
4635 - Extension of supervised consumption in community pharmacy contracts for the period of one year ref: 799923/05/202202/06/2022
4634 - Approval to deliver the Education Catering contract for a Nottinghamshire School ref: 799824/05/202201/06/2022
4633 - Procurement and Appointment of a Right to Buy/Beacon Stock Valuer ref: 799719/05/202227/05/2022
4631 - Broad Marsh - Procurement of Master Planner, Development Manager, Technical Due Diligence, Levelling Up Fund and new Perfect Circle Contract ref: 799519/05/202227/05/2022
4629 - COVID-19: Infection Prevention and Control ref: 799318/05/202226/05/2022
4630 - Acquisition of Portrait of D H Lawrence for Museum Collection ref: 799418/05/202219/05/2022
4626 - Public transport contribution from development at Teal Close, Netherfield ref: 799017/05/202217/05/2022
4628 - Provision of ice creams for resale at The Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall ref: 799217/05/202225/05/2022
4627 - Provision of confectionery for resale at the Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall. ref: 799117/05/202225/05/2022
4623 - Concessionary Fares Scheme reimbursement arrangements for 2022-23 ref: 798712/05/202220/05/2022
4625 - Approval to spend consultancy budget - Midlands Net Zero Hub ref: 798912/05/202220/05/2022
Council Tax Energy Rebate Scheme - Key Decision10/05/2022For Determination
4621 - Hackney Carriage Fares Tariff Increase ref: 798409/05/202217/05/2022
4609 - Conditional Agreement for Surrender of the Existing Lease and Grant of a New Lease in Respect of Land at Wigman Road, Bilborough, Nottingham ref: 798019/04/202211/05/2022
4614 - Grant of new lease: 12-13 Finepoint, Walter Nash Road, Kidderminster ref: 797626/04/202206/05/2022
4612 - Provision of Wellesley House under the Rough Sleeping Initiative 2022-23 ref: 797425/04/202204/05/2022
4610 - Transfer of the Nottingham Tennis Centre to the Lawn Tennis Association ref: 797220/04/202229/04/2022
4608 - One Hyson: Growing Together - Libraries project funded by Arts Council England (ACE) Libraries Improvement Fund ref: 797120/04/202229/04/2022
4602 - Agency support for Building Control ref: 796814/04/202226/04/2022
4599 - Fit for the Future- Temporary additional capacity to complete HR/Payroll Implementation ref: 796513/04/202226/04/2022
4603 - Acceptance of Department for Transport Bus Recovery Grant (BRG) funding ref: 796914/04/202226/04/2022
4591- Replacement of the Howitt Building boilers ref: 795705/04/202213/04/2022
4592 - Sale of 588 Radford Road, New Basford Nottingham NG7 7EX ref: 795805/04/202205/04/2022
4590 - Nottingham City Prayer - 100 Homes - Grant Request for the period of three years ref: 795604/04/202212/04/2022
4588 - Short Track Speed Skating Program Extension Funding ref: 795401/04/202212/04/2022
4587 - NEC Document Management System and NEC Revenues and Benefits System ref: 795330/03/202230/03/2022
4585 - Homelessness Prevention Grant - Winter 2021 COVID-19 rent arrears financial support ref: 795031/03/202209/04/2022
4584 - Real-Time Information System operational costs up to March 2023 ref: 794931/03/202208/04/2022
4582 - Procurement of Mailroom-Inbound Services (Docs Online) ref: 794730/03/202230/03/2022
4583 - Declare Surplus to Operational Requirements, Clifton Children's Centre, Greencroft, Clifton, Nottingham, NG11 8EY ref: 794830/03/202207/04/2022
4581 - Approval to allocate BSF lifecycle funding to maintain Ellis Guilford School buildings ref: 794622/03/202207/04/2022
4580 - Public Consultation on Renewal of the City wide Public Spaces Protection Orders as respects dogs. ref: 794525/03/202205/04/2022
4577 - Winter Pressures Fund 2021 - 22 ref: 794225/03/202202/04/2022
4578 - Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme 2021-24 - Round 3 ref: 794325/03/202202/04/2022
4574 - Symology Street Works Annual Licence ref: 793924/03/202201/04/2022
4573 - Major Component Maintenance of BYD K9 / Optare Solo/Versa Electric Buses and Emergency bus hire 2022/23 - 2024/25 ref: 793824/03/202201/04/2022
4572 - Funding for Shareholder Unit ref: 793723/03/202231/03/2022
4570 - Establishment of a Deputyship Disbursement Fund ref: 793522/03/202230/03/2022
4569 - Online Sexual Health Services 2022/23 ref: 793422/03/202230/03/2022
4568 - Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund ref: 793318/03/202226/03/2022
4561 - Hedge Cutting programme ref: 792614/03/202224/03/2022
4560 - Sale of 81-85 Upper Parliament Street, Nottingham, NG1 6LD ref: 792514/03/202224/03/2022
4558 - Prevent Funding and Recruit to the Roles ref: 792315/03/202223/03/2022
4556 - John Carroll Leisure Centre to be declared surplus by Sport and Leisure ref: 792110/03/202219/03/2022
4555 - Active Travel Social Prescribing Pilot Programme - funding award for feasibility stage ref: 792010/03/202219/03/2022
4554 - Sale of Ortzen Court, Ortzen Street, Nottingham, NG7 4BF ref: 791910/03/202219/03/2022
4553 - New lease at Eastcroft Depot, London Road ref: 791810/03/202218/03/2022
4548 - Planning Case Management System Contract Options ref: 791307/03/202215/03/2022
4543 - Procurement of an agency contractor to continue to act as NCC Companies Finance and Governance Lead #38 ref: 790702/03/202211/03/2022
4540 - Additional funding for Mellers Primary for the construction of a Deaf provision and Fernwood Primary to create a specialist provision ref: 790328/02/202209/03/2022
4539 - Protect and Vaccinate funding 2021-22 ref: 790228/02/202209/03/2022
4538 - Residential development of the Padstow and Ridgeway sites in Bestwood ref: 790128/02/202208/03/2022
4537 - Area Capital Fund Schemes - Annualised Programme (Public Realm Element) ref: 790025/02/202205/03/2022
4534 - Extension of agency contractor acting as Transformation lead ref: 789723/02/202204/03/2022
4532 - Safer Streets Funding for CCTV Cameras ref: 789521/02/202201/03/2022
4531 - Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme 2021-24 - Round 2 ref: 789321/01/202225/02/2022
4529 - Long Lease Extension (re-gear) for 116 Southchurch Drive, Clifton, Nottingham, NG11 8AD ref: 789112/02/202222/02/2022
4528 - Inflationary Uplift for the Existing Residential Block Contract for Children in Care Placements ref: 789014/02/202222/02/2022
4525 - Holiday Activity Fund Programme 2022 ref: 788704/02/202215/02/2022
4523 - Increasing Capacity to Support Asset Rationalisation and Disposal ref: 788404/02/202212/02/2022
4521 - Award of the CCTV Enforcement Maintenance Contract ref: 788131/01/202210/02/2022
4518 - Approval to bring the Insurance funding for the Castle College building on Maid Marian Way into the Capital Programme. ref: 787828/01/202208/02/2022
4516 - To Approve a New Lease at 85 Bracebridge Drive, Bilborough, Nottingham NG8 4PL ref: 787428/01/202205/02/2022
4514 - Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Respite Rooms funding 2021-22 ref: 787221/01/202204/02/2022
4513 - Approval to receive and spend one off grant to be spent in year 2021/22 for substance misuse services, including criminal justice ref: 787121/01/202204/02/2022
4512 - Enviro Energy Capital Works ref: 787025/01/202225/01/2022
4511 - Allocation of NHS Test and Trace funding for upper tier local authorities in respect of the Self Isolation Framework ref: 786927/01/202204/02/2022
4510 - Granicus-Gov Service Contract ref: 786827/01/202204/02/2022
4506 - Purchase of CCTV Vehicle for School Safety Enforcement and Revenue ref: 786421/01/202201/02/2022
4505 - Authorisation under The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings) (England) Regulations 2021 ref: 786321/01/202201/02/2022
4504 - Grant Funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to Improve the Publication of Planning Data ref: 786221/01/202229/01/2022
4502 - Parks Improvements and Urban Tree Challenge Funding ref: 786020/01/202228/01/2022
4501 - Area Capital Fund Approvals - Mapperley and Clifton East ref: 785914/01/202228/01/2022
4499 - Broad Marsh - Site Holding Costs ref: 785719/01/202228/01/2022
4498 - Acceptance of additional grant funding for DREeM (Deep Retrofit Energy Efficiency Model) homes ref: 785606/01/202228/01/2022
4493 - Letting of 3 & 5 Carrington Street and Unit 7 The Concourse, Broad Marsh Bus Station and Car Park ref: 785112/01/202221/01/2022
4491 - Acceptance of Department for Transport Bus Recovery Grant (BRG) funding ref: 784912/01/202220/01/2022
4490 - Contract extension Green Waste Composting Ref: CPU 3105 ref: 784811/01/202220/01/2022
4488 - Growth Hub Extension ref: 784606/01/202215/01/2022
4487 - HM Coroners Paediatric Mortuary Services and Transportation ref: 784506/01/202214/01/2022
4486 - Improvement Grant Funding from the Department of Education ref: 784405/01/202213/01/2022
4484 - Sustainable Warmth Competition ref: 784123/12/202105/01/2022
4481 - Provision of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards - Services and Assessments ref: 783920/12/202131/12/2021
4478 - Sale of Ayr Street Workshops , Units 1- 12 , 15 Ayr Street , Nottingham , NG7 4FX ref: 783520/12/202130/12/2021
4480 - disposal of investment property -appointment of agent ref: 783820/12/202130/12/2021
4479 - Lease for an EV Charging Station, Trowell Road, Nottingham ref: 783720/12/202130/12/2021
4477 - Transfer Forest Fields Community Centre ref: 783617/12/202130/12/2021
4475 - Demolition and clearance of garage sites across the city - Phase 2 ref: 783316/12/202125/12/2021
4467 - Local Match for the Nottm Works 4You project ref: 782103/12/202115/12/2021
4466 - Interim Corporate Director for Finance and Resources (Including Section 151 Officer) ref: 782003/12/202111/12/2021
4461 - Local Authority Treescapes Fund 2021 ref: 781429/11/202107/12/2021
4455 - Improvement & Transformation - Appointment of expertise for the project management Office #17 ref: 780826/11/202104/12/2021
4451 - Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) and Discretionary Disabled Facilities Grants - Policy Changes ref: 780424/11/202104/12/2021
4447 - Sale of part of Sellers Wood Farm Nottingham ref: 780023/11/202101/12/2021
4445 - Acceptance of capacity building funding for the Levelling up Fund ref: 779819/11/202127/11/2021
4441 - Acceptance of Central Government Grant funding and site preparation works at Innovation House, Colwick Road and Robin Hood Chase ref: 779416/11/202124/11/2021
4439 - Funding of prescription medicines associated with public health commissioned services ref: 779212/11/202124/11/2021
4438 - Finance Resource ref: 779115/11/202115/11/2021
4437 - Data Accelerator Funding (MHCLG) to improve outcomes for families through enhanced data collection, integration and use ref: 779011/11/202123/11/2021
4436 - Online Sexual Health Services Expenditure ref: 778912/11/202123/11/2021
4433 - Broad Marsh Bus Station User Agreements with Coach and Bus Operators ref: 778610/11/202119/11/2021
4430 - Additional Interim Property Management Staffing Resource ref: 778305/11/202116/11/2021
4428 - Disposal of Sneinton Hermitage Community Centre ref: 778105/11/202105/11/2021
4429 - Long Lease Extension (re-gear) for land fronting Daleside Road Sneinton, Nottingham, NG2 4DH ref: 778205/11/202116/11/2021
4427 - Safer Streets Funding for staffing costs of a Temporary Burglary Reduction Officer and for the cost of a CCTV camera ref: 778005/11/202105/11/2021
4425 - Development of a Parent Infant Relationship Service ref: 777803/11/202112/11/2021
4424 - Establishment of and recruitment to 4 new grant funded posts in the Midlands Energy Hub ref: 777702/11/202111/11/2021
4422 - Approval to deliver the Education Catering contract for 3 additional schools in the Odyssey Collaborative Trust ref: 777501/11/202110/11/2021
4421 - Expansion of Mental Health Support Teams Provision ref: 777422/10/202106/11/2021
4420 - Prevention and Promotion Fund for Better Mental Health 2021-22 ref: 777327/10/202106/11/2021
4416 - Approval to receive and spend one-off allocation for the provision of Individual Placement and Support employment support in substance misuse services ref: 776927/10/202104/11/2021
4418 - Bikeability Level 2 training for Year 6 pupils 2022/23 - 2026/27 ref: 777127/10/202104/11/2021
4417 - Approval to deliver the Education Catering contract for 2 schools in the Blagreaves Federation ref: 777027/10/202104/11/2021
4414 - Proposed renewal of City Centre Public Spaces Protection Order ref: 776726/10/202103/11/2021
4415 - Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund ref: 776822/10/202103/11/2021
4413 - Approval of additional budget for Broadmarsh Car Park Operations ref: 776625/10/202102/11/2021
4408 - Police and Crime Commissioner / Ministry of Justice Funding for Domestic Violence Services ref: 776119/10/202128/10/2021
4405 - Grant Funding from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy ref: 775818/10/202126/10/2021
4400 - Furnished Tenancies for Nottingham City Council Tenants ref: 775314/10/202122/10/2021
4398 - Allocation of Household Support Grant ref: 775212/10/202112/10/2021
4396 - Homelessness Prevention Grant 2021/22 ref: 775008/10/202119/10/2021
4395 - Sale of land at Clifton ref: 774908/10/202119/10/2021
4394 - Holme Sluices (Colwick Country Park) Fish Pass Project ref: 774808/10/202116/10/2021
4391 - Purchase of a new CCTV front-end control centre operating system ref: 774505/10/202114/10/2021
4389 - Creation of a Solicitor post in the Commercial, Employment and Education Legal Team (Transforming Cities) ref: 774301/10/202112/10/2021
4388 - Creation of a Solicitor post (I Grade) in the Commercial, Employment and Education Legal Team (Midlands Energy Hub) ref: 774201/10/202112/10/2021
4387 - Commissioning of external provision for reviews and assessment in adult social care ref: 774129/09/202109/10/2021
4385 - Sale of Freehold interest in 38 Cockington Road, Bilborough, Nottingham NG8 4BZ ref: 774030/09/202109/10/2021
4384 - The Wellbeing at Home Service ref: 773929/09/202108/10/2021
4383 - Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) support contract ref: 773824/09/202105/10/2021
4381 - Future Development of SCATTER ref: 773723/09/202102/10/2021
4382 - Sneinton Hermitage Community Facility transition ref: 773631/08/202102/10/2021
4380 - Core Funding for the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership ref: 773523/09/202101/10/2021
4379 - Education and Skills Funding Agency - Adult Education Budget 2021/22 ref: 773423/09/202101/10/2021
4378 - Taxi Grant Discretionary Grant ref: 773320/09/202129/09/2021
4377 - Appointment of an external valuer through the Perfect Circle Framework to complete specialist asset valuations for accounts purposes ref: 773220/09/202128/09/2021
4376 - Creation of 3.3 FTE 18 month fixed term Information Officer posts for Information Compliance ref: 773117/09/202125/09/2021
4375 - Award of Contract for Barcoded Bill Pay Service ref: 772916/09/202125/09/2021
4373 - Approval to procure independent reviews of Nottingham City Council companies and audit work ref: 772716/09/202125/09/2021
4372 - Basic Needs Grant funding allocation for school capital works at Djanogly City Academy, to ensure sufficiency of secondary school places ref: 772616/09/202125/09/2021
4371 - Acceptance of Tranche 2 Department for Transport grant award for Development of Local Bus Proposals as outlined in the National Bus Strategy ref: 772514/09/202123/09/2021
4370 - Approval to participate in Afghan Locally Employed Staff Relocation ref: 772414/09/202122/09/2021
4369 - English Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) Integration Funding 'Learn English Together' Extension - Year 2 ref: 772314/09/202122/09/2021
4368 - Grant of Lease - Unit 4, Broadmarsh Bus Station, Canal St, Nottingham ref: 772214/09/202122/09/2021
4367 - Broad Marsh Substation Lease ref: 772113/09/202122/09/2021
4366 - 222-224 Southchurch Drive, Clifton, NG11 8AA ref: 772014/09/202122/09/2021
4365 - Various Telecoms assets ref: 771913/09/202121/09/2021
Sale of Land at Clifton, Nottingham - Key Decision09/09/2021For Determination
4362 - Proposed Admission Arrangements for Nottingham City Community schools for 2023/24 ref: 771707/09/202116/09/2021
4361 - Bunce Road Sweeper Warranty and Repairs ref: 771631/08/202110/09/2021
4359 - Provision of NEET Prevention Services for Young People 2021/22 ref: 771326/08/202107/09/2021
4358 - Provision of NEET Prevention Services for Young People 2020 / 21 ref: 771226/08/202126/08/2021
4356 - Rough Sleeping Initiative Grant 2021-22 ref: 771025/08/202104/09/2021
4357 - Interim Corporate Director for Finance and Resources (including Section 151 Officer) - costs ref: 771126/08/202104/09/2021
4350 - Electric Van Experience (EVE) - Insurance Cover ref: 770423/08/202101/09/2021
4349 - Retrofit Academy Support for Local Authority Delivery of the Green Homes Grant ref: 770320/08/202128/08/2021
4348 - Adult and Children's Social Care Case Management System Retendering ref: 770119/08/202127/08/2021
4346 - Smart Ticketing operational expenditure 2021/22 and procurements ref: 770017/08/202127/08/2021
4345 - Declare Surplus to Operational Requirements, Aspley Youth Centre, Melbourne Road, Nottingham, NG8 5HL ref: 769817/08/202126/08/2021
4344 - IT Access to Work Equipment 2021-2024 ref: 769618/08/202126/08/2021
4340 - Update of Nottingham City Council's Local Flood Risk Management Strategy ref: 769416/08/202126/08/2021
4341 - Department for Transport Capability Fund revenue grant award ref: 769316/08/202126/08/2021
4339 - Public Transport operational expenditure 2021/22 and procurements ref: 769217/08/202126/08/2021
4338 - Engagement of Financial Advisors ref: 769116/08/202125/08/2021
4337 - Community Renewal Fund ref: 769016/08/202125/08/2021
4336 - Financial Support for the Tram ref: 768916/08/202124/08/2021
4333 - Direct Award of funding to Planet Mark - COP26 activity ref: 768612/08/202124/08/2021
4329 - Contact Centre Systems ref: 768206/08/202117/08/2021
4327 - Home Office Community Coordinator Post ref: 768106/08/202117/08/2021
4328 - Public Spaces Protection Order - Control of access to specified Nottingham City car parks ref: 768006/08/202117/08/2021
4326 - Electrification of Council Depots ref: 767904/08/202114/08/2021
4325 - Review of Property Management ref: 767803/08/202113/08/2021
4324 - Commissioning of a Transformation Consultancy ref: 767705/08/202113/08/2021
4323 - Grant to Marketing Nottingham 2021/22 ref: 767605/08/202113/08/2021
4320 - To allocate S106 funding for the creation of an additional Key Stage Two learning space at Welbeck Primary School ref: 767303/08/202111/08/2021
4319 - Private Rental Sector Enforcement Competition ref: 767203/08/202103/08/2021
4317 - Expansion of Existing Residential Block Contract for Children in Care Placements ref: 767003/08/202111/08/2021
4315 - Ferry Boat Inn, Stoke Bardolph, Nottingham NG14 5HX ref: 766802/08/202111/08/2021
4313 - Future Parks Accelerator Project Extension & Natural England Seed Corn Funding ref: 766630/07/202110/08/2021
4312 - Establish the Nottingham Pathway Service ref: 766529/07/202107/08/2021
4311 - Six month extension of the Advice Nottingham contracts to support advice around financial vulnerability for Nottingham citizens ref: 766429/07/202107/08/2021
4310 - COVID Prevention Using Adult Weight Management Services Grant (No.31/5440) ref: 766329/07/202106/08/2021
4309 - Lead Commissioning Officer Post (Temporary) - Transforming Care Partnership ref: 766229/07/202106/08/2021
4308 - Creation of Service Manager (LPS) post within Adult Social Care ref: 766029/07/202106/08/2021
4307 - Supply of Coffee to Nottingham City Council Commercial Catering Sites ref: 765928/07/202106/08/2021
4306 - Creation of a fixed-term Insight Specialist for Tobacco Control post in the Public Health Team ref: 766129/07/202106/08/2021
4305 - Recruitment of a Fostering Team Manager ref: 765829/07/202106/08/2021
4304 - Assistive Technology Winter Pressures Service for 2021/22 ref: 765729/07/202106/08/2021
4303 - Bikeability Level 2 training for Year 6 pupils 2021/22 ref: 765628/07/202105/08/2021
4295 - Accommodation for Ex-Offenders funding 2021-22 ref: 765326/07/202105/08/2021
4298 - Gambling Policy - Consideration of draft Statement of Gambling Policy to start statutory consultation ref: 765026/07/202105/08/2021
4296 - Approval to procure a contract for Printers and Multi-Functional Devices ref: 764826/07/202104/08/2021
4294 - Improvement & Transformation - Appointment of expertise for the Project Management Office ref: 764723/07/202103/08/2021
4292 - Protect Programme funding for rough sleepers 2020-21 ref: 764522/07/202130/07/2021
4291 - Heavy Goods Vehicle LOLERs and repairs to on-board lift equipment ref: 764421/07/202130/07/2021
4290 - Procurement of Supplies & Services - Commercial Services Contract ref: 764221/07/202129/07/2021
4287 - To open a four bed medium to long term children's home ref: 763920/07/202128/07/2021
4286 - Temporary additional legal support for the Commercial, Employment and Education Team ref: 763819/07/202128/07/2021
4284 - Proposed extension to the Nottingham City Council Restriction of Public Rights of Way (Dane Court, Dane Close, St Anns) Public Spaces Protection Order ref: 763620/07/202128/07/2021
4285 - Recruitment of 3 additional Fostering Social Workers in the Fostering Team ref: 763720/07/202128/07/2021
4282 - Procurement of Supplies and Services: Safety, Health, Environmental & Quality (SHEQ) Services Contract ref: 763419/07/202127/07/2021
4281 - Tender for Vehicle Body Works ref: 763215/07/202124/07/2021
4280 - Retender of the contract for the A1 and A2 school bus service ref: 763112/07/202124/07/2021
4279 - Extension of Carer Support Contracts ref: 763016/07/202124/07/2021
4277 - Acceptance of Grant Funding from the Arts Council England Cultural Recovery Fund Round 2 ref: 762811/06/202111/06/2021
4275 - Allocation of Covid Local Support Grant ref: 762615/07/202115/07/2021
4274 - Supply of light equipment for use in schools and commercial catering outlets ref: 762515/07/202123/07/2021
4273 - Tomorrow Project suicide crisis service ref: 762414/07/202123/07/2021
4272 - Winter Wonderland & Nottingham Beach Events Contract ref: 762313/07/202122/07/2021
4271 - Improvement and Transformation: Programme Management Office Interim Director - Appointment of Consultant ref: 762209/07/202109/07/2021
4270 - Extension of Temporary Additional Legal Support ref: 762106/07/202114/07/2021
4269 - Disposal of Crocus Place, Arkwright Street, Nottingham ref: 762005/07/202114/07/2021
4267 - Nottingham Business Improvement District (BID) Payments ref: 761805/07/202107/07/2021
4268 - Next Steps Accommodation: interim proposals ref: 761905/07/202114/07/2021
4266 - Grant Award to Nottingham City Transport (NCT) ref: 761702/07/202113/07/2021
4265 - Disposal of Housing Revenue Account Assets ref: 761602/07/202110/07/2021
4264 - Supply of Catering Procurement Software ref: 761502/07/202110/07/2021
4263 - Sale of 60 Sneinton Hollows, Sneinton Nottingham NG2 4AA ref: 761402/07/202110/07/2021
4261 - Additional funding of £240,000 for the Translation and Interpretation Contract ref: 661229/06/202107/07/2021
4262 - Flood Risk Management Plan Objectives 2021-2027 ref: 661325/06/202107/07/2021
4260 - TEST Service and Homecare Contract Variation Extensions ref: 561229/06/202107/07/2021
4257 - Disposal of Highbury Vale Community Centre ref: 560924/06/202103/07/2021
4256 - Behavioural and Emotional Health Team - additional temporary posts - CCG funded contract ref: 560824/06/202102/07/2021
4254 - Mobile Communication Devices 2021 -24 ref: 560416/06/202124/06/2021
4253 - Independent Medical Assessments for Mobility Card Applicants ref: 560316/06/202124/06/2021
4252 - National Pool Lifeguard Qualification Training ref: 560215/06/202124/06/2021
4251 - Broadmarsh Advisory Group - Consultancy support ref: 560115/06/202124/06/2021
4249 - Procurement of Plastic Domestic bins and Trade Bins ref: 559714/06/202123/06/2021
4250 - WPL Stage Two support to Leicester City Council ref: 559815/06/202123/06/2021
4244 - Grant award to the Canal and River Trust ref: 559210/06/202119/06/2021
4243 - Acceptance of Central Government Grant funding and site preparation works at Haywood Playing Field ref: 559110/06/202119/06/2021
4241 - Kilpin Way ref: 558909/06/202117/06/2021
4240 - Lloyds Bank Accounts Set-Off Agreement ref: 558809/06/202117/06/2021
4237 - COVID-19: Infection Prevention and Control ref: 558508/06/202116/06/2021
4236 - Adult Social Care posts ref: 558408/06/202116/06/2021
4235 - Acceptance of DfT grant award for development of local bus proposals as outlined in the National Bus Strategy ref: 558307/06/202115/06/2021
4234 - Interim Corporate Director for Resident Services ref: 558203/06/202103/06/2021
4233 - IT Security Suite renewal ref: 558103/06/202111/06/2021
4232 - HM Coroners Service Restructure ref: 558002/06/202110/06/2021
4228 - Sale of Various Agricultural Holdings ref: 557626/05/202105/06/2021
Nottingham Business Improvement District (BID) payments - Key Decision27/05/2021For Determination
4227 - Broad Marsh - Development Advisor ref: 557527/05/202105/06/2021
4226 - Letting of Heron House, Timothy Bridge Road, Stratford-Upon-Avon ref: 557426/05/202105/06/2021
4225 - To appoint Nottingham Revenue and Benefits to provide support to the billing and collection service of the property department ref: 557327/05/202105/06/2021
4224 - OnGen and OnEfficiency Tools ref: 557221/05/202105/06/2021
4223 - Leen Valley flats -fire safety works ref: 557126/05/202104/06/2021
4219 - Allocation of COVID Local Support Grant ref: 556721/05/202121/05/2021
4218 - Looked After Children - Supported Lodgings Pilot ref: 556620/05/202102/06/2021
4217 - Grant from MHCLG to fulfil the new statutory duty functions relating to the provision of support to survivors of domestic violence and abuse. ref: 556521/05/202129/05/2021
4212 - Rehabilitation Team - Children in Care ref: 556017/05/202125/05/2021
4211 - Welcome Back Fund RHSS2 ERDF Funding ref: 555912/05/202125/05/2021
4210 - Contract for the Provision of a Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Intervention Programme ref: 555813/05/202113/05/2021
4209 - Enforced sale of 13 Horsham Drive, Nottingham. ref: 555713/05/202121/05/2021
4206 - Sheltered Alarms - Assistive Technology ref: 555407/05/202115/05/2021
4207 - Strategic capacity for Property function ref: 555505/05/202115/05/2021
4204 - Increasing Capacity to Support Asset Rationalisation ref: 555205/05/202113/05/2021
4203 - Creation of a Senior Solicitor Post in the Commercial, Employment and Education Legal Team ref: 555105/05/202113/05/2021
4201 - Summerwood Closure ref: 554928/04/202111/05/2021
4200 - On-street parking payment mechanism review ref: 554829/04/202108/05/2021
4197 - Approvals related to the expansion of community testing sites ref: 554528/04/202107/05/2021
4194 - AMCS Contract Extension ref: 554219/04/202129/04/2021
4191 - Department for Work and Pensions Licence ref: 553916/04/202116/04/2021
4190 - Nottm Works 4You Project - Project Change Request ref: 553820/04/202128/04/2021
4188 - Shareholder Unit Analyst ref: 553516/04/202127/04/2021
4187 - Approval of Central Library Temporary Relocation Costs ref: 553416/04/202124/04/2021
4186 - Reinvestment of Property Sale Proceeds at Newstead Abbey ref: 553312/04/202123/04/2021
4185 - Contract Extension transfer station and waste disposal (Tender Ref: CPU1692) ref: 553214/04/202122/04/2021
4184 - Review of Financial Regulations ref: 553114/04/202114/04/2021
4183 - Adult Weight Management Services Grant (No.31/5440) ref: 553014/04/202122/04/2021
4182 - Commissioning a provider to collect daily attendance and exclusion data and provide an electronic PEP in respect of school age children in care ref: 552909/04/202120/04/2021
4181 - Subject: The sale of the long leasehold of the former public conveniences on Victoria Embankment, Nottingham ref: 552809/04/202117/04/2021
4174 - 'Invest to Save' proposals for 6 students in Family Support Worker posts ref: 552001/04/202113/04/2021
4173 - Emergency Active Travel Fund Tranche 2 revenue grant - travel behaviour change measures ref: 551931/03/202110/04/2021
4172 - Section 31 Department for Transport revenue top up grant for Travel Demand Management ref: 551831/03/202110/04/2021
4171 - Contract for maintenance and support of Revenues and Benefits IT System ref: 551726/03/202109/04/2021
4170 - Nottingham Cycle City eCargo Initiative ref: 551605/02/202109/04/2021
4169 - Extension of contract to Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum for the 'Into the Mainstream' service ref: 551525/03/202102/04/2021
4166 - The Nottingham Funeral and Public Health Funerals Provision ref: 551223/03/202101/04/2021
4165 - Appointment of E&PM Ltd ref: 551124/03/202101/04/2021
4163 - 3-year Income Management Enterprise License ref: 550922/03/202130/03/2021
4162 - Treasury Management advisory services contract extension for 12 months followed by a full tender ref: 550822/03/202130/03/2021
4160 - Allocation of Local Authority Test and Trace Service Support Grant ref: 550618/03/202118/03/2021
4159 - Broadmarsh Centre - Progress to next stage and approval of LEP funding ref: 550518/03/202126/03/2021
4156 - Agree annual gas and electricity price changes as part of the supply contract 2020 to 2024 ref: 550117/03/202126/03/2021
4158 - Funding from Peacemills s106 agreement for Oakwood Academy and Seely Primary School ref: 550417/03/202126/03/2021
4155 - Lone Worker Solution ref: 550017/03/202125/03/2021
4154 - Frontline Programme ref: 549911/03/202123/03/2021
4153 - Acceptance of Future High Streets Funding ref: 549815/03/202123/03/2021
4151 - Catering Department disposables Contract ref: 549612/03/202123/03/2021
4152 - The Undertaking of Building Refurbishment Works to the Upper Floor Offices at Century House, 8-18 Chapel Bar, Nottingham ref: 549715/03/202123/03/2021
4150 - Private Rental Sector Enforcement Competition ref: 549509/03/202109/03/2021
4149 - Furnished tenancies provision for Nottingham City Council tenants ref: 549410/03/202110/03/2021
4148 - Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme - Loxley House Lighting ref: 549306/03/202116/03/2021
4147 - N-Gage Project ref: 549203/03/202113/03/2021
Broadmarsh Centre - Approval of LEP Funding03/03/2021For Determination
4142 - Concession at Wollaton Park ref: 548702/03/202111/03/2021
4143 - Corrosion protection to bridges over the Nottingham Canal ref: 548803/03/202111/03/2021
4140 - Early Years funding for Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) ref: 548527/02/202110/03/2021
4139 - To Approve a New Lease for the Second Floor, 16 King Street, Fothergill House, Nottingham, NG1 2AS ref: 548427/02/202109/03/2021
4138 - To Approve a New Lease for the First Floor, 16 King Street, Fothergill House, Nottingham, NG1 2AS ref: 548327/02/202109/03/2021
4137 - Letting of Heron House, Timothy Bridge Road, Stratford-Upon-Avon ref: 548227/02/202109/03/2021
4136 - Capacity Building Funding for new statutory duty arising from the Domestic Abuse Bill 2020 ref: 548126/02/202109/03/2021
4133 - Sexual Violence / Abuse support services ref: 547724/02/202106/03/2021
4129 - Insurance Broker Contract ref: 547524/02/202105/03/2021
4131 - Acceptance of Department for Education Support for additional school bus services during the Covid-19 Pandemic ref: 547625/02/202105/03/2021
4128 - Oracle Financial and HR Systems Support and Maintenance Renewal ref: 547424/02/202104/03/2021
4126 - Allocation of Adult Social Care Rapid Testing Funding ref: 547222/02/202122/02/2021
4125 - Adult Social Care Workforce Capacity Fund ref: 547122/02/202122/02/2021
4124 - DEFRA funding (SR20) for 6 items of hydraulic modelling - Flood Risk Management ref: 547019/02/202102/03/2021
4122 - T.rex Exhibition 2021-2022 ref: 546819/02/202127/02/2021
4123 - Continued Financial Support for the Tram ref: 546919/02/202127/02/2021
Private Rental Sector Enforcement Competition18/02/2021For Determination
4121 - Former Bestwood Housing Office ref: 546717/02/202125/02/2021
4120 - Green Homes Grant Local Authority Deliver Phase 1b ref: 546613/02/202123/02/2021
4118 - Education and Skills Funding Agency - Adult Education Budget 2020/21 ref: 546410/02/202119/02/2021
4117 - Nottingham Nursery School Funding Proposal ref: 546310/02/202119/02/2021
4116 - Green Home Grants Local Authority Delivery (LAD) Phase 2 ref: 546210/02/202110/02/2021
4114 - Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment ref: 546109/02/202117/02/2021
4112 - Approval to spend grant funding to provide asymptomatic testing in the community ref: 545909/02/202117/02/2021
4111 - Fairham Pastures, Nottingham ref: 545805/02/202116/02/2021
4110 - Agreement to sign a one year contract for metering and billing services to be delivered to Peabody Trust ref: 545608/02/202116/02/2021
4109 - Adult Social Care Workplace requirements due to Covid-19 Pandemic ref: 545508/02/202108/02/2021
4108 - The Nottingham Works 4You Project ref: 545405/02/202113/02/2021
4106 - New Lease of 1 Peppercorn Gardens, Radford Bridge Road, Wollaton, NG8 1NT ref: 545202/02/202111/02/2021
4105 - Sale of Redhill Farm, Bestwood Lodge Drive, Nottingham, NG5 8NE ref: 545102/02/202110/02/2021
4103 - Sale of 135 to 137 Lower Parliament Street and adjoining Arena ( Brook Street) car park, Nottingham ref: 544929/01/202106/02/2021
4102 - Assignment and regear of the lease at the land: 5824 acres at Dabell Avenue, Blenheim Industrial Estate, Bulwell, Nottingham ref: 544829/01/202106/02/2021
4101 - Procurement of external support in response to the actions from the Public Interest Report and Non Statutory Review ref: 544728/01/202106/02/2021
4100 - DCMS funding grant from British Library for provision of Business and IP Centre service ref: 544627/01/202104/02/2021
4099 - Child Friendly City Programme ref: 544522/01/202130/01/2021
4098 - To approve receipt of funding and allocation of match funding for energy efficiency improvements ref: 544421/01/202121/01/2021
4096 - Software Maintenance Renewal for Four Systems 2021-2023 ref: 544221/01/202129/01/2021
4095 - Children's Homecare service for disabled children ref: 544121/01/202129/01/2021
4093 - Approval to extend Sexual Health C-Card contract for the period of 1-year plus 1-year extension option ref: 543918/01/202126/01/2021
4092 - Online Chlamydia Testing ref: 543814/01/202114/01/2021
4091 - Integrated Sexual Health Service - 'Agenda for Change' Uplift ref: 543714/01/202114/01/2021
4089 - Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) HIV Prevention Service ref: 543414/01/202114/01/2021
4088 - External Swimming Provision (Teaching) ref: 543308/01/202122/01/2021
4086 - Acceptance of Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) Next Steps Accommodation Programme Grant Funding ref: 543111/01/202120/01/2021
4085 - Authorisations under the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Local Authority Enforcement Powers and Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020 ref: 543006/01/202119/01/2021
4083 - Consent to vary the lease of Fairham House ref: 542806/01/202114/01/2021
Sale of 135 to 137 Lower Parliament Street and adjoining Arena (Brook Street) Car park, Nottingham - Key Decision29/12/2020For Determination
4081 - Temporary additional legal support ref: 542623/12/202006/01/2021
4079 - The Fit-Out and Furnishing of Café Premises at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Building, Nottingham Science Park ref: 542423/12/202005/01/2021
4080 - Bulwell Hall Golf Course - Future Operation & Management ref: 542523/12/202005/01/2021
4078 - Early Design Works for the Creation of a Temporary Sixth Form Base ref: 542322/12/202001/01/2021
To approve receipt of funding and allocation of match funding for energy efficiency improvements16/12/2020For Determination
4073 - To allocate funding to create a specialist primary Focused Provision, subject to statutory consultation ref: 541812/12/202022/12/2020
4072 - 2020-21 Asset Valuations ref: 541712/12/202022/12/2020
4071 - Lister Gate Deed of Variation ref: 541612/12/202022/12/2020
4070 - Giving Nottingham Children the Best Start in Life contract ref: 541510/12/202019/12/2020
4069 - Smoking Cessation Service ref: 541410/12/202018/12/2020
4068 - HM Coroners Toxicology Contract ref: 541209/12/202017/12/2020
4048 - Adoption of Banning Order and Rogue Landlord Database Policies ref: 541317/11/202017/11/2020
4066 - Broadmarsh Car Park Development Contract Extension ref: 541004/12/202004/12/2020
4065 - Assignment of Lease and Deed of Variation - Project Everest ref: 540904/12/202015/12/2020
4064 - Occupancy retention arrangements ref: 540804/12/202015/12/2020
4063 - COVID Winter Grant Scheme ref: 540704/12/202004/12/2020
4059 - Financing Arrangements - November 2020 ref: 540328/11/202028/11/2020
4056 - 2020/21 Department for Transport Section 31 revenue grant for Travel Demand Management ref: 540024/11/202002/12/2020
4057 - Amalgamation of NEST Provision with the Hospital and Home Education Learning Centre ref: 540124/11/202002/12/2020
4055 Reline of 300/2 double ended cremator ref: 539924/11/202002/12/2020
4050 - Sale of 60 Carlton Road, St Ann's, Nottingham, NG3 2AP ref: 539420/11/202028/11/2020
4049 - To allocate a s106 contribution for the creation of a new specialist provision at Djanology Strelley Academy ref: 539318/11/202027/11/2020
4047 - DEFRA Emergency Assistance Grant ref: 539216/11/202025/11/2020
Allocation of Adult Social Care Infection Control Grant Funding Round 213/11/2020For Determination
4045 - Dilapidations Claim Settlemement 24-32 Carlton St 31-33 Warser Gate, Nottingham ref: 539012/11/202020/11/2020
4044 - Acceptance of Government Funding for COVID Enforcement ref: 538906/11/202017/11/2020
4040 - Revised Terms for the Assignment of Lease and Deed of Variation - Project Albert ref: 538505/11/202013/11/2020
4038 - Geographical Information System Contract Renewal ref: 538304/11/202012/11/2020
4035 - Extension of Agency Resource to Support Phase 2 of the 'Children at the Heart' Improvement Plan ref: 538003/11/202011/11/2020
4034 - Green Homes Grant - Local Authority Delivery ref: 537929/10/202006/11/2020
4033 - Refurbishment of Building 2 at Woolsthorpe Depot to allow Meals at Home to vacate Willow Road for it to be sold ref: 537828/10/202005/11/2020
4032 - Changes to Highway Maintenance Block ref: 537728/10/202005/11/2020
4031 - Acceptance of Grant Funding from the Arts Council England Cultural Recovery Fund ref: 537627/10/202005/11/2020
Acceptance of MHCLG Next Steps Accommodation Programme Grant Funding28/10/2020For Determination
4029 - Heritage Lottery Culture Recovery fund for Heritage sites ref: 537323/10/202003/11/2020
4028 - NET Radio Masts - Loxley House and Southchurch Court ref: 537223/10/202003/11/2020
4030 - Waste and Energy Strategic Review ref: 537423/10/202003/11/2020
4026 - Supplier Contracts for Public Rights of Way ref: 537016/10/202027/10/2020
4025 - Appointment of provider for e-scooter trial in Nottingham ref: 536919/10/202027/10/2020
4024 - Purchasing of De-Icing Salts ref: 536815/10/202023/10/2020
4022 - Consultancy Report - Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services Sector (Midlands Wide) ref: 536714/10/202024/10/2020
4023 - Development costs of Southchurch Court ref: 536513/10/202022/10/2020
4020 - Extend procurement deadline for ITSO HOPS and RTD services for ENCTS and commercial ticketing services ref: 536309/10/202021/10/2020
4019 - Conversion of three offices into apartments at Woodlands site, Radford ref: 536212/10/202021/10/2020
4018 - Recruit Conurbation Manager - 2 year Secondment ref: 536112/10/202020/10/2020
4017 - DEFRA Emergency Assistance Grant ref: 536009/10/202020/10/2020
4016 - Approval to appoint external auctioneers ref: 535909/10/202017/10/2020
4015 - Nottingham City Council and the Kickstart Programme ref: 535808/10/202016/10/2020
The Guildhall complex, Burton Street Nottingham-Appropriation for Planning and development purposes.08/10/2020For Determination
4014 - Grant Support for Energy Efficiency Upskilling ref: 535707/10/202015/10/2020
4013 - Colwick Hall Hotel Parking Management ref: 535605/10/202015/10/2020
4012 - Healthy Pupil Capital Fund for Nottingham Schools - Summer programme 2020 ref: 535506/10/202015/10/2020
4011 - Acceptance of Home Office Counter Extremism Co-ordinator Grant ref: 535405/10/202015/10/2020
4010 - Proposed admission arrangements for community schools 2022/23 ref: 535306/10/202014/10/2020
4009 - Authorisations under Coronavirus Health Protection Regulations UPDATE ref: 535206/10/202014/10/2020
4007 - Core Funding to D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) ref: 535002/10/202013/10/2020
4006 - Further essential health and safety works at Broadmarsh Centre ref: 534902/10/202002/10/2020
4004 - English Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) Integration Funding 'Learn English Together' ref: 534701/10/202009/10/2020
4005 - Regrade of the post of Children's Residential Social Care Worker from E to F grade ref: 534801/10/202009/10/2020
4002 - The Wellbeing at Home Volunteer Service ref: 534528/09/202008/10/2020
4000 - Assignment of Lease and Deed of Variation - Project Albert ref: 534325/09/202006/10/2020
3999 - Service of S25 Notice - Premises at Lister Gate, Nottingham ref: 534225/09/202025/09/2020
3998 - Transfer of Accountable Body Status from Nottingham City Council to Staffordshire County Council ref: 534128/09/202006/10/2020
3996 - Permission to approve capital expenditure for the payment of three new ICT packages from Northgate Public Services ref: 533925/09/202003/10/2020
3995 - Supply of Bread, Dairy, Fruit and Vegetables to Nottingham City Schools, Commercial Catering and Care Homes ref: 533823/09/202003/10/2020
3993 - Development of bespoke accommodation ref: 533623/09/202002/10/2020
3994 - Wireless electric taxi demonstration ref: 533724/09/202002/10/2020
3992 - Supply of Coffee to Nottingham City Commercial Catering ref: 533523/09/202001/10/2020
3991 - 'Wood World Furniture' Sherwin Road, Nottingham, NG7 2FJ ref: 533421/09/202029/09/2020
3987 - Voluntary Redundancy Settlement Agreement Costs: Independent Legal Advice ref: 533017/09/202026/09/2020
3985 - Assignment of restaurant lease ref: 532812/09/202025/09/2020
3984 - Awarded Grant from the Youth Endowment Covid-19 Fund ref: 532715/09/202015/09/2020
3982 - The sale on 125 year lease of the Edwards Lane Community Centre, Alderton Road, Edwards Lane Estate, Nottingham NG5 6DX ref: 532507/09/202015/09/2020
3980 - Sale of Innovation House, Daleside Road, NG2 4DH ref: 532407/09/202015/09/2020
3981 - To declare the Central Library site, Angel Row, Nottingham, NG1 6HP surplus to operational requirements ref: 532305/09/202015/09/2020
3979 - Blenheim Lane site, Firth Way, Bulwell, NG6 8GF ref: 532205/09/202015/09/2020
3978 - Assistive Technology Care Alarm Service for 2020 ref: 532104/09/202004/09/2020
3976 - Valley Road Park Blue Green Infrastructure Project ref: 531902/09/202010/09/2020
3973 - Sale of Council Depot at Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2TA ref: 531624/08/202009/09/2020
3972 - Surrender and Grant of New Lease at Restaurant Premises ref: 531528/08/202028/08/2020
3971 - Supply of Ventilation Cleaning to Nottingham City Schools ref: 531426/08/202005/09/2020
3969 - Supply of Catering Procurement Software ref: 531226/08/202005/09/2020
3968 - Letting of Units 3 & 4 William Lee Buildings, Nottingham Science Park ref: 531126/08/202004/09/2020
3967- Declaration that Exchange Buildings is Surplus to Operational Requirements ref: 531026/08/2020Decision Called-In
3966 - Short Track Speed Skating Program Extension Funding ref: 530925/08/202004/09/2020
3965- Lace Market Car Park - Decking Works ref: 530825/08/202003/09/2020
3964 - Raising the Early Years Free entitlement for 3 & 4 year olds base rate to support post COVID economic recovery ref: 530621/08/202002/09/2020
3963 - Additional Funding for Highway Maintenance ref: 530524/08/202002/09/2020
3960 - Supply and delivery of office stationery and computer consumables ref: 530220/08/202029/08/2020
3959 - New 12 month Authority Public Protection 'Flare' Contract ref: 530119/08/202019/08/2020
Assignment of Lease and Deed of Variation - Project Albert13/08/2020For Determination
3954 - To create a specialist enhanced provision at Fernwood Primary and Nursery School and to allocate S106 funding to the expansion of Fernwood School ref: 529611/08/202019/08/2020
3953 - Financial relief to contracted suppliers as per Procurement Policy Note PPN02/20 ref: 529508/08/202018/08/2020
3952 - Contribution to Service Charge at a Council Owned Property ref: 529406/08/202006/08/2020
3951 - Procurement - Supplier Relief Payments from 1 July 2020 ref: 529304/08/202013/08/2020
3950 - N2EG Energy grants extension - Accelerating Reduction in Carbon (ARC) ref: 529203/08/202013/08/2020
3949 - Nottingham Schools Trust - Grant Agreement ref: 529104/08/202004/08/2020
3948 - Property Investment Disposal ref: 529004/08/202013/08/2020
3946 - Creation of a Parking Operations Manager Post (Grade I) ref: 528803/08/202011/08/2020
3945 - Sale of 5 Holgate, Clifton Village, Nottingham, NG11 8NH ref: 528731/07/202008/08/2020
3944 - Essential Health and Safety Works at Broadmarsh Shopping Centre ref: 528631/07/202031/07/2020
3943 - Midland Engine Funding ref: 528531/07/202008/08/2020
3936 - Nottingham Local List of Heritage Assets Additions - April 2020 ref: 528427/07/202007/08/2020
3942 - Sale of 308a Colwick Road, Nottingham, NG2 4BG ref: 528328/07/202007/08/2020
3941 - Contract award for provider of Household Personalised Travel Planning in Nottingham and Derby ref: 528224/07/202006/08/2020
3940 - Further Financial Support for the Tram ref: 528128/07/202005/08/2020
3939 - Acceptance of funding from the DfT's COVID-19 Emergency Active Travel Fund - Tranche 1 ref: 528028/07/202028/07/2020
3938 - D2N2 Growth Hub Coronavirus Response Extension ref: 527927/07/202004/08/2020
3937 - Employment of Financial Advisors ref: 527824/07/202004/08/2020
3935 - Section 106 funding for Parks Projects, April 2020 ref: 527724/07/202004/08/2020
3934 - Lace Market Care Park - Electrical Works ref: 527623/07/202031/07/2020
3933 - Manor Farm, Tollerton ref: 527520/07/202030/07/2020
3932 - Long Lease Extension (re-gear) - 7.87 Acres of Land at Bull Close Road, Lenton Lane Industrial Estate, Nottingham NG7 2UT ref: 527420/07/202030/07/2020
3931 - Permission to spend - London Road Heat Station repairs ref: 527320/07/202030/07/2020
3929 - Sale of St Andrews Hall, Alfred St North, Nottingham ref: 527107/07/202018/07/2020
3928 - Purchase of three new ICT packages from Northgate Public Services ref: 527008/07/202016/07/2020
3927 - Rough Sleeping Initiative Grant 2020-21 ref: 526907/07/202015/07/2020
3925 - To grant a extension to the lease term already agreed for Sneinton Market ref: 526727/06/202011/07/2020
3922 - Allocation of funds to improve a home currently in use by the Children and Families Department ref: 526429/06/202007/07/2020
3921 - Provision of FCA Regulated Loan and Mortgage Portfolio Management by Gemini Consultants Ltd ref: 526329/06/202007/07/2020
3920 - Approval of substation lease - Broadmarsh Car Park ref: 526227/06/202007/07/2020
3919 - Adult Social Care Workforce Requirements due to the COVID-19 pandemic ref: 526127/06/202007/07/2020
3918 - Financing Arrangements - Key Decision ref: 526025/06/202025/06/2020
3917 - 76-80 Lower Parliament, Nottingham, NG1 1EH ref: 525924/06/202002/07/2020
3911 - Property Trading Account Rent Deferral ref: 525313/06/202013/06/2020
DD3912 - Rufford Primary School - Multi Use Room and Reconfiguration works ref: 525515/06/202023/06/2020
3913 - 15-17 Stoney Street Nottingham NG1 ref: 525415/06/202023/06/2020
3909 - Allocation of Adult Social Care Infection Control Grant Funding ref: 525110/06/202010/06/2020
3906 - Domestic Abuse Services to help support survivors with complex needs ref: 524809/06/202018/06/2020
3905 - Receipt of direct award from the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) ref: 524709/06/202018/06/2020
3904 - Lease Extension (Surrender and Renewal) - Land 3.065 acres at Redfield Road, Lenton Industrial Estate, Nottingham, NG7 2UJ ref: 524609/06/202017/06/2020
3900 - Financial Support for the Tram ref: 524206/06/202006/06/2020
3899 - Broadmarsh Car Park Development ref: 524106/06/202016/06/2020
3898 - Consultant's Review - Retail ref: 524006/06/202016/06/2020
3896 - Development of Oakdene, Woodborough Road, St Anns for new Council housing ref: 523806/06/202016/06/2020
3901 - Fit for the Future: Robotics Automation System Licenses ref: 524308/06/202016/06/2020
3897 - To approve grant funding of £140,000 for the first 6 months of financial year 20/21 to the NGY MyPlace Project ref: 523908/06/202016/06/2020
3893 - Covid 19 Support for Homelessness and Rough Sleepers ref: 523505/06/202013/06/2020
3888 Extension to the current Cycle to Work Scheme ref: 523005/06/202013/06/2020
3895 - Affordable Housing Acquisition - Woodyard Lane, Wollaton ref: 523705/06/202013/06/2020
3894 - Programme of spend for Flexible Homeless Support Grant and Homeless Reduction Grant 2020-21 ref: 523605/06/202013/06/2020
3892 - Opening High Street Fund ref: 523405/06/202005/06/2020
3887 - Enforced Sale of Empty Houses and Vacant Plots of Land - Adoption of Policy ref: 522904/06/202012/06/2020
3886 - Funding for Children in Care Police Officer ref: 522803/06/202012/06/2020
3884 - D2Grids minewater heating feasibly study ref: 522602/06/202010/06/2020
3885 - Lenton and Wollaton East Ward - footway improvements ref: 522702/06/202010/06/2020
3880 - Proposed Old Meadows Conservation Area ref: 522227/05/202028/05/2020
3879 - Purchase of Personal Protective Equipment during the Coronavirus Outbreak ref: 522126/05/202026/05/2020
3877 - Contract Extensions to Mitigate the Impact of the Coronavirus Outbreak ref: 521923/05/202023/05/2020
3876 - City Centre North Development Site Sale ref: 521823/05/202003/06/2020
3878 - 'Children at the Heart' Improvement Plan ref: 522023/05/202003/06/2020
3875 - Procurement - Supplier Relief Payments ref: 521722/05/202022/05/2020
3873 - Informal Planning Guidance - Housing Aid Site, Lower Parliament Street ref: 521521/05/202030/05/2020
3871 - This Girl Can Nottingham Activation ref: 521319/05/202028/05/2020
3870 - Deed of Variation - North Lincs Retail Park ref: 521216/05/202016/05/2020
3869 - Consultation on Affordable Housing Contributions arising from Purpose Built Student Accommodation Supplementary Planning ref: 521114/05/202027/05/2020
Additional funding for highway maintenance - KEY DECISION18/05/2020For Determination
3866 - Heritage Strategy Officer Funding ref: 520914/05/202022/05/2020
3863 - The Way to Work2Work ESF Project - Creation of additional new posts, 6 FTE Family Support Workers & 1 Team Manager ref: 520328/04/202007/05/2020
3858 - Apprenticeship Tender ref: 519817/04/202028/04/2020
3857 - Contract Bus Services Budget Savings and receipt of £231,328 in Department for Transport Funding for 2020/21 ref: 519716/04/202024/04/2020
3856 - Former Nursery Building at Milford Academy, Dungannon Road, Clifton ref: 519611/04/202023/04/2020
3855 - Financing Arrangements ref: 519515/04/202015/04/2020
3854 - Sale of the former Douglas School, 33 Seely Road, Nottingham, NG7 1NU ref: 519411/04/202023/04/2020
Financing Arrangements - KEY DECISION15/04/2020For Determination
Purchase of Personal Protective Equipment during the Corona Virus outbreak - Key Decision14/04/2020For Determination
3852 - Sale of Laura Chamber Lodge, former care home in Clifton ref: 519211/04/202022/04/2020
3851 - To renew main Insurance programme for a further 2 years ref: 519114/04/202014/04/2020
3850 - Nottingham Castle - Land Train ref: 519009/04/202021/04/2020
City Centre North Development Site Sale - Key Decision07/04/2020For Determination
3849 - Allocation of funding from Creative Quarter Loan Fund ref: 518706/04/202015/04/2020
3848 - Financing Arrangements ref: 518602/04/202002/04/2020
3847 - Additional costs associated with social care provision during the current corona virus outbreak ref: 518530/03/202030/03/2020
3846 - Acceptance of grant funding from the Department of Transport ref: 518430/03/202030/03/2020
3845 - Authorisation under Business Closure Regulations 2020 ref: 518330/03/202030/03/2020
3844 - Implementation of Advanced Quality Partnership Scheme for City Bus Services30/03/2020Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
3842 - Acceptance of grant funding from Highways England ref: 518128/03/202028/03/2020
3841 - Procurement of agents for the marketing of land known as Clifton West, Nottingham ref: 518019/03/202031/03/2020
3838 - Lease Renewals in respect of Units 1,2,3,4, 5, 6, 10 & 11 Faraday Building, University Boulevard, Nottingham ref: 517720/03/202028/03/2020
3837 - Investment Acquisition - Project Shirley ref: 517619/03/202019/03/2020
3840 - Invitation to tender for the installation and maintenance of traffic loop detectors ref: 517919/03/202028/03/2020
3833 - Invitation to tender for the supply and installation of Traffic Signal Controllers and associated equipment ref: 517219/03/202027/03/2020
3832 - Two-year lease of two surplus BYD electric buses to CT4N Limited for use on its contract service ref: 517119/03/202027/03/2020
3831 - Access Fund - Continuation Programme 2020/21 ref: 517018/03/202027/03/2020
3830 - HM Coroners Toxicology and Histology Contract ref: 516818/03/202027/03/2020
3834 - Support services at Ashiana and Basera ref: 517319/03/202027/03/2020
3829 - Mechanical Engineering Support Agreement Renewal ref: 516917/03/202027/03/2020
3827 - Re tender of the A1 and A2 bus services, that serve schools in north west Nottingham ref: 516516/03/202024/03/2020
3828 - Undertaking of Feasibility Studies for Pre-Selected Secondary School Sites ref: 516616/03/202025/03/2020
3286 - Purchase of 'Make tofu not war' Tapestry artwork ref: 516412/03/202024/03/2020
3825 - Pre Paid Bank Accounts ref: 516212/03/202021/03/2020
3824 - Works undertaken at Dolomite Avenue, Coventry Business Park, Coventry, CV5 6UE ref: 516109/03/202021/03/2020
3822 - European Social Fund (ESF) Project - Skills Access Hub ref: 515909/03/202019/03/2020
3821 - Surrender of existing lease and the grant of a new lease in respect of land at Wigman Road ref: 515809/03/202017/03/2020
Nottingham Southside Regeneration - Key Decision06/03/2020For Determination
3819 - Approval to deliver the Education Catering contract for a Nottinghamshire County Council School ref: 515603/03/202013/03/2020
3818 - HM Coroners Transportation of Bodies ref: 515503/03/202013/03/2020
3820 - Procurement and Appointment of Property Managing Agent for Premises at Mulberry Walk, Mere Green, Sutton Coldfield ref: 515704/03/202014/03/2020
3813 - Provision of self-build and custom-build plots ref: 515003/03/202011/03/2020
3812 - Sale of 14 Radford Road, Nottingham, NG7 5FS ref: 514928/02/202011/03/2020
3811 - HM Coroners Office Reorganisation ref: 514803/03/202011/03/2020
3810 - The Nottingham Works 4You Project ref: 514703/03/202011/03/2020
3809 - Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Funding - Innovate and Enforce ref: 514602/03/202010/03/2020
3807 - The Derby-Nottingham Metro Area Biodiversity Action: Phase 2 Programme ref: 514428/02/202010/03/2020
3808 - Repair works to the sprinkler system and other refurbishment work to property at Dolomite Avenue, Coventry Business Park ref: 514502/03/202010/03/2020
3806 - Sale of 14-18 St Marys Gate and 4 St Marys Place, Nottingham NG1 1PF ref: 514328/02/202007/03/2020
3805 - Pathways into Health & Social Care European Social Fund (ESF) Project ref: 514128/02/202007/03/2020
3804 - Approval to deliver the Education Catering contract for Odyssey Collaborative Trust ref: 514026/02/202005/03/2020
3803 - Sale of 15-17 Stoney Street, Nottm, NG1 1PF ref: 513926/02/202005/03/2020
3802 - Letter of assurance for Nottingham City Homes Registered Provider regarding the leasing of private housing for temporary accommodation ref: 513826/02/202005/03/2020
3800 - Short Breaks activities for disabled children ref: 513620/02/202003/03/2020
3801 - Park Improvement Project funding ref: 513724/02/202003/03/2020
3798 - Employment of Financial Advisors ref: 513417/02/202027/02/2020
3797 - Lease Renewal for Units E-F Ashgate Retail Park, Ashgate Road, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7UQ ref: 513319/02/202027/02/2020
3796 - Recruitment to the Educational Psychology Team ref: 513218/02/202027/02/2020
3795 - Approval to enter in to a contract with Leicester City Council for the release of funds associated with the Early Outcomes Fund ref: 513119/02/202027/02/2020
3794 - Pre-start works, including demolition of garages, to develop the former garage site at Southchurch Court Clifton ref: 513018/02/202026/02/2020
3791 - Nottingham Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall - Replacement of External Tiles ref: 512717/02/202025/02/2020
3790 - Extension to the Public Spaces Protection Orders in respect of Alcohol ref: 512617/02/202025/02/2020
3792 - Financing Arrangements ref: 512817/02/202017/02/2020
3789 - Extension of software maintenance and support ref: 512514/02/202022/02/2020
3788 - HM Coroners Case Management System ref: 512410/02/202018/02/2020
3787 - Payment of funds to 'Small Steps Big Changes' ref: 512306/02/202006/02/2020
3786 - Acquisition of site at Southchurch Drive, Clifton ref: 512205/02/202014/02/2020
3785 - Software Maintenance Renewal for Seven Systems 2020-2023 ref: 512003/02/202013/02/2020
3783 - Approval to deliver the Education Catering contract for a Nottinghamshire School ref: 511903/02/202012/02/2020
Approval to deliver the Education Catering contract for Odyssey Collaborative Trust31/01/2020For Determination
3781 - Nottingham Skill Mill ref: 511728/01/202005/02/2020
Nottingham Works 4You - A European Social Fund Project27/01/2020For Determination
3780 - Trent Bridge. Repainting and Conservation Repairs 2020. ref: 511627/01/202004/02/2020
3779 - External Swimming Provision ref: 511523/01/202001/02/2020
3778 - Thorough inspections on high risk assets for insurance purposes ref: 511424/01/202001/02/2020
3777 - Extension of Social Care Provision at HMP Nottingham ref: 511321/01/202031/01/2020
3776 - Cold Weather Fund 2019-20 and introduction of new supported accommodation for rough sleepers ref: 511222/01/202031/01/2020
3774 - Procure ITSO HCE mobile ticketing solution via direct award ref: 511021/01/202030/01/2020
3773 - CMS System For ENCTS and Robin Hood Network schemes ref: 510921/01/202030/01/2020
3772 - Highway Infrastructure Asset Management approach ref: 510821/01/202030/01/2020
3771 - Procure ITSO HOPS and RTD services for ENCTS and commercial ticketing services; and approve extension of current RTD service until procurement complete ref: 510721/01/202030/01/2020
3770 - Age UK Notts Staying Put Service (Home Improvement and Decent Homes Assistance Loans ref: 510616/01/202028/01/2020
Skills Access Hub -European Social Fund Project - Key Decision16/01/2020For Determination
3768 - Fruit Market - Acceptance of Homes England Community Housing Fund Capital Grant and Procurement of Contractors ref: 510409/01/202009/01/2020
3767 - Sport and Leisure Service - Gov Radio Advertising Service ref: 510214/01/202014/01/2020
3766 - 3 Years Email Protection ref: 510113/01/202022/01/2020
3759 - Taking a lease of Land London Road Nottingham ref: 509408/01/202017/01/2020
3760 - Contract to Scott Gray Associates Ltd and University of Nottingham Ningbo China ref: 509508/01/202017/01/2020
3758 - National Cycle Route 6 improvement in Nottingham ref: 509307/01/202016/01/2020
3757 - The pre-letting of two Office Suites at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Building, Nottingham Science Park, Nottingham ref: 509206/01/202015/01/2020
3756 - Specialist school nursing provision ref: 509106/01/202014/01/2020
3755 - Nottingham Catering Staffing Restructure ref: 509006/01/202014/01/2020
3754 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 508931/12/201931/12/2019
3753 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 508831/12/201931/12/2019
3752 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 508731/12/201931/12/2019
3751 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 508631/12/201931/12/2019
3749 - Purchase of Ice Plant replacement and decommissioning works ref: 508430/12/201930/12/2019
3748 - Rough Sleeping Initiative 2019/20 ref: 508323/12/201923/12/2019
3747 - The variation of existing leases and simultaneous granting of new leases in respect of office suites at No 1. Nottingham Science Park, Nottingham ref: 508220/12/201920/12/2019
3746 - The Way2Work ESF Project ref: 508120/12/201903/01/2020
3745 - Purchase of freehold interests of units 12, 14, 15 and 16 Hartley Court, Norton Street, Nottingham, NG7 3AN ref: 508020/12/201903/01/2020
3744 - Byron House Dilapidations Claim ref: 507920/12/201903/01/2020
3742 - Utilisation of Section 106 Affordable Housing funding to grant fund Framework to provide new affordable housing ref: 507720/12/201901/01/2020
3740 - Funding from the Warm Homes Fund ref: 507518/12/201928/12/2019
3737 - Long Lease Extension (re-gear) for land fronting Daleside Road Sneinton, Nottingham, NG2 4DH ref: 507211/12/201919/12/2019
3736 - Maximising Capacity at Buwell Riverside and St Anns Valley Centre ref: 507111/12/201919/12/2019
3735 - Consultancy support to assist the Flood Risk Management Team with the Capital Programme and Statutory Duties ref: 507011/12/201919/12/2019
3734 - 57 Glaisdale Drive East, Bilborough, Nottingham, NG8 4GU ref: 506911/12/201919/12/2019
3732 - Integrated Property Asset Management Solution Phase 211/12/2019Decision Approved
3733 - Arkwright Street and Meadows Way, NG2 3DP - sale of freehold interest in 370 sq/mt of land ref: 506811/12/201919/12/2019
3731 - Intelligence Analyst level 4 apprenticeship provider ref: 506609/12/201917/12/2019
3730 - On Street Parking charges - removal of fixed evening rate in Zone 1 ref: 506506/12/201914/12/2019
3729 - On Street Parking - Removal of 30 minute parking option in Zone 1 ref: 506406/12/201914/12/2019
3728 - On Street parking tariff increase of 20% in Zones 1 - 3 ref: 506306/12/201914/12/2019
3726 - Use of Rapid Rehousing Pathway fund 2019/20 - Specialist Navigators ref: 506104/12/201912/12/2019
3725 - Use of Flexible Homelessness Support Grant 2019/20 ref: 506004/12/201912/12/2019
3723 - Approval to deliver the Education Catering contract for Forest Town Primary school, Nottinghamshire ref: 505928/11/201906/12/2019
3721 - 2 year (+ optional 2 year extension) Corporate Procurement Card contract ref: 505727/11/201905/12/2019
3719 - Extension of Accredited Homecare Provision ref: 505525/11/201903/12/2019
3718 - IT Printers ref: 505421/11/201930/11/2019
3717 - Contract to provide Educational Visits Advisory Service to to Lincolnshire County Council ref: 505319/11/201928/11/2019
3715 - Loan to Nottingham City Homes Registered Provider for Move on Accommodation ref: 505115/11/201923/11/2019
3714 - Procurement of Fostering and Adoption Assessment Framework for D2N2 councils ref: 505013/11/201921/11/2019
3710 - Establish additional Team Manager post for Children in Care ref: 504812/11/201920/11/2019
3709 - Project Sunrise - Phase 1 ref: 504708/11/201919/11/2019
3708 - Formalising the occupation of the Harvey Road Works Depot by Nottingham City Homes by way of a new lease ref: 504608/11/201919/11/2019
3707 - Demolition and clearance of garage sites across the city: Phase 1 ref: 504508/11/201919/11/2019
3701 - Adult Social Care - Fees and Charging ref: 503906/11/201915/11/2019
3700 - Replacement of refuse collection vehicle (RCV) ref: 503806/11/201915/11/2019
3699 - Cashless Parking Solution - Tender ref: 503706/11/201914/11/2019
3698 - Adult Weight Management on Referral ref: 503604/11/201904/11/2019
3697 - Supply of Cleaning Chemicals and Products to Nottingham City Catering Sites ref: 503506/11/201914/11/2019
3694 - Greater Nottingham Housing Growth Study and 'Building Council Homes' Study ref: 503205/11/201905/11/2019
3693 - Extension of existing contract with Xpress Software Ltd (Civica) to provide electronic tablets for the personal canvass stage of the annual canvass ref: 503105/11/201913/11/2019
3692 - The Granting of a Lease for a New Substation at The Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Building, Nottingham Science Park ref: 503005/11/201905/11/2019
3691 - Midlands Engine Funding and Regional Leaders Summit ref: 502901/11/201901/11/2019
3689 - Award contract to Electoral Reform Services for the receipt of annual canvass responses ref: 502729/10/201906/11/2019
3688 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 502621/10/201921/10/2019
3687 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 502521/10/201921/10/2019
3686 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 502421/10/201921/10/2019
3685 - To approve the capital spend for works to 30 Woolpack Lane, The Lace Market, Nottingham, NG1 1GA ref: 502324/10/201905/11/2019
3684 - Pre-start work for new residential sites at Chingford, Bilborough, Beckhampton, Bestwood and Oakdene, St Anns ref: 502225/10/201905/11/2019
3679 - Extension of the Wellbeing at Home Volunteer Service Pilot ref: 501615/10/201915/10/2019
3681 - Sale of Trent Farm, Long Eaton, Nottinghamshire ref: 501816/10/201925/10/2019
3680 - Midlands Engine appointment of ADE Regeneration Ltd ref: 501716/10/201916/10/2019
3677 - Use of New Burdens Grant 2019/20 ref: 501414/10/201923/10/2019
3676 - Use of Private Rented Sector Access Fund - Quarter 4 2018/19 to end of 2019/20 ref: 501214/10/201923/10/2019
3672 - Long Lease Extension (re gear) - Unit 8, Dabell Avenue, Blenheim Industrial Estate, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8WN ref: 500809/10/201918/10/2019
3671 - Sale of 15-17 Stoney Street, Nottingham, NG1 1LP ref: 500709/10/201918/10/2019
3670 - Rent Review Granby Avenue, Birmingham, B33 0SD ref: 500609/10/201918/10/2019
3669 - Approval of the Schools Forum funding to progress the Schools Accessibility Programme for 2019/20 ref: 500508/10/201917/10/2019
3668 - Additional Affordable Housing Acquisition at Padstow, Bestwood. ref: 500404/10/201904/10/2019
3667 - Interreg EU Funded Scale Up project ref: 500303/10/201912/10/2019
3666 - City Mental Health Support Teams x 2 for children and young people in education ref: 500202/10/201912/10/2019
3663 - Declare Oakdene Residential Care home surplus to requirements ref: 499902/10/201910/10/2019
3658 - Trent Bridge Structural Painting 2020 ref: 499427/09/201909/10/2019
3657 - Delivery of winter maintenance services for Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust ref: 499325/09/201909/10/2019
3656 - Maintenance Contract for Average Speed Cameras in Nottingham ref: 499227/09/201905/10/2019
3654 - Supply of Light Equipment for use in Schools and Commercial catering outlets ref: 499026/09/201905/10/2019
3655 - To grant a lease on Sneinton Market ref: 499126/09/201905/10/2019
3653 - Purchase of replacement recording equipment for Public Space CCTV ref: 498926/09/201905/10/2019
3651 - Education & Skills Funding Agency - Adult Education Contract 2019/20 ref: 498826/09/201926/09/2019
3652 - Burials & Cremations Administration System ref: 498726/09/201904/10/2019
3650 - Macfarlane Contact+ support contract ref: 498625/09/201904/10/2019
3649 - Extension of funding agreement for European Structural and Investment Funds - Intermediate Body TA: Regional and International Officer European Liaison ref: 498518/09/201918/09/2019
3647 - Sale of Council-owned diesel buses that have been used on the Locallink and Worklink contracts ref: 498318/09/201927/09/2019
3645 - Racecourse Park and Ride Site: withdrawal of the Ecolink Bus Service and its replacement by Nottingham City Transport commercial routes 44 and 50 ref: 498118/09/201926/09/2019
3646 - Appropriation of rights at Crocus Place, Nottingham ref: 498216/09/201926/09/2019
3644 - Implementation of Contact Centre Solution ref: 498016/09/201925/09/2019
3643 - Disposal of a long leasehold interest Colwick Hall, Nottingham. ref: 497916/09/201925/09/2019
3642 - New Sub Station Lease - Nottingham College City Hub, Canal Street/ Cliff Road, Nottingham ref: 497716/09/201925/09/2019
3640 - Additional Payment of a Management Fee to Nottingham City Homes ref: 497616/09/201925/09/2019
3638 - Purchase and Supply of Fresh Meat to Schools, Commercial Catering and Care Homes ref: 497412/09/201921/09/2019
3637 - Supply of ready-made sandwiches and rolls contract to Commercial catering outlets and meals at home ref: 497312/09/201921/09/2019
3636 - Nottingham Schools Trust - School Improvement, Brokerage and Quality Assurance Grant ref: 497212/09/201921/09/2019
3635 - Crime and Drugs Partnership approval to direct award Shared Care Drug Treatment Contracts ref: 497109/09/201918/09/2019
3630 - Approval of revised articles of association for Nottingham City Homes ref: 496504/09/201904/09/2019
3628 - International and B-Global Funding ref: 496303/09/201912/09/2019
3629 - Proposed admission arrangements for 2021/22 school year for city community schools ref: 496404/09/201912/09/2019
3627 - Approval to spend - Early Intervention Youth Fund ref: 496203/09/201911/09/2019
3626 - Highways Services ref: 496129/08/201929/08/2019
3625 - Future High Street revenue grant ref: 496027/08/201904/09/2019
3623 - Supply of books to Nottingham Library Services, including supply of books and dvds to Nottingham Prison Library ref: 495821/08/201931/08/2019
3622 - Professional Cost Management Group (PCMG) Review of Telecommunication and Data Costs ref: 495721/08/201930/08/2019
3621 - Joint procurement of the Citizens' Survey and Respect Survey 2019 ref: 495619/08/201929/08/2019
3620 - Contract to Optima Graphic Design Consultants Ltd ref: 495515/08/201924/08/2019
3618 - Sale of East Lodge, Newstead Abbey Park, Nottingham, NG15 8PN ref: 495312/08/201920/08/2019
3617 - Midlands Engine appointment of contract to Hanover Communications International Ltd ref: 495209/08/201920/08/2019
3616 - Flood Alleviation Scheme at Beechdale ref: 495108/08/201917/08/2019
3615 - Hybrid Mail Solution ref: 495008/08/201917/08/2019
3614 - Repair of wall at Woodborough Road / Cranmer Grove ref: 494908/08/201916/08/2019
3612 - Network Management for the Nottingham Control Centre07/08/2019Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
3613 - Buying a Virtual School ePEP system for Children in Care from a commissioned provider ref: 494807/08/201915/08/2019
3611 - Sale of the freehold interest in 286 square metres of Trading Account land adjacent to Arkwright Street and Meadows Way Nottingham NG2 3DP ref: 494605/08/201914/08/2019
3610 - Approval of substation lease - Crocus Place, Arkwright Street, Nottingham ref: 494501/08/201910/08/2019
3607 - Southglade Outdoor Pitches ref: 494201/08/201910/08/2019
3608 - REMOURBAN Budget Increase ref: 494301/08/201910/08/2019
3609 - Exclusivity agreement and procurement of commercial property agents for the proposed Angel Row office development ref: 494401/08/201910/08/2019
3605 - Building Management System Merged Contract ref: 494101/08/201909/08/2019
3606 - To grant a lease on Unit 14 Finepoint, Finepoint Way, Walter Nash Road, Kidderminster DY11 7FB ref: 494001/08/201909/08/2019
3604 - Alcohol Treatment Capital Fund ref: 493901/08/201909/08/2019
3602 - Digital Media Advertising Screens ref: 493831/07/201908/08/2019
3603 - Travel and Accommodation Contract Extension ref: 493731/07/201931/07/2019
3601 - Renewal of Lease Unit 8 Finepoint Kidderminster ref: 493630/07/201908/08/2019
3600 - Core funding to the value of £62,000 to the D2N2 LEP for financial year 2019/20 ref: 493530/07/201907/08/2019
3593 - To procure, appoint and project manage consultants in relation to the provision of Housing Stock Revaluations and Right to Buy Valuations ref: 492622/07/201901/08/2019
3592 - Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Service Transformation Funds - Additional Grant Award ref: 492524/07/201901/08/2019
3588 - Queen's Drive Park & Ride Site: Withdrawal of the Centrelink Bus Service and its replacement by Nottingham City Transport ref: 492122/07/201930/07/2019
3586 - Opening Local Authority Transport Data ref: 491922/07/201930/07/2019
3585 - Extension of the framework for foster carer, connected carer, and adoptive parent assessment ref: 491822/07/201930/07/2019
3584 - Surrender of existing lease and grant new 50yr lease for the Nottingham Racecourse ref: 491722/07/201930/07/2019
3587 - Colwick Marina ref: 492019/07/201930/07/2019
3583 - Service Improvement and Development ref: 491619/07/201927/07/2019
3581 - Direct Payments Support Contract ref: 491418/07/201926/07/2019
3580 - Overage payment receipt in connection with Phase One Trent Basin Residential Development ref: 491317/07/201926/07/2019
3579 - Sale of 52 Cedar Road, Nottingham, NG7 6NS ref: 491216/07/201925/07/2019
3578 - Blueprint Restructure to create a Limited Liability Partnership ref: 491116/07/201925/07/2019
3577 - Section 106 funding for Parks and Open Spaces ref: 491015/07/201924/07/2019
3576 - Harvey Hadden Track Improvements ref: 490912/07/201923/07/2019
3575 - Settlement of Dilapidation Claim at Hartley Court, Norton Street, Radford, Nottingham ref: 490812/07/201923/07/2019
3574 - Authorisation of the expenditure in relation to the successful bid ref: 490709/07/201923/07/2019
3573 - Children and Family Contact Centres ref: 490609/07/201923/07/2019
3249 - Investment Acquisition - Project Aston ref: 456303/09/201811/09/2018
3572 - Financing Arrangements ref: 490504/07/201913/07/2019
3568 - Short Track Speed Skating Performance Programme ref: 490125/06/201911/07/2019
3566 - Mobile Telephony Contract 2020 ref: 489825/06/201904/07/2019
3564 - Property Investment Disposal ref: 489726/06/201926/06/2019
3565 - Works to be undertaken at Dolomite Avenue, Coventry Business Park, Coventry, CV5 6UE ref: 489626/06/201926/06/2019
3563 - Letting - Dolomite Avenue, Coventry Business Park, Coventry, CV5 6UE ref: 489525/06/201904/07/2019
3562 - The sale of 112 to 128 Derby Road and 181 to 195 Wollaton Street, Nottingham NG1 5FB ref: 489425/06/201904/07/2019
Financing arrangements25/06/2019For Determination
3560 - Re-appointment of consultants to undertake Right to Buy valuations ref: 489221/06/201902/07/2019
3559 - Sale of land behind Tram Arches at Trent St Nottingham ref: 489119/06/201928/06/2019
3556 - Grant of new lease at Unit 3, Phoenix Court, Finch Close, Lenton Lane Industrial Estate, NG7 2PU ref: 488818/06/201918/06/2019
3555 - Grant of new lease at Unit 3, Parkway Court, Glaisdale Parkway, Bilborough, NG8 4GN ref: 488718/06/201918/06/2019
3552 - Build NCC's own ULEV Centre - Nottingham Electric Vehicle Services (MOT/Servicing for internal electric light fleet, taxis and external customers) ref: 488413/06/201921/06/2019
3553 - Albany House ref: 488513/06/201915/06/2019
3551 - Commercial Solar Photo Voltaic (P.V) Investment Program ref: 488313/06/201921/06/2019
3549 - Sale of the freehold of 289 and 293 Main Street, Bulwell, NG6 8ED ref: 488007/06/201918/06/2019
3548 - Surrender of existing lease and grant of new 50 year lease for the Greyhound Stadium Nottingham ref: 487807/06/201915/06/2019
3539 - Newstead Abbey West Front and Cannon Fort repair project ref: 486909/05/201911/06/2019
3536 - To declare surplus, demolish and place on the market for sale 135 to 137 Lower Parliament Street and the adjoining Brook Street car park, Nottingham ref: 486621/05/201905/06/2019
3535 - LGA and NHS Digital innovation grant funding ref: 486508/05/201905/06/2019
3533 - Autocad Subscription Licence ref: 486323/05/201901/06/2019
3532 - Internet Connection provision ref: 486223/05/201901/06/2019
3531 - Washroom Services Contract ref: 486122/05/201931/05/2019
3530 - Replacement of Community Facility St Anns Well Road ref: 486009/05/201931/05/2019
3529 - Renewal of contract for maintenance of the Xpress elections management system ref: 485921/05/201930/05/2019
3528 - City Centre and Neighbourhood Bin Replacement Programme ref: 485821/05/201930/05/2019
3527 - Grow Our Own Social Work Programme ref: 485717/05/201925/05/2019
3526 - Street Lighting Private Finance Initiative Contract Re-Financing ref: 485613/05/201922/05/2019
3525 - Additional and Remedial PhotoVoltaic system works ref: 485510/05/201918/05/2019
3524 - Transfer of D2N2 Accountable Body status for Growing Places Fund and Enterprise Zones to Derbyshire County Council ref: 485309/05/201918/05/2019
3522 - Hockley Area - Urban Realm Improvements ref: 485209/05/201918/05/2019
3523 - ANPR camera new setup and replacement of old cameras ref: 485410/05/201918/05/2019
3521 - Financial Advice Framework Agreement ref: 485109/05/201917/05/2019
3520 - Letting of ground floor changing rooms and other facilities in the Harvey Hadden Sports Village pavilion building ref: 485009/05/201917/05/2019
3519 - Annual Cultural Grant to Nusic ref: 484909/05/201917/05/2019
3518 - Management and Engineering Service Agreement ref: 484808/05/201916/05/2019
Affordable Housing Acquisition - Sandfield Centre, Derby Road, Nottingham ref: 484708/05/201916/05/2019
3516 - Winter Pressures 2019-20 Funding ref: 484607/05/201916/05/2019
3513 - Release of funds from a Government grant to allow construction of highway improvements on Farnborough Road, Silverdale tramside path and the B679 ref: 484307/05/201915/05/2019
3515 - New Internal Semi-Independent Provision - A Road ref: 484507/05/201915/05/2019
3514 - Acceptance of Government Funding for High Street Community Clean Ups, Parks Improvements and Parks Plus Programme. ref: 484407/05/201915/05/2019
3512 - Sale of the freehold interest in 11 East Circus Street and access road, together with part of Wellington Circus, Nottingham NG1 5AF ref: 484201/05/201910/05/2019
3510 - Medium Term Financial Plan savings relating to the Marcus Garvey Day Centre ref: 484026/04/201904/05/2019
3508 - MHCLG Rapid Rehousing Pathway ref: 483825/04/201904/05/2019
3505 - Implementation of the Department for Work and Pensions Reducing Parental Conflict Programme ref: 483523/04/201902/05/2019
3504 - Invest in D2N2 2 ERDF project ref: 483423/04/201902/05/2019
3503 - Big House ERDF Project Extension ref: 483317/04/201927/04/2019
3502 - Continue funding an engagement programme for disaffected young people ref: 483211/04/201926/04/2019
3498 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 482812/04/201912/04/2019
3497 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 482712/04/201912/04/2019
3496 - Development of Eastglade ref: 482611/04/201919/04/2019
3493 - Acceptance of Arts Council funding for delivery of Musical engagement project across libraries ref: 482305/04/201913/04/2019
3492 - Transfer of IT budgets to the Library Service ref: 482205/04/201913/04/2019
3491 - Use of New Burdens funding for homelessness provision ref: 482104/04/201904/04/2019
3490 - Fairhavens Support Service ref: 482005/04/201905/04/2019
3486 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 481603/04/201903/04/2019
3485 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 481503/04/201903/04/2019
3484 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 481403/04/201903/04/2019
3483 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 481303/04/201903/04/2019
3482 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 481203/04/201903/04/2019
3481 - Letting of Second Floor, Phoenix House, Elder Gate, Milton Keynes, MK9 1BE ref: 481102/04/201910/04/2019
3480 - Creative Quarter Loan Fund ref: 481001/04/201909/04/2019
3479 - Nottingham Central Library Development ref: 480928/03/201905/04/2019
3477 - Setting City and Area Targets and Trajectories for Emission Reduction to 2050 (SCATTER) ref: 480727/03/201904/04/2019
3476 - European Regional Development Fund Priority Axis 6 - Preserving and Protecting the Environment; Derby and Nottingham Metro ref: 480627/03/201904/04/2019
3475 - Chamber and HRA Land at Kett Street, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8NX ref: 480226/03/201903/04/2019
3474 - The sale of 528sqm or thereabouts of land at the junction of Old Farm Road and Harvest Close, Top Valley, Nottingham ref: 480126/03/201903/04/2019
Transfer of Accountable Body Status for Growing Places Fund and Enterprise Zones26/03/2019For Determination
3472 - Redevelopment of Spondon Street, Sherwood - Authority to appoint the preferred developer ref: 480426/03/201903/04/2019
3471 - Loan to NCH for the purchase of properties for temporary accommodation for homeless households ref: 480326/03/201903/04/2019
3470 - Midlands Engine Government Programmes ref: 480026/03/201903/04/2019
3469 - Additional Funding for the Winchester - Woodthorpe development ref: 479922/03/201903/04/2019
3473 - Transforming Cities Fund and Appointment of Consultants to develop business cases for Net Extensions ref: 480526/03/201903/04/2019
3467 - Acquisition of land adjacent to Sherwood Community Centre ref: 479825/03/201902/04/2019
3468 - Procurement of Central Library Internal Fit Out Design ref: 479321/03/201902/04/2019
3465 - Public Spaces Protection Orders in respect of dogs ref: 479622/03/201930/03/2019
3461 - Southglade Primary reception extension plus drainage works and Claremont Primary phase 2 heating ref: 479121/03/201929/03/2019
3463 - Acceptance of DEFRA Clean Air Funding For Electric Taxi Measures ref: 479421/03/201929/03/2019
3457 - Procurement of Cash Collection Services ref: 478718/03/201928/03/2019
3459 - Procurement of event safety stewarding and crowd management provision ref: 478820/03/201928/03/2019
3456 - Dispensation from financial regulations to enter a new contract with Northgate Public Services ref: 478419/03/201927/03/2019
3455 - Sale of the former Elms Primary School, detached playing field and caretakers house, Cranmer Street, St Anns ref: 478319/03/201927/03/2019
3454 - Catering Concession Licence - Wollaton Park ref: 478218/03/201926/03/2019
3451 - Online Legal Resources ref: 478014/03/201922/03/2019
3449 - Bulwell Hall Golf Course ref: 477813/03/201921/03/2019
3450 - Theatre Royal and Concert Hall Restoration Levy ref: 477913/03/201921/03/2019
3448 - Digital Infrastructure Improvements: Sport and Leisure Service ref: 477713/03/201921/03/2019
3447 - Funding International Strategy and Creative Quarter ref: 477612/03/201921/03/2019
3446 - Construction Projects and Staffing ref: 477512/03/201921/03/2019
3442 - Catering Concession Licences on Parks ref: 477108/03/201916/03/2019
3443 - Broadmarsh roadspace transformation and public realm improvements programme ref: 477208/03/201916/03/2019
3436 - Meals at Home Frozen Food Supply Contract ref: 476607/03/201915/03/2019
3435 - Highways, bridges and structures painting ref: 476405/03/201913/03/2019
3434 - Highway Maintenance Funding ref: 476205/03/201913/03/2019
3433 - Digital Skills Innovation Fund bid ref: 476101/03/201913/03/2019
3432 - Proposed refurbishment of kitchen and associated work at Lenton Business Centre ref: 476005/03/201913/03/2019
3431 - 234 Southchurch Drive, Clifton, Nottingham, NG11 8AA ref: 475927/02/201911/03/2019
3430 - 186-188 Southchurch Drive, Clifton, Nottingham, NG11 8AA ref: 475801/03/201909/03/2019
3428 - To allocate a S106 payment to support sustainable transport infrastructure ref: 475601/03/201909/03/2019
3429 - Real time data trail to support Keep Nottingham Moving and Smart City Vision ref: 475701/03/201909/03/2019
3427 - Catering Equipment Maintenance Contract ref: 475528/02/201909/03/2019
3423 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 475428/02/201928/02/2019
3422 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 475328/02/201928/02/2019
3421 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 475228/02/201928/02/2019
3420 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 475128/02/201928/02/2019
3419 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 475028/02/201928/02/2019
3416 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 474728/02/201928/02/2019
3415 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 474628/02/201928/02/2019
3414 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 474528/02/201928/02/2019
3413 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 474428/02/201928/02/2019
3426 - Employ a financial consultant to advice on a PFI re-finance project ref: 474327/02/201907/03/2019
3425 - Extension to Stephanie Lodge Contract ref: 474225/02/201906/03/2019
3424 - Data Storage and Data Backup systems purchase ref: 474022/02/201902/03/2019
Redevelopment of Spondon Street, Sherwood - Authority to appoint the preferred developer - Key Decision21/02/2019For Determination
3412 - Acceptance of government grant for electric vehicle charge points in residential areas ref: 473921/02/201902/03/2019
3405 - Investment Acquisition - Project Green ref: 473215/02/201923/02/2019
3407 - Domestic Abuse Services ref: 473415/02/201923/02/2019
3404 - Approvals to allow early works in relation to the expansion of Nethergate Academy ref: 473114/02/201922/02/2019
3403 - Sharing Space with Rushcliffe Borough Council at Eastcroft Depot ref: 473014/02/201922/02/2019
3402 - Public Health NHS Health Check Contract ref: 472912/02/201920/02/2019
3401 - Metering and billing services for London Borough of Waltham Forest ref: 472812/02/201920/02/2019
3400 - Queen's Walk Recreation Ground Outdoor Gym and Multi-Use Games Area ref: 472712/02/201920/02/2019
3399 - 'Appropriate Adult Service' commissioning ref: 472606/02/201919/02/2019
3398 - Fernwood Primary School capital project ref: 472506/02/201914/02/2019
3397 - Establish a Catering Reserve ref: 472405/02/201913/02/2019
3395 - Nottingham Science Park No. 2 Building - Additional Works ref: 472101/02/201901/02/2019
3396 - Trade Counter Development - Project Albert ref: 472201/02/201909/02/2019
3394 - Vehicle telematics system ref: 471931/01/201908/02/2019
3393 - Letting - Units 6 and 7 Whitemoor Court, Nuthall Road, Nottingham ref: 471830/01/201907/02/2019
3392 - Long lease sale of land at Mickleborough Avenue, Nottingham ref: 471730/01/201907/02/2019
3391 - Appointment of Managing and Letting Agent for Premises at Nottingham Science Park, Nottingham ref: 471630/01/201907/02/2019
3389 - Urgent structural building repair Wollaton Park Community Centre ref: 471430/01/201907/02/2019
3390 - Taking a lease of outside Storage Space ref: 471530/01/201907/02/2019
3386 - Engagement in Professional Services ref: 471124/01/201924/01/2019
3384 - School Absence Insurance ref: 470924/01/201901/02/2019
3385 - Bus Lane Enforcement Maintenance Contract ref: 471024/01/201901/02/2019
3382 - Large scale outdoor digital screen at Theatre Royal ref: 470822/01/201931/01/2019
3383 - Additional Funding for the Nottinghamshire WW1 Roll of Honour Centenary Memorial Project ref: 472323/01/201931/01/2019
3381 - Purchase of Automatic Number Plate Recognition vehicle for Workplace Parking Levy compliance and enforcement ref: 470722/01/201930/01/2019
3379 - Parent Company Guidance ref: 470518/01/201918/01/2019
3378 - Sale of the Council's Freehold interest in 54 Canal Street, Nottingham, NG1 7EH ref: 470416/01/201924/01/2019
3377 - New letting - Dolomite Avenue, Coventry Business Park, Coventry, CV5 6UE ref: 470315/01/201923/01/2019
Trade Counter Development - Project Albert - key decision10/01/2019For Determination
3368 - Application to extend the 'Into the Mainstream' service. ref: 469210/01/201918/01/2019
3367 - Infection Prevention and Control ref: 469110/01/201918/01/2019
3369 - Revised Resident Parking Scheme Policy ref: 469310/01/201918/01/2019
3361 - Parking Management for Nottingham College ref: 468520/12/201803/01/2019
3360 - Criminal Justice Substance Misuse service ref: 468421/12/201821/12/2018
3359 - New Telematics System ref: 468320/12/201820/12/2018
Loan to NCH for the purchase of properties for temporary accommodation for homeless households - Key Decision20/12/2018For Determination
3358 - Upgrade to Security at Eastcroft Depot and remote monitoring, including Woolsthorpe Depot and Access Control for Vehicles ref: 468220/12/201801/01/2019
3357 - E resources tender (e-newspapers,e- magazines and e-books) as part of a consortium ref: 468119/12/201829/12/2018
3356 - Winter Pressures Funding ref: 468018/12/201818/12/2018
3355 - Sale of Carlton Road Library, Carlton Road, St Anns Nottingham NG3 2FN ref: 467917/12/201801/01/2019
3353 - Roof replacement works at Clarence Court and Garnet Court, Nottingham ref: 467717/12/201828/12/2018
3325 - Reappointment of existing Rating and Business Rate Audit Consultants ref: 467617/12/201828/12/2018
3350 - Purchase of ex Right To Buy flat ref: 467418/12/201818/12/2018
3347 - Letting of Unit 5J Mulberry Walk, Mere Green, Sutton Coldfield ref: 467117/12/201828/12/2018
3349 - Financing arrangements ref: 467318/12/201818/12/2018
3348 - Sale of the Council's freehold interest - Land, 1,911sq/yds at Salisbury Street Nottingham NG7 2BE ref: 467217/12/201828/12/2018
3354 - Nottingham Enterprise Zone approval for procurement of electrical sub station ref: 467817/12/201828/12/2018
3346 - Surrender and renewal of a ground lease at Crossgate Drive, Queens Drive Industrial Estate, Nottingham ref: 467017/12/201825/12/2018
3343 - Clifton Bus Network: Grant of £176,000 funding, over 3 years, to NCT route 53/4 ref: 466712/12/201820/12/2018
3342 - Maintenance contract for average speed cameras for Nottingham ref: 466611/12/201820/12/2018
3344 - Purchase of Homecare Scheduling System ref: 466812/12/201820/12/2018
3340 - Approval for funding for Pause Programme in Nottingham ref: 466429/11/201829/11/2018
3338 - Approval to allocate lifecycle funding to maintain Rosehill Special School ref: 466203/12/201811/12/2018
3336 - Extension of CivicalCON contract ref: 466030/11/201811/12/2018
3337 - Making Foxton Gardens and the Willow Cottages an Extra Care Service ref: 466103/12/201811/12/2018
3335 - Closure of Oakdene Residential Care Home and the Transfer of short breaks provision from Oakdene to Barkla Close ref: 465929/11/201808/12/2018
Winter Pressures Funding - Key Decision28/11/2018For Determination
3334 - Broadmarsh Car Park Development additional demolition works ref: 465827/11/201805/12/2018
3332 - Leasing of Highwood House to Nottingham City Homes Registered Provider Limited ref: 465627/11/201827/11/2018
3329 - Procurement of Specialist Finance and Legal Services ref: 465323/11/201801/12/2018
3330 - Approval for the ongoing operation of the Mellish Sports Centre ref: 465423/11/201804/12/2018
3322 - Proposal to take on delivery of Construction Industry Peer Support (CIPS) project on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions ref: 464615/11/201823/11/2018
3321 - Allocation of Section 106 Affordable Housing contribution to redevelopment of Knights Close, Top Valley ref: 464514/11/201823/11/2018
3320 - Locally Commissioned Public Health Services (LCPHS) ref: 464414/11/201822/11/2018
3319 - Purchase of purpose built Ultra Low Emission Cage Tippers ref: 464313/11/201821/11/2018
3318 - Harvey Hadden Leisure Centre, Victoria Leisure Centre and Forest Recreation Works ref: 464213/11/201821/11/2018
3316 - Water self supply - Water retail services to corporate estate and investment portfolio ref: 464008/11/201816/11/2018
3314 - Software Maintenance Renewal for 4 Systems 2019-2020 ref: 463301/11/201809/11/2018
3313 - 24-32 Carlton Street and 31-33 Warser Gate ref: 463201/11/201809/11/2018
3312 - Payment of Legal Fees ref: 463131/10/201808/11/2018
3311 - Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) - Community Learning Contract ref: 462930/10/201807/11/2018
3309 - Progressing Development Projects ref: 462830/10/201807/11/2018
3307 - Adult Weight Management ref: 462629/10/201807/11/2018
3310 - SEND Dispute Resolution, Mediation Advice and Mediation services ref: 463030/10/201807/11/2018
3308 - Reducing the use of bed and breakfast for homeless households ref: 462729/10/201807/11/2018
3306 - Extension of CM2000 Monitoring System for Home Care until 31st Jan 2019 ref: 462529/10/201829/10/2018
3302 - Development Option - Victoria Parkway, Nottingham ref: 462126/10/201806/11/2018
3298 - Declare surplus, demolition of buildings and sale of Chase Farm, Mapperley Plains, Gedling ref: 461729/10/201806/11/2018
3305 - Local Development Scheme (LDS) Update ref: 462429/10/201803/11/2018
3301 - Investment Acquisition: Project Aston - Decision Amendment ref: 462026/10/201806/11/2018
3300 - Site Investigation Works: Firth Way, Blenheim Industrial Estate, Bulwell ref: 461926/10/201806/11/2018
3299 - Implementation of Rough Sleeping Initiative 2018/19 ref: 461829/10/201806/11/2018
3296 - Energiesprong Roll Out ref: 461526/10/201803/11/2018
3294 - Festive Lighting ref: 461325/10/201802/11/2018
3293 - Mapperley Park Surface Water Management Scheme ref: 461223/10/201831/10/2018
3292 - Crime and Drugs Partnership approval for extension of Inpatient Detoxification provision ref: 461118/10/201826/10/2018
3291 - CDP to seek dispensation from procurement regulations to directly award the contract for needle exchange supply ref: 461017/10/201825/10/2018
3288 - Approval to Pay in Advance for Microsoft Licenses due 2019/2020 ref: 460716/10/201824/10/2018
3286 - Letting of Units 5D and E Mulberry Walk, Mere Green, Sutton Coldfield ref: 460515/10/201824/10/2018
3285 - Lease renewal: 3rd Floor, Phoenix House, 202 Elder Gate, Milton Keynes, MK9 1BE ref: 460415/10/201824/10/2018
3284 - Site Investigation Works - Glaisdale Drive, Bilborough, Nottingham ref: 460315/10/201823/10/2018
3281 - Confirm Enterprise Licence ref: 459911/10/201820/10/2018
3282 - Approval of additional funding to support the delivery of the expansion works at Middleton Primary School ref: 460112/10/201820/10/2018
3280 - Loan to NCH Registered Provider for development of Church Square, Lenton ref: 459811/10/201819/10/2018
3277 - Newspaper and Magazine Delivery to Nottingham City Library and other Council sites ref: 459409/10/201810/10/2018
3279 - Adult Social Care - Fees and Charges ref: 459608/10/201817/10/2018
3278 - Collaboration Agreement with Gedling Borough Council ref: 459509/10/201817/10/2018
3276 - Section 106, WREN and Area Capital Funding for Parks & Open Spaces ref: 459308/10/201817/10/2018
3274 - Engagement of Professional Services ref: 459105/10/201805/10/2018
3272 - Strelley Road Library and Strelley Court ref: 458903/10/201812/10/2018
3271 - Debt Management System contract ref: 458801/10/201801/10/2018
3270 - Investment Acquisition - Project Brookfield ref: 458728/09/201809/10/2018
3269 - Vehicle Identification Plates for Private Hire & Hackney Carriage Vehicles - Tender approval and award of contract ref: 458601/10/201809/10/2018
3268 - External Legal Expenditure for a Public Hearing ref: 458527/09/201805/10/2018
3266 - Neighbourhood Services Transformation and Improvement Programme ref: 458120/09/201829/09/2018
3265 - Recruitment of 2 additional Social Workers in the Fostering Team ref: 457907/09/201828/09/2018
3262 - Core Funding to the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) ref: 457619/09/201827/09/2018
3264 - Purchase of Purpose-built Ultra Low Emission Taxis ref: 457818/09/201827/09/2018
3259 - Nottingham Historic Buildings Trust ref: 457313/09/201822/09/2018
3261 - Support for smoking cessation ref: 457514/09/201822/09/2018
3258 - Extra Care Housing at Woodvale ref: 457211/09/201818/09/2018
3257 - Good to Great CQ Funding 2018/19 ref: 457111/09/201819/09/2018
3256 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 457014/08/201814/08/2018
3255 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 456914/08/201814/08/2018
3254 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 456814/08/201814/08/2018
3253 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 456714/08/201814/08/2018
3250 - Knowledge Resource service continuation ref: 456403/09/201811/09/2018
3246 - CareFirst contract termination and system archive access ref: 456021/08/201806/09/2018
3243 - Green Waste Composting ref: 455722/08/201831/08/2018
3242 - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Priority Axis 6 - Additional Projects ref: 455621/08/201831/08/2018
3240 - Delivery of Grounds Maintenance Contract for Greenwood Academies Trust (Nottingham sites) ref: 455421/08/201830/08/2018
3239 - Revised Proposal for Enforcement Strategy in relation to Cavendish Court ref: 455317/08/201825/08/2018
3238 - Continuation of grant funding for NGYMyplace ref: 455215/08/201824/08/2018
3237 - Consultation on proposed admission arrangements for the 2020/21 school year for city community schools ref: 455115/08/201823/08/2018
3236 - Investment Acquisition - Project Donington ref: 455015/08/201823/08/2018
3234 - Transfer of Direct Payment Officers from Nottingham Revenue and Benefits to ASC Direct Payments Team ref: 454813/08/201813/08/2018
3233 - Supported Accommodation for Adult Offenders ref: 454713/08/201813/08/2018
3232 - Proposed City Centre Public Spaces Protection Order ref: 454614/08/201822/08/2018
3231 - Renewal of contract for maintenance of the committee management system ref: 454513/08/201821/08/2018
3230 - Alternative data connection technology ref: 454410/08/201821/08/2018
3229 - Citizens at the Heart: EU grant funding to tackle hate crime ref: 454308/08/201816/08/2018
3228 - Establishing additional roles within Leaving Care Team in CIS ref: 454206/08/201815/08/2018
3226 - Consultation on a review of fees and charging for Adult Social Care ref: 454006/08/201814/08/2018
3225 - Deputyship Service Charging Policy ref: 453906/08/201814/08/2018
3224 - Future Event Planning ref: 453802/08/201802/08/2018
3223 - Sale of land to the rear of Victoria Leisure Centre off Brook Street and Bath Street, Nottingham ref: 453702/08/201811/08/2018
3222 - Amendments to the new build housing schemes (former garage sites and bungalow sites) ref: 453602/08/201810/08/2018
3221 - Nottingham private rented assistance scheme ref: 453530/07/201809/08/2018
3220 - Advance Electricity Payment - NCC Operational Portfolio ref: 453426/07/201804/08/2018
3219 - Traffic and Transport Framework Contract ref: 453326/07/201803/08/2018
3216 - Provision of Driveways to Council Houses ref: 453023/07/201801/08/2018
3218 - Request to extend the existing framework for the provision of assessments for prospective adoptive parents, foster carers and connected persons ref: 453220/07/201801/08/2018
3214 - Melbourne Park Lease19/07/2018Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
3213 - Sale of Council's freehold interest - 3,539 sq yards of land known as Williams Old Court, Lambourne Drive, Wollaton, Nottingham, NG8 1GZ ref: 452718/07/201826/07/2018
3211 Establishment of a framework contract for Tree Works ref: 452516/07/201824/07/2018
3210 - Feasibility work for NET extensions ref: 452412/07/201821/07/2018
3208 - Extension of Housing Related Support Contracts ref: 452212/07/201812/07/2018
3209 - Winter Service Weather Forecast ref: 452312/07/201813/07/2018
3206 - Surrender of existing Lease and Grant of new Lease in respect of Land at Woolsthorpe Close, Nottingham05/07/2018Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
3205 - New Internal long term residential home for three children requiring Residential Care ref: 451903/07/201811/07/2018
3202 - CleanMobilEnergy (Commercial Renewables and Electric Vehicle Pilot)26/06/2018Decision Approved
3196 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package26/06/2018Decision Approved
3195 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package26/06/2018Decision Approved
3203 - Procurement of Civil Enforcement CCTV Cameras ref: 451519/06/201804/07/2018
3193 - Appropriation of rights at Guildhall Nottingham ref: 451225/06/201803/07/2018
3192 - Settlement of dilapidation claim - 23 Handel Street ref: 451125/06/201825/06/2018
3191 - Additional Funding For New Build Housing Scheme at Meadows West ref: 451025/06/201803/07/2018
3190 - People's Hall Project Delivery ref: 450925/06/201803/07/2018
3194 - 'Approach to Leaseholder Recharges' Policy ref: 451321/06/201803/07/2018
3189 - Transport of bodies contract ref: 450818/06/201818/06/2018
3188 - Contract extension for document management system for the period 1 September 2018 - 30 October 2020 ref: 450718/06/201826/06/2018
3187 - 3 x Qualified Network Engineers for a period of up to 9 months ref: 450618/06/201826/06/2018
3185 - Amendments to the new housing developments at Marlstones, the former Clifton Miners' Welfare and Tunstall Drive ref: 450415/06/201823/06/2018
3182 - Utilisation of Section 106 Affordable Housing funding to finance new build affordable housing at Lenton ref: 450114/06/201814/06/2018
3180 - Additional funding for new build housing scheme at Cranwell Road, Strelley ref: 449911/06/201820/06/2018
3179 - Greater Broadmarsh Programme ref: 449705/06/201816/06/2018
3176 - Hygiene Accreditation Scheme ref: 449501/06/201815/06/2018
3175 - Storage Area Network (SAN) maintenance renewal 2018 ref: 449405/06/201814/06/2018
3173 - The sale of land at the junction of Southwell Road and Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham ref: 449205/06/201813/06/2018
3172 - Works to 38 Carrington Street ref: 449104/06/201804/06/2018
3171 - Proposal to extend European Social Fund Youth Engagement Initiative - Nottingham Works and Nottingham Works Plus ref: 449005/06/201813/06/2018
3174 - Procurement of Community Protection training ref: 449305/06/201813/06/2018
3170 - Grow Our Own Social Workers 2nd Cohort ref: 448931/05/201808/06/2018
3169 - Approval to spend DfE SEND reform grant (Part 3 Children and Families Act 2014) ref: 448725/05/201806/06/2018
3167 - Additional Payment of Management Fee to Nottingham City Homes ref: 448425/05/201826/05/2018
3166 - Planning Delivery Fund ref: 448325/05/201805/06/2018
3164 - Transfer of Social Inclusion service from external to internal provision. ref: 448124/05/201824/05/2018
3168 - Supported Living ref: 448524/05/201805/06/2018
3163 - Transfer of Education Assets ref: 448024/05/201802/06/2018
3161 - Letting of Unit 5F Mulberry Walk, Mere Green, Sutton Coldfield ref: 447823/05/201801/06/2018
3160 - Procurement Sold Service and Structure Change ref: 447722/05/201831/05/2018
3159 - Nottingham Castle specialist collections/art handlers ref: 447621/05/201831/05/2018
3158 - Extension of existing contract and commissioning of a new service to provide HIV testing and support in Nottingham ref: 447521/05/201830/05/2018
3156 - CDP approval to direct award inpatient detoxification contract ref: 447317/05/201825/05/2018
3151 - Education & Skills Funding Agency - Adult Education Budget (Family Learning) 2018/19 ref: 446708/05/201816/05/2018
3147 - Establish an Additional Education Base at Hopewood CAMHS Hospital and passport additional funding ref: 446304/05/201815/05/2018
3145 - Sign Language Interpretation Service (SLIS) ref: 446103/05/201812/05/2018
3144 - Contract for the provision of a service for citizens on the edge of care ref: 446003/05/201812/05/2018
3141 - Services to Meet Communication Needs ref: 445730/04/201809/05/2018
3142 - Fostering Advice & Mediation Service and Inter country Adoption Service ref: 445830/04/201809/05/2018
3139 - Release of Covenant The Old Rectory, 1 Village Road, Clifton Village, Nottingham NG11 8NP ref: 445527/04/201805/05/2018
3137 - Market upgrades - MACCS 2 IT System & Clinton Street Market improvements ref: 445325/04/201804/05/2018
3138 - Sale of former Henry Mellish School site and former School playing field site (Piccadilly), Highbury Vale ref: 445426/04/201804/05/2018
3136 - Approval of the Schools' Forum funding to progress the Schools Accessibility Programme for 2017/18 ref: 445124/04/201802/05/2018
3134 - Collaboration Agreement in respect of 1.42 hectares or thereabouts of land at Arnside Road, Bestwood ref: 444918/04/201827/04/2018
3133 - People's Hall Development Stage Funding ref: 444817/04/201826/04/2018
3132 - Clean Bus Technology Fund: Acceptance of Grant for Bus Retrofit Project ref: 444617/04/201825/04/2018
3129 - 2 Year Capita One Maintenance Renewal ref: 444112/04/201820/04/2018
3128 - D2N2 Business Rates Uplift Enterprise Zones - Accountable Body ref: 443912/04/201812/04/2018
3130 - Supervised consumption of methadone / buprenorphine contract ref: 444312/04/201812/04/2018
3125 - Long Lease Extension - Land 5 Acres Dabell Avenue, Blenheim Industrial Estate, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8WN ref: 443528/03/201810/04/2018
3124 - Approve lettings of Unit 5A and 5B Mulberry Walk, Mere Green, Sutton Coldfield ref: 443428/03/201807/04/2018
3123 - Commissioning of a service to provide befriending and hosting for families with children at the edge of care ref: 443327/03/201806/04/2018
3122 - Section 106 and Other Capital Funding for Bilborough Park, Forest Recreation Ground, Victoria Embankment and Mill and Windmill Allotments ref: 443227/03/201806/04/2018
3120 - Rufford Primary Configuration and Asbestos Works ref: 443026/03/201805/04/2018
3121 - Local Development Scheme Update ref: 443122/03/201827/03/2018
3118 - Clumber Street - Public Realm Improvements ref: 442722/03/201830/03/2018
3113 - Children's Homecare ref: 442220/03/201828/03/2018
3112 - Learning Management System (Learning Zone) Upgrade ref: 442114/03/201827/03/2018
3111 - Investment acquisition - Project Newcastle ref: 442014/03/201814/03/2018
3109 - Energy Saving Software ref: 441814/03/201814/03/2018
3105 - Implementation of the Adult Social Care Transport Policy ref: 441409/03/201820/03/2018
3104 - Loans to NCH for the purchase of dispersed properties for homelessness temporary use ref: 441309/03/201817/03/2018
3102 - Implementation of a scheme of Selective Licensing for Privately Rented Houses ref: 441109/03/201809/03/2018
3103 - Disposal of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Assets ref: 441209/03/201817/03/2018
3096 - Nottingham Castle Transformation - Construction Project Manager ref: 440402/03/201810/03/2018
3095 - Blueprint Approval ref: 440328/02/201808/03/2018
3093 - Sheltered Alarm Service Extension ref: 440126/02/201806/03/2018
The sale of 28 to 48 Carrington Street, Nottingham - Key Decision23/02/2018For Determination
3092 - Support for victims of modern slavery post-National Referral Mechanism ref: 440022/02/201802/03/2018
3083 - Supply and delivery of pool chemicals ref: 439120/02/201801/03/2018
3082 - Enterprise Car Club Concession Renewal ref: 439020/02/201801/03/2018
3081 - Asbestos Removal and Partial Demolition of the former Elms School, Cranmer Street, St Anns ref: 438919/02/201819/02/2018
Disposal of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Assets - Key Decision16/02/2018For Determination
3080 - Funding from the Warm Homes Fund (WHF) ref: 438815/02/201815/02/2018
3078 - Surrender of existing leases and grant of a new lease at Glaisdale Drive East, Nottingham ref: 438614/02/201823/02/2018
3077 - Creation of an access point ref: 438514/02/201822/02/2018
3076 - Sale of land off College Way, Bilborough, Nottingham ref: 438414/02/201822/02/2018
3075 - New Lease within Hopewood CAMHS Hospital, Mansfield Road, Nottingham ref: 438314/02/201822/02/2018
3074 - Water Feature Maintenance Packages (To combine Sneinton Market and Old Market Square) ref: 438213/02/201822/02/2018
3073 - Fit for the Future: Readiness Consultancy ref: 438113/02/201821/02/2018
3072 - Additional funding for new build housing scheme at former Morley School site ref: 437909/02/201809/02/2018
3070 - Crime and Drugs Partnership approval to tender community pharmacy supervised consumption of methadone/buprenorphine scheme 2018/19 ref: 437708/02/201816/02/2018
3071 - Extension of Mobile Contract for a two year period ref: 437807/02/201816/02/2018
3069 - Life Chance Fund: Social Investment Bond - Development Funding Grant ref: 437606/02/201815/02/2018
3068 - Bus Lane Enforcement Maintenance Contract ref: 437506/02/201815/02/2018
3067 - District Car Parks - Charging and Enforcement ref: 437402/02/201810/02/2018
3066 - Redevelopment of Spondon Street, Sherwood ref: 437302/02/201810/02/2018
3064 - Grants and Benefit Software Purchase plus 3 year Capita One Maintenance ref: 437131/01/201809/02/2018
3063 - Trinity Square Multi Storey Car Park (MSCP) Blue Badge Discount Removal ref: 437031/01/2018Decision Called-In
3065 - Letting of 5.17 acres of land and buildings at Lenton Lane, Nottingham ref: 437201/02/201809/02/2018
Software Maintenance Renewal for 5 Systems 2018/19 ref: 436531/01/201809/02/2018
3061 - Disposal of the former Eastglade School site and adjoining land, Top Valley, Nottingham ref: 436601/02/201809/02/2018
3059 - On-street Evening Tariff Changes ref: 436431/01/201808/02/2018
3058 - Update of Schools Capital Maintenance Programme ref: 436331/01/201808/02/2018
3056 - Public transport contribution from development at Teal Close Netherfield ref: 436130/01/201808/02/2018
3052 - Disposal of the site of the former Henry Mellish School, Highbury Vale ref: 435824/01/201801/02/2018
3051 - Approval for the funding and the contractual arrangements in relation to the expansion of Glade Hill Primary School and Middleton Primary School ref: 435723/01/201823/01/2018
3050 - Public Health Funerals Provision Contract 2018 ref: 435516/01/201825/01/2018
3049 - Approval for the ongoing operation of the Mellish Sports Centre ref: 435416/01/201824/01/2018
3048 - Nottingham Homelessness Reduction and Cold Weather Plan ref: 435316/01/201816/01/2018
3047 - Geographical Information System Contract Renewal ref: 435211/01/201819/01/2018
3046 - eTeacher Project ref: 435110/01/201818/01/2018
3044 - Nottingham's Begging Strategy 2018 ref: 434905/01/201813/01/2018
3042 - Financing Arrangements ref: 434703/01/201811/01/2018
3041 - Parent Company Guarantee ref: 434603/01/201811/01/2018
3040 - Approval to extend the contract for Locallink and Easylink Bus Services for up to one year ref: 434502/01/201810/01/2018
3039 - Affordable Housing Acquisition - Radford Bridge Allotments, Wollaton ref: 434421/12/201721/12/2017
3038 - Healthwatch Future Funding - 1 April 2018 - 31 March 2023 ref: 434321/12/201703/01/2018
3037 - Approval for additional funding for the Housing Development at Lenton ref: 434221/12/201721/12/2017
3036 - NET Financial Arrangements ref: 434121/12/201703/01/2018
3035 - Software Asset Management System ref: 434020/12/201730/12/2017
3034 - Innovation Gateway Membership ref: 433919/12/201730/12/2017
3029 - Project Mulberry ref: 433415/12/201715/12/2017
3027 - VOIP, Local Area Network (LAN), Loxley LAN and Wireless 3 year Maintenance Contract with an Option to extend for a further 2 year period ref: 433213/12/201721/12/2017
3026 - Use of ringfenced affordable housing funds to secure affordable homes for homeless people ref: 433111/12/201720/12/2017
3025 - Caves entrance, Broadmarsh Shopping Centre - Lease agreement ref: 433012/12/201720/12/2017
3023 - Contract extension for document management system ref: 432707/12/201715/12/2017
3022 - Extension of existing apprenticeship training provision contract ref: 432507/12/201707/12/2017
3021 - Secondary Fair Access - Decision to bring in-house and agree transition contract ref: 432401/12/201713/12/2017
3017 - Social Inclusion Homelessness ref: 432001/12/201701/12/2017
3016 - Licence to Department for Work and Pensions for additional office space in Loxley House ref: 431901/12/201701/12/2017
3015 - Allocation of funding to support a DfE bid for the proposed expansion of Fernwood Secondary School ref: 431828/11/201728/11/2017
3013 - Appeal to the Supreme Court ref: 431623/11/201723/11/2017
3011 - Moving, Assisting and Hoisting Training Provider ref: 431421/11/201730/11/2017
3008 - Grant of a new 99 year lease at Withern Road, Nottingham ref: 431015/11/201723/11/2017
3007 - Release of restrictive covenant 229 Beechdale Road, NG8 3EZ ref: 430915/11/201723/11/2017
3006 - Surplus Community Building Sneinton Old School Hall ref: 430814/11/201722/11/2017
3004 - Investment Acquisition - Project Doncaster ref: 430613/11/201713/11/2017
3005 - Sale of 8.31 acres of land at Trent Farm, Long Eaton ref: 430714/11/201722/11/2017
3003 - Highfields Park Boating Lake ref: 430506/11/201721/11/2017
3002 - D2N2 Social Impact Bond - Exploration of social investment to trial new services for Children in Care10/11/2017Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
3001 - Provision of Assessments of prospective adoptive parents, foster carers and connected persons10/11/2017Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
3000 - Establishment of additional posts funded by System Resilience Fund monies from Health Partners until 31st March 2019 ref: 430209/11/201717/11/2017
2999 - New Internal long term residential home for two children with complex needs currently living in out of county placements ref: 430108/11/201717/11/2017
2998 - Proposal to close the Through the Night Service ref: 430008/11/201716/11/2017
2997 - Tender for Milk and Dairy Goods Contract for Catering ref: 429907/11/201715/11/2017
2996 - 6 month extension of VOIP, Local Area Network (LAN), Loxley LAN and Wireless Maintenance Contract ref: 429807/11/201715/11/2017
2995 - Approval to procure providers and award contracts for Semi-Independent Living & Support for looked after young people (16-18) - Key Decision ref: 429706/11/201715/11/2017
2992 - Procurement of Care Support and Enablement (CSE) ref: 429406/11/201714/11/2017
2991 - Parking at the Forest Recreation Ground and NET Park and Ride ref: 429306/11/201714/11/2017
2990 - Old Market Square and Lace Market Partnership Scheme in Conservation Area ref: 429202/11/201710/11/2017
2989 - Mapperley Park Flood Alleviation Scheme ref: 429130/10/201709/11/2017
2987 - Extension to the Procurement of a Managed Service Provider for the Supply of Agency Workers ref: 428926/10/201703/11/2017
2986 - Temporary Car Parking In Support Of Greater Broadmarsh Programme - Island Site ref: 428825/10/201702/11/2017
DD2983 - Sneinton Market Partnership Scheme in Conservation Areas ref: 428520/10/201731/10/2017
DD2981 - Education and Skills Funding Agency - Adult Education Budget 2017/18 ref: 428320/10/201731/10/2017
2975 - Surrender of Ground Lease and Subsequent Granting of New Lease at 211 Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham, NG1 1GN ref: 427718/10/201726/10/2017
2972 - Property Investment Acquisition - Project Castle ref: 427418/10/201718/10/2017
2971 - Setting School Terms & Holiday dates for 2019/20 to 2021/22 ref: 427316/10/201725/10/2017
2969 - Flood Alleviation Scheme at Top Valley ref: 427016/10/201724/10/2017
2968 - ERDF Derby Nottingham Metro Environmental Improvement Projects ref: 426916/10/201724/10/2017
2967 - Brocade Fibre Channel Switches with 5 year Support ref: 426813/10/201721/10/2017
2966 - Extra Care at Woodvale ref: 426711/10/201719/10/2017
2963 - Refurbishment of Lighting and Control Equipment at the Council House ref: 426405/10/201705/10/2017
2964 - RemoUrban Project - Amendments to Project ref: 426505/10/201713/10/2017
2962 - Permission to trade Carbon Reduction Commitment Scheme Allowances ref: 426303/10/201712/10/2017
2961 - Project Management resource for East Midlands Gateways Connectivity Study ref: 426202/10/201711/10/2017
2958 - Loxley House Great Workplace - Phase 1 works ref: 426102/10/201711/10/2017
2960 - SEND Strategy Grant Spending 2017 ref: 426002/10/201710/10/2017
2959 - Nottingham/ Homes and Communities Agency Action Plan and Funding Bids ref: 425902/10/201710/10/2017
2957 - Stonebridge Regeneration Environmental Improvements ref: 425728/09/201707/10/2017
2956 - Blueprint Joint Venture - Business Plan Review ref: 425629/09/201707/10/2017
2955 - Nottingham Plug-In Taxi Charging Infrastructure ref: 425528/09/201728/09/2017
2953 - Governance of the Creative Quarter Company ref: 425225/09/201703/10/2017
2954 - Good to Great review ref: 425322/09/201703/10/2017
2951 - Settlement of the receipt of compensation from Highways England in connection with the A453 widening Clifton Nottingham ref: 425022/09/201730/09/2017
2949 - Reprocurement of Homecare ref: 424819/09/201729/09/2017
2950 - Property Investment Acquisition - Project Minster ref: 424920/09/201729/09/2017
2948 - Property Investment Acquistion - Project Connect ref: 424720/09/201728/09/2017
2946 - Purchase of a loading shovel to replace failed machine ref: 424518/09/201726/09/2017
2945 - Invitation to tender for a new Employee Benefits contract (following expiry of existing contract) ref: 424415/09/201726/09/2017
2944 - Approval to deliver the education catering contract for Orchard Primary School18/09/2017Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
2942 - Funding for Glade Hill Primary, to continue the design development for the proposed expansion ref: 424218/09/201726/09/2017
2941 - Metro Dynamics Contract (Metro Project Plan & Midlands Engine Action Plan) ref: 424115/09/201726/09/2017
2940 - Air quality Monitoring to inform options15/09/2017Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
2939 - Sneinton Market Water Fountain Maintenance ref: 423913/09/201723/09/2017
2938 - Core Funding to the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership ref: 423808/09/201716/09/2017
2937 - Nottingham City Land and Planning Policies Development Plan Document (Local Plan Part 2) - Revised Publication Version ref: 423708/09/201716/09/2017
2936 - Warm Homes Fund ref: 423607/09/201707/09/2017
2935 - Nottingham Schools Trust ("NST") ref: 423407/09/201715/09/2017
2933 Approval to allocate funding and enter into contracts in relation to the expansion of Middleton Primary School ref: 423205/09/201713/09/2017
2934 - Purchase of 32 Chelmsford Road as part of Empty Homes Compulsory Purchase process and subsequent disposal ref: 423304/09/201713/09/2017
2932 - Energy Company Obligation: Flexible Eligibility Statement of Intent ref: 423104/09/201712/09/2017
2931 - Sale of Land known as Stanton Tip, Bulwell, Nottingham ref: 423031/08/201708/09/2017
2928 999 year lease of land off Crocus Street, Nottingham ref: 422731/08/201708/09/2017
2930 - Demolition of the redundant buildings at the former Fairham Community College site, Summerwood Lane, Clifton ref: 422931/08/201708/09/2017
2929 - Leases relating to properties at Crossgate Drive / Gateside Road, Queens Drive Industrial Estate ref: 422831/08/201708/09/2017
2927 Surplus Building The Farmhouse ref: 422630/08/201708/09/2017
2926 - WREN-funded Play Area Improvements ref: 422525/08/201725/08/2017
2925 - Joint procurement of the Citizens' Survey and Respect Survey 2017 ref: 422422/08/201731/08/2017
2922 - Redevelopment of land at Tunstall Drive, the former Clifton Miners' Welfare and Marlstones to provide 40-42 new Council homes ref: 422118/08/201718/08/2017
2921 - Reducing the use of bed and breakfast for homeless households ref: 422017/08/201726/08/2017
2918 - Nottingham Science Park No.2 building - acceptance of grant ref: 421716/08/201724/08/2017
2916 - European Capital of Culture 2023 Bid ref: 421311/08/201724/08/2017
2919 - The adoption of civil penalties as an enforcement option for specified offences under the Housing Act 2004 ref: 421816/08/201724/08/2017
2915 - Establishment of the Security & Logistics Function ref: 421204/08/201717/08/2017
2914 - Traffic Modelling to inform Air Quality Options ref: 421108/08/201716/08/2017
2913 - Dispensation from Contract Procedure Rules Within Financial Regulations for the Procurement of Concrete Repair Work for Broadmarsh Bridge07/08/2017Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
2912 - Continuation of No Second Night Out Service for one year ref: 421007/08/201707/08/2017
2911 - Degree Apprenticeships ref: 420927/07/201715/08/2017
2909 - Amendment to Nottingham City Transport Shareholder Agreement Objectives ref: 420703/08/201712/08/2017
2907 - Policy to Recharge Leaseholders for Major Works ref: 420503/08/201711/08/2017
2906 - Disposal of Surplus Property at 147 Carlton Road, NG3 2FN ref: 420402/08/201710/08/2017
2905 - Low Carbon Grants for Businesses ERDF Project ref: 420331/07/201710/08/2017
2903 - Traffic and Safety Resources ref: 420101/08/201709/08/2017
2901 - Replacement of lift at Milton Chambers, Milton Street, Nottingham ref: 419931/07/201708/08/2017
2902 - To approve payment of Schools Out holiday provision from April 2017 to March 2018 ref: 420026/07/201726/07/2017
2900 - The Granting of a New Lease at 3 George Street ref: 419828/07/201705/08/2017
2899 - Community Centre Leases ref: 419728/07/201705/08/2017
2898 - Electoral Register-Residency Test for Access to Services ref: 419627/07/201704/08/2017
2897 - Extension to existing contract for Debt Management System provided by Conduent ref: 419527/07/201704/08/2017
2894 - Proposed admission arrangements for 2019/20 school year for city community schools ref: 419225/07/201703/08/2017
2893 - Cisco Call Manager system upgrade ref: 419125/07/201703/08/2017
2891 - Purchasing Framework for PC Expenditure ref: 419025/07/201702/08/2017
2890 - Nexus 7710 Switches ref: 418925/07/201702/08/2017
2889 - Amendment to the Existing Partnership Agreement with Leicester City Council allowing Nottingham City Council to undertake CCTV parking enforcement ref: 418825/07/201702/08/2017
2886 - Provision of Asbestos Surveys and Analytical Services ref: 418521/07/201701/08/2017
2883 - Network Link upgrade to Woodthorpe Grange ref: 418121/07/201729/07/2017
2882 - Nottinghamshire Rough Sleeper Prevention Service ref: 418020/07/201720/07/2017
2881 - Robin Hood Energy Loan Facility ref: 417919/07/201719/07/2017
2879 - Purchase of leasehold interest of land for Science Park Expansion ref: 417618/07/201726/07/2017
2878 - Property Investment Acquisition - Sherwood Park ref: 417518/07/201718/07/2017
2877 - Homecare price increase 2017/18 ref: 417417/07/201725/07/2017
2876 - Independent Visitor Advocacy Service (IVAS) ref: 417314/07/201722/07/2017
2875 - Granting a 99 Year Lease at 107-109 Arleston Drive, Wollaton, Nottingham, NG8 2GB ref: 417113/07/201721/07/2017
2874 - Extension of existing apprenticeship training provision contract ref: 417010/07/201720/07/2017
2873 - Delivery Partner with Nottingham Trent University Grads for D2N2 European Social Fund proposal ref: 416910/07/201718/07/2017
2869 - Grow Our Own Social Worker Scheme ref: 416528/06/201708/07/2017
2868 - Adoption of the Development Brief for the Broadmarsh Car Park and Bus Station ref: 416326/06/201726/06/2017
2864 - NCC CCTV Control Room upgrade ref: 415921/06/201722/06/2017
2863 - Transfer four staff to Traffic Management from Community Protection ref: 415821/06/201722/06/2017
2859 - Partial demolition of the former Elms Primary School, Cranmer Street, St Anns and to declare the site surplus to operational requirements ref: 415316/06/201724/06/2017
2860 - Approval to publish formal Statutory Notice - proposal to expand Middleton Primary from 420 to 630 places ref: 415415/06/201724/06/2017
2858 - Sale of Freehold Interest in Fairham House, Green Lane, Clifton, Nottingham ref: 415212/06/201713/06/2017
2857 - Property Investment Acquisition - Project 118 ref: 415131/05/201731/05/2017
2856 - New Burdens Grant Payment for Brownfield Land Registers and Permission in Principle ref: 415006/06/201714/06/2017
2855 - Disposal of 18-26 Carrington Street & 37 Canal Street, Nottingham, NG1 7FF ref: 414901/06/201710/06/2017
2854 - New Access door at Bridge to Victoria Shopping Centre, Clinton Street East, Nottingham ref: 414801/06/201709/06/2017
2853 - Apprenticeship Service - Funding for post and development/marketing of service ref: 414726/05/201707/06/2017
2852 - Secure network facilities ref: 414625/05/201703/06/2017
2850 - Sutton House Flat Refurbishments ref: 414422/05/201731/05/2017
2846 - Approval for funding and procurement to carry out remedial works at Stanstead Primary School. ref: 414118/05/201723/05/2017
2849 - Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes Programme 2016-21 ref: 414322/05/201731/05/2017
2847 - Provision of Furnished Tenancies ref: 414222/05/201731/05/2017
2845 - Dovecote Primary School Heating ref: 414018/05/201726/05/2017
2844 - Anti-Virus / Malware Security Product Solution ref: 413917/05/201725/05/2017
2843 - Upgrade Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS v4.1 for Windows) to Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine) ref: 413817/05/201725/05/2017
2841 - The Granting of a Lease for a New Substation at Nottingham Bus Depot ref: 413611/05/201711/05/2017
2842 - 117A & 117B Sneinton Dale and the adjacent garage court off Durham Avenue, Sneinton Dale, Nottingham NG2 4LW ref: 413712/05/201720/05/2017
2840 - Lease Renewal - Office Space At No. 1 Nottingham Science Park, Jesse Boot Way, Nottingham, NG7 2RU ref: 413511/05/201719/05/2017
2839 - Extension of posts and new post in the programme team ref: 413411/05/201719/05/2017
2838 - Development of Community Led Support within Adult Social Care ref: 413310/05/201718/05/2017
2837 - Approval to publish formal Statutory Notice - proposed expansion of Glade Hill Primary School from 210 to 420 places ref: 413209/05/201718/05/2017
2836 - Allocation of £0.300m from the Statutory School Reserves to support pupil growth ref: 413110/05/201718/05/2017
2834 - Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Capacity Fund Grant ref: 412908/05/201716/05/2017
2833 - Extension of funding arrangements to Base 51 until March 2018 ref: 412804/05/201716/05/2017
2832 - Victoria Embankment Children's Cycle Track ref: 412705/05/201705/05/2017
2830 - Establishment of Temporary Targeted Review Team ref: 412404/05/201713/05/2017
2827 - Woodthorpe and Winchester Extra Care Scheme: Contractual Arrangements ref: 412104/05/201704/05/2017
2829 - Community Infection Prevention and Control ref: 412304/05/201712/05/2017
2828 - Meeting Care Act 2014 Duty Around Social Care in Prisons and Approved Premises ref: 412204/05/201712/05/2017
2826 - One Public Estate (OPE) Projects ref: 412003/05/201703/05/2017
2824 - Long leasehold disposal of Avenues D&E and Bath Street properties Sneinton Market ref: 411802/05/201711/05/2017
2823 - Traffic and Safety resources ref: 411726/04/201705/05/2017
2822 - Granting a new sublease of 24-32 Carlton Street and 31-33 Warser Gate ref: 411626/04/201705/05/2017
2821 - Salix scheme grant funding ref: 411524/04/201705/05/2017
2819 - Transfer of Woodfield Industries from Development and Growth to Commercial and Operations. Restructure organisation accordingly. ref: 411318/04/201720/04/2017
2818 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 411213/04/201713/04/2017
2817 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 411113/04/201713/04/2017
2816 - Fuel Island Controllers Upgrade and 5 Year Maintenance Plan ref: 411013/04/201725/04/2017
2815 - Heritage Action Zone Officer Post ref: 410813/04/201725/04/2017
2814 - Laundry services for Adult Social Care - Replace, service, maintenance & repair ref: 410712/04/201722/04/2017
2813 - Section 106 Funding for Parks in the West Area, Area 5 and Area 8 ref: 410611/04/201722/04/2017
2811 - 'storysmash' Reading, literacy and games development project for young people 11-24 in libraries ref: 410411/04/201721/04/2017
2810 - Allocation of Section 106 and Managed Reserves for the Arboretum and Bulwell Hall Golf Course ref: 410311/04/201721/04/2017
2809 - Property Investment Acquisition - Project Wellington ref: 410211/04/201711/04/2017
2808 - Proposal to bid for 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme - Priority Axis 1 Inclusive Labour Markets ref: 410110/04/201721/04/2017
2807 - Island Site Heat Distribution Network Feasibility Study ref: 409906/04/201708/04/2017
2805 - Extension of Healthwatch ref: 409606/04/201714/04/2017
2806 - Southglade Food Park Phase 2 ERDF Project - Grant Funding ref: 409706/04/201707/04/2017
2804 - Deputyship Service Review ref: 409505/04/201713/04/2017
2803 - Extension to Mental Health Support and Accommodation Based Contracts ref: 409404/04/201713/04/2017
2802 - Overflow Car Park ref: 409331/03/201708/04/2017
2800 - Department for Communities and Local Government: Infrastructure Funding Capital Grant ref: 409131/03/201731/03/2017
2801 - Wider Broadmarsh development enabling works ref: 409231/03/201708/04/2017
2798 - Vulnerable People Preventative Service ref: 408927/03/201705/04/2017
2797 - Bread and baked goods contract ref: 408828/03/201705/04/2017
2799 - Mental Health Forensic Independent Living Support Service ref: 409027/03/201706/04/2017
2796 - Contribution to the Nottingham Music Service ref: 408727/03/201704/04/2017
2794 - DCLG funding to help support survivors of domestic abuse with complex needs ref: 408523/03/201704/04/2017
2793 - Opportunity Nottingham - Additional Assessment Resource ref: 408423/03/201704/04/2017
2795 - Acceptance and spend of DEFRA Air Quality Grant 2016-17 ref: 408627/03/201705/04/2017
2792 - Delegate authority to Council Property Services to dispose of Bakersfield Library ref: 408324/03/201701/04/2017
2786 - Public Transport Integration Project - external resourcing ref: 407821/03/201729/03/2017
2785 - Environmental Health posts' regrade ref: 407721/03/201729/03/2017
2784 - Electric Bus Charging Infrastructure grant award ref: 407620/03/201729/03/2017
2783 - Commercial Opportunity for Neighbourhood Services Catering ref: 407315/03/201728/03/2017
2782 - Ashiana support service for older Asian adults ref: 407216/03/201725/03/2017
2779 - Approval of the costs of an adults care package ref: 406908/03/201708/03/2017
2780 - Approval of the costs of an adults care package ref: 407008/03/201708/03/2017
2781 - Off-street parking review 2017 ref: 407116/03/201724/03/2017
2774 - Relocation and remedial activation of photovoltaic Feed in Tariff meters ref: 406413/03/201722/03/2017
2772 - Disposal of International Community Centre, 61b Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FN ref: 406210/03/201721/03/2017
2771 - Release former tenant from lease obligations of land at Thane Road/Bull Close Road Lenton Lane Industrial Estate Nottingham ref: 406113/03/201721/03/2017
2773 - Planning Application fees: Increase in nationally set planning fees ref: 406313/03/201713/03/2017
2770 - Keeping the Balance - DCLG funding ref: 406013/03/201713/03/2017
2769 - Extension of the Lace Market Conservation Area to include numbers 31-55 Lower Parliament Street ref: 405910/03/201721/03/2017
2768 - Funding for a new Engagement Officer role ref: 405809/03/201717/03/2017
2767 - Declare Surplus and sell 34 Tennyson Street, Nottingham NG7 4FU (including the adjoining land) ref: 405709/03/201717/03/2017
2766 - Procurement of a Managed Service Provider for the Supply of Agency Workers ref: 405608/03/201716/03/2017
2764 - Capital budget spend on improvement to various Housing Revenue Account (HRA) shops ref: 405406/03/201714/03/2017
2763 - Replacing agent for taking barcode payments at Post Offices and Pay Point outlets ref: 405303/03/201711/03/2017
2762 - Catering department disposables contract ref: 405228/02/201710/03/2017
2761 - Approval for consultation on proposed expansion of Glade Hill Primary and feasibility works to identify expansion options ref: 405128/02/201708/03/2017
2760 - Re-alignment of a school 3 year Deficit Recovery Plan ref: 405024/02/201707/03/2017
Keeping the Balance - DCLG funding - Key Decision27/02/2017For Determination
2759 - Funding for prestart works within the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) new build programme ref: 404927/02/201707/03/2017
2758 - Feasibility Study for the Council House and Exchange Buildings North and South ref: 404827/02/201707/03/2017
2757 - Additional funding for the redevelopment of Stepney Court Independent Living Scheme and Strelley Road Library ref: 404727/02/201707/03/2017
2756 - Investment Acquisition - Project Abbey ref: 404623/02/201723/02/2017
2751 - Bulwell Hall Golf Course - Future Operation & Management ref: 404123/02/201703/03/2017
2749 - ParkLives 4 year Contract Extension ref: 404022/02/201703/03/2017
2750 - CUBE and SIP upgrades ref: 403923/02/201723/02/2017
2753 - Local Lettings Policies Operated by Nottingham City Homes ref: 404523/02/201704/03/2017
2752 - Internet extension and Purchase of Bearer ref: 404422/02/201704/03/2017
2755 - Flood Alleviation of Citizens Properties, Installation of Property Protection Measures ref: 404323/02/201703/03/2017
2754 - This Girl Can Swim project ref: 404223/02/201703/03/2017
2743 - Line of Light Maintenance Plan - Commuted Sum ref: 403322/02/201702/03/2017
2742 - Buyout of Leased IDOX Software ref: 403222/02/201702/03/2017
2740 - Use of Section 256 Funds - Future in Mind ref: 403021/02/201701/03/2017
2739 - Mental Health Firstaid ref: 402921/02/201721/02/2017
2741 - The reconfiguration of Adult Social Care back office functions to support savings outlined in the Medium Term Financial Plan ref: 403121/02/201701/03/2017
2738 - Internal Foster Care Provision ref: 402816/02/201725/02/2017
2736 - On-Street Parking Review 2017 - Zones ref: 402314/02/201722/02/2017
2737 - Secondary Fair Access Panel - Devolve Funding ref: 402613/02/201722/02/2017
2735 - Approval Of The Costs Of A Placement For A Child In Care ref: 402514/02/201714/02/2017
2734 - Approval Of The Costs Of A Placement For A Child In Care ref: 402414/02/201714/02/2017
2732 - Waste Policy & Engagement ref: 402113/02/201721/02/2017
2731 - Software Maintenance Renewal for 9 Systems ref: 402010/02/201718/02/2017
2730 - On-Street Parking Review 2017 - Sunday Parking ref: 401908/02/201717/02/2017
2728 - Acceptance of Growth Point grant funding and purchase of land for housing development at Knights Close, Top Valley ref: 401703/02/201711/02/2017
2727 - Surrender and re-grant of a lease for premises at Beeston Weir and Holgate, Clifton, Nottingham ref: 401602/02/201710/02/2017
2724 - Approval Of The Cost Of An Adult Care Package ref: 401319/01/201719/01/2017
2723 - Approval Of Cost Of An Adult Care Package ref: 401219/01/201719/01/2017
2722 - Approval Of The Cost Of An Adult Care Package ref: 401119/01/201719/01/2017
2721 - Parks and Open Spaces Team Restructure ref: 401031/01/201708/02/2017
2720 - To enable the staff transferred from the City Council to Robin Hood Energy access to the Local Government Pension Scheme ref: 400910/01/201710/01/2017
2718 - Young Creatives Nottingham ref: 400627/01/201707/02/2017
2716 - Award of contract for the Joint Investment Strategy construction industry training services ref: 400425/01/201703/02/2017
2710 - Investment Acquisition - Project Flame ref: 399719/01/201719/01/2017
2713 - Allocation of Citywide Open Space Section 106 Funding ref: 400120/01/201728/01/2017
2711 - Independent Financial Adviser for Deputyship Team ref: 399819/01/201728/01/2017
2709 - Variation to a lease clause: land at Lenton Lane Industrial Estate ref: 399619/01/201728/01/2017
2708 - Property Investment Aquisition: Project Oasis ref: 399519/01/201719/01/2017
2707 - Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) allocation ref: 399416/01/201727/01/2017
2703 - Purchase of additional radios for Parks and Parking Services ref: 399016/01/201724/01/2017
2702 - Tender for contract for Treasury Management advisory services ref: 398913/01/201721/01/2017
2701 - Purchase of the site of the former Clifton Miners' Welfare Social Club for housing development ref: 398809/01/201718/01/2017
2698 - Improvements to Wollaton Park, Green's Mill Park, the Forest Recreation Ground and Middle Furlong Mews ("The Green") open space ref: 398504/01/201712/01/2017
2697 - Health and safety issues at Stanstead and Southwold Primary Schools ref: 398423/12/201606/01/2017
2695 - Broadmarsh Enabling - Phase 1 ref: 398222/12/201622/12/2016
2694 - The sale of the freehold interest in the Mundella Centre, Green Street, The Meadows, Nottingham NG2 2LA ref: 398122/12/201604/01/2017
2693 - Street Works System ref: 398022/12/201604/01/2017
2692 - Use of Section 106 Open Space funding in Areas 2 and 8 ref: 397920/12/201631/12/2016
2691 - Variation in the user clause of the lease relating to land at Abbeyfield Road Lenton Lane Industrial Estate Nottingham ref: 397821/12/201631/12/2016
2690 - Additional posts in the Data, Analysis and Insight for School Improvement (DAISI) traded service to meet an increased demand for services ref: 397620/12/201630/12/2016
2689 - Approval of The Costs of An Adults Care Package ref: 397509/12/201609/12/2016
2688 - Approval Of The Costs Of An Adults Care Package ref: 397409/12/201609/12/2016
2685 - Grant funding for Refugee Support Provision ref: 397116/12/201624/12/2016
2684 - Accredited Practitioner partnership posts ref: 397015/12/201623/12/2016
2683 - Accommodation Based - Edge of Support Service ref: 396915/12/201623/12/2016
2682 - The use of Care and Support Specialised Housing Funding for Independent Living Scheme ref: 396814/12/201622/12/2016
2681 - Disability Sport Insight and Participation Partnership - Sport England Grant Funding ref: 396609/12/201617/12/2016
2680 - Sale of the freehold interest in land at 35 to 41 Gwenbrook Avenue, Chilwell, Nottingham NG9 4BA ref: 396108/12/201616/12/2016
2677 - Bulwell Market Place Refurbishment ref: 395806/12/201614/12/2016
2676 - Refurbishment Works at 58 Carlton Road and Space 2 ref: 395705/12/201605/12/2016
2673 - Invitation to Tender for the ESPO Secure Shredding and Disposal Framework ref: 395301/12/201609/12/2016
2672 - Invitation to Tender for Waste Management Services ref: 395230/11/201608/12/2016
2671 - Software Maintenance and Support for Corporate GIS (Geographical Information System) ref: 395129/11/201629/11/2016
2670 - Sale of the freehold interest in the Winning Post Public House, Farnborough Road, Clifton, NG11 8GF ref: 395023/11/201602/12/2016
2669 - Investment Acquisition - Project Albert ref: 394917/11/201601/12/2016
2666 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 394617/11/201617/11/2016
2665 - Purchase of a 7.5T compactor vehicle ref: 394522/11/201630/11/2016
2663 - Approval of funding to address health and safety issues with the fencing and main entrance of Springfield Primary School ref: 394318/11/201626/11/2016
2662 - Sale of freehold interest of land at Chilwell Road / Ellis Grove, Beeston Nottingham ref: 394218/11/201618/11/2016
2661 - Sexual Health element of the Specialist Needle Exchange & Sexual Health Service ref: 393917/11/201617/11/2016
2653 - Counter-Extremism Grant Funding ref: 392815/11/201623/11/2016
2650 - Hall of Fame, National Football Museum, City of Football10/11/2016Decision Approved
2649 - Approval of the disposal of the Angel Row site ref: 392510/11/201618/11/2016
2646 - Approval of the costs of Personal Health Budget ref: 392102/11/201602/11/2016
2645 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 392027/10/201627/10/2016
2643 - Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) Strategy ref: 391731/10/201608/11/2016
2640 - Land & Planning Policies (Local Plan Part 2) Examination in Public ref: 391431/10/201608/11/2016
2639 - Amber House Refuge - Contract Extension ref: 391312/09/201612/09/2016
2638 - Umuada Refuge Contract Extension ref: 391212/09/201612/09/2016
2642 - Approval to CDP to extend contract length for new young people's substance misuse services ref: 391627/10/201608/11/2016
2641 - Zola Refuge - Contract Extension ref: 391512/09/201612/09/2016
2637 - Reimbursement of Social Care Charges ref: 391124/10/201601/11/2016
2635 - Support contract for 3 core technologies ref: 390921/10/201629/10/2016
2634 - Highfields Park Restoration Project ref: 390820/10/201628/10/2016
2633 - Affordable Housing Delivery at Church Square, Lenton ref: 390720/10/201628/10/2016
2630 - Extension (1 year) of Local Area Network (LAN) Maintenance Contract ref: 390519/10/201627/10/2016
2630 - Sale of 4-6 Perth Street Nottingham ref: 390418/10/201626/10/2016
2628 - Invest in D2N2 Nottingham City as Accountable Body ref: 390214/10/201622/10/2016
2626 - Off-Street Parking Review: 2016-17 ref: 390014/10/201622/10/2016
2624 - Education Strategy Review 2016 (Phase 1) ref: 389812/10/201621/10/2016
Networks Circuits Upgrade13/10/2016Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
2620 - Two 1GB Internet Connections ref: 389612/10/201620/10/2016
2619 - Extended Entitlement for 3 & 4 Year Olds ref: 389407/10/201620/10/2016
2621 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 389511/10/201611/10/2016
2616 - Discretionary Housing Payments Policy - Refresh ref: 389130/09/201611/10/2016
2615 - Funding Support to Nusic ref: 389003/10/201611/10/2016
2614 - Commercial Opportunity for Energy Services ref: 388903/10/201603/10/2016
2617 - Unity Learning Centre - Additional Funding ref: 389203/10/201603/10/2016
2611 - Acquisition of investment property, Nottingham ref: 388630/09/201608/10/2016
2612 - European Regional Development Fund Priority Axis 6 - Preserving and Protecting the Environment; Derby and Nottingham Metro Biodiversity Project. ref: 388730/09/201608/10/2016
2610 - Purchase of Civica Software with House of Multiple Occupancy and Mobile Modules ref: 388529/09/201629/09/2016
2609 - Skills Funding Agency - Adult Education Budget 2016/1729/09/2016Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
2608 - Approval to spend Department for Education Special Educational Needs and Disabilities reforms grants (Part 3, Children & Families Act 2014) ref: 388429/09/201607/10/2016
2607 - Letting of Vacant Office Space at No. 1 Nottingham Science Park, Jesse Boot Way, Nottingham, NG7 2RU ref: 388329/09/201607/10/2016
2606 - Procurement for a Cafe/Bar & Event Catering Management Concessionaire at The Nottingham Theatre Royal and Concert Hall ref: 388229/09/201629/09/2016
2604 - Replacement of the Victoria Centre Intercom system ref: 388028/09/201606/10/2016
2605 - Purchase of Sneinton Dale police station and leaseback of part to create new library and Police contact point. ref: 388128/09/201628/09/2016
2603 - To trade Carbon Credits relating to Carbon Reduction Commitments (CRCs) ref: 387927/09/201627/09/2016
2602 - Property Investment Acquisition ref: 387822/09/201630/09/2016
2600 - Commercial Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) Investment Programme ref: 387621/09/201629/09/2016
2601 - Citizens' Survey and Respect Survey 2016 ref: 387721/09/201629/09/2016
2599 - Supply of books and DVDs to Nottingham Library Service, including library in HMP Nottingham, over 4 years19/09/2016Decision Approved
2598 - Midlands Engine - Accountable Body ref: 387516/09/201624/09/2016
2597 - Financial Dispensation Request for Urgent Building Works ref: 387416/09/201616/09/2016
2595 - Sale of the Councils freehold interest in industrial premises on Gauntley Street Basford Nottingham ref: 387214/09/201622/09/2016
2591 - Funding for Children in Care Police Officer13/09/2016Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
2593 - Approval of Expansion of Westbury Special School13/09/2016Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
2592 - Hard to Reach/Hard to Place Engagement Programme ref: 386807/09/201615/09/2016
2590 - Clinical Waste Disposal ref: 386706/09/201614/09/2016
2589 - Commission of public sculpture trail for Nottingham to go live summer 2018 ref: 386602/09/201613/09/2016
2588 - Acceptance of grant Arts Council England Designation Development Fund ref: 386502/09/201610/09/2016
2587 - Dinosaurs of China:Ground Shakers to Feathered Flyers Exhibition at Wollaton Hall 2017 ref: 386402/09/201610/09/2016
2586 - REMOURBAN project, dispensation of financial regulations for the design and delivery of deep external retrofitting for the William Moss buildings ref: 386302/09/201610/09/2016
2584 - Sale of 2.22 acres of land at Tunstall Drive, Old Basford, Nottingham ref: 386101/09/201609/09/2016
2581 - Approval of the Costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 385830/08/201630/08/2016
2580 - Funding of legal support in relation to employment matters ref: 385726/08/201626/08/2016
2578 - Get Out Get Active - English Federation Of Disability Sport Project - Grant Funding ref: 385525/08/201603/09/2016
2577 - Relocation from Guildhall Island Block to London Road Fire Station ref: 385423/08/201601/09/2016
2576 - Units 1-5 Middleton Court, Glaisdale Parkway, Nottingham ref: 385323/08/201601/09/2016
2575 - Sale of Former Padstow School Site, Eastglade Road, Bestwood, Nottingham ref: 385222/08/201631/08/2016
2574 - Sale of 1 Top Valley Cottages, Ridgeway, Nottingham ref: 385122/08/201631/08/2016
2572 - Approval of costs of an Adults Care Package19/08/2016Decision Approved
2571 - Approval of costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 384919/08/201619/08/2016
2573 - To approve the revenue spend from Trading Operations to establish a commercial catering outlet at Byron House ref: 384719/08/201627/08/2016
2570 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 384819/08/201619/08/2016
2569 - Extension to Housing Related Support Contracts ref: 384619/08/201627/08/2016
2565 - Acceptance of grant from Department for Energy and Climate Change ref: 384218/08/201626/08/2016
2566 - Accommodation Broker - Pilot post for 2 years ref: 384318/08/201626/08/2016
2567 - Homecare price increase 2016/17 ref: 384418/08/201618/08/2016
2564 - Approval of the Schools' Forum funding to progress the Schools Accessibility Programme for 2016/17 ref: 384117/08/201625/08/2016
2562 - Approval of the costs of a placement for a child in care ref: 383911/08/201611/08/2016
2561 - Nottingham participation in the D2N2 Digital Business Growth Programme ref: 383810/08/201618/08/2016
2557 - 'Invest to Grow' commercial development at Southglade Leisure Centre ref: 383408/08/201617/08/2016
2556 - Network Cabling 4 Year Framework Contract ref: 383305/08/201605/08/2016
2555 - Additional payment of Management Fee to Nottingham City Homes ref: 383205/08/201613/08/2016
2210 Extension of scanning contract with Northgate ref: 346119/10/201527/10/2015
2554 - Property Investment Acquisition - Birmingham ref: 383102/08/201602/08/2016
2553 - Property Investment Acquisition - Nottingham ref: 383002/08/201602/08/2016
2552 - Property Investment Acquisition ref: 382902/08/201602/08/2016
2550 - Creation of two invest-to-save posts: 1 behaviour change officer (energy) and 1 energy monitoring officer ref: 382427/07/201605/08/2016
2547 - Unit 3 The Poultry, Flying Horse Walk Nottingham, NG1 2HN ref: 382127/07/201604/08/2016
2546 - Commercial Opportunity for Trading Operations ref: 382026/07/201603/08/2016
2545 - Approval of the costs of an Adult's Care Package ref: 381925/07/201625/07/2016
2544 - Proposed admission arrangements for the 2018/19 school year for city community schools ref: 381822/07/201602/08/2016
2542 - Assessment of the economic benefits of the HS2 Station at Toton ref: 381621/07/201630/07/2016
2541 - Procurement of technical advice from Cenex to support the Go Ultra Low City Programme ref: 381521/07/201630/07/2016
2534 - Procuring four videos to promote the Midlands Engine ref: 380722/07/201622/07/2016
2535 - Broadmarsh Shopping Centre Redevelopment - Approval of further development funding ref: 380822/07/201622/07/2016
2532 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 380519/07/201619/07/2016
2533 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 380621/07/201621/07/2016
2531 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 380419/07/201619/07/2016
2530 - Creative Quarter Loan Fund - Additional Funds ref: 380319/07/201628/07/2016
2529 - Protection of Clifton Village Green ref: 380119/07/201628/07/2016
2528 - Approval to issue Statutory Notices relating to expansion of Westbury Special School ref: 380018/07/201618/07/2016
2527 - International Campaign Year 3 ref: 379718/07/201618/07/2016
2524 - Approval of the allocation of funding for external works at Fernwood Nursery ref: 379405/07/201614/07/2016
2523 - Procurement for a Cafe Bar/Bar & Event Catering Management Concessionaire at The Nottingham Theatre Royal and Concert Hall ref: 379306/07/201614/07/2016
2520 - Lease of Land at Hoewood Road, Bulwell, Nottingham ref: 379029/06/201629/06/2016
2519 - Island Site - consultancy fees to support CPO business case ref: 378930/06/201630/06/2016
2517 - Integrated Employment and Skills Delivery ref: 378721/06/201606/07/2016
2516 - Nottingham City Council Prohibition of Alcohol Consumption and Dispersal of Groups in the Hockley Area Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) ref: 378529/06/201607/07/2016
2515 - Average Speed Cameras in Nottingham City at Broxtowe Lane, Aspley ref: 378422/06/201602/07/2016
2511 - Unit 14, Faraday Building, Nottingham Science & Technology Park, University Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 2QP ref: 378117/06/201617/06/2016
2510 - Expenditure on PC Hardware ref: 377616/06/201624/06/2016
2504 - to become a Partner in European Social Fund (ESF) Technical Assistance (TA) project led by Derby City Council - D2N214/06/2016Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
2502 - Action Plan for Clifton - District Town Centres ref: 377113/06/201621/06/2016
2501 - Conveyance of 45 Vernon Park Drive, Basford ref: 377007/06/201618/06/2016
2500 - The Granting of a Lease for a New Substation at Queens Drive Park and Ride ref: 376910/06/201618/06/2016
2499 - Proposed Changes to City Police Structure ref: 376810/06/201618/06/2016
2496 - Invest to develop a vibrant and attractive City ref: 376507/06/201616/06/2016
2497 - Adoption of Council Enforcement Policy ref: 376607/06/201616/06/2016
2495 - Improvements to Tennis Courts at Valley Road Park ref: 376407/06/201616/06/2016
2494 - Wollaton Park Golf Club - Grant of a new lease ref: 376307/06/201615/06/2016
2493 - Approval for transfer of catering facilities ref: 376207/06/201615/06/2016
2491 - Action Plan for Bulwell - Town Centre and Arterial Routes ref: 376006/06/201614/06/2016
2492 - Meals at Home food supply contract ref: 376106/06/201606/06/2016
2490 - Improvements to Ridge Adventure Playground ref: 375902/06/201602/06/2016
2489 - Approval of the Costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 375802/06/201602/06/2016
2488 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 375702/06/201602/06/2016
2485 - S215 Notice Works on 149-169 Lower Parliament Street & Peggers Pub ref: 375402/06/201610/06/2016
2486 - Approval for procurement of electricity supply for Nottingham City Council ref: 375502/06/201602/06/2016
2484 - Growing Places Fund - Variation to Capital Loan to DSF Refractories & Minerals Ltd ref: 375302/06/201610/06/2016
2483 - Affordable Housing Acquisition - Chalfont Drive, Nottingham ref: 375202/06/201610/06/2016
2481 - Approval of funding and procurement for the proposed reconfiguring works at Glade Hill Primary ref: 375031/05/201608/06/2016
2480 - Collin Street - Redesign ref: 374927/05/201607/06/2016
2476 - Commercial waste charges ref: 374525/05/201603/06/2016
2471 - Extension of PATRA contract ref: 373919/05/201628/05/2016
2470 - IT Infrastructure database system upgrade ref: 373819/05/201627/05/2016
2469 - Approval of the allocation of Ellis Guilford School and Sports College lifecycle funding to resolve building condition issues at the school. ref: 373718/05/201626/05/2016
2468 - In sourcing of Special Educational Needs transport in September 2016 ref: 373617/05/201625/05/2016
2466 - Approval of the costs of an Adults care package ref: 373413/05/201613/05/2016
2465 - Approval of the costs of an Adults care package13/05/2016Decision Approved
2464 - Approval of the costs of an Adults care package13/05/2016Decision Approved
2463 - Purchase of Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) Monitoring Equipment ref: 373113/05/201621/05/2016
2462 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 373013/05/201613/05/2016
2461 - Procurement of Provider for the Health and Employment Support Service ref: 372913/05/201613/05/2016
2467 - Direct award for SME Graduate Assessment & Jobs Matching ref: 373513/05/201621/05/2016
2459 - Submission of final European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) bids for SME Competitiveness and Innovation programmes and approval of NCC funding ref: 372711/05/201621/05/2016
2455 - 3 George Street, Nottingham, NG1 3BH ref: 372311/05/201620/05/2016
2458 - Healthwatch funding 2016/17 ref: 372612/05/201620/05/2016
2456 - Request for approval to enter into a collaborative procurement process and create and publish a directory of Alternative Education Provision ref: 372412/05/201620/05/2016
2454 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 372211/05/201611/05/2016
2453 - Early works including design development relation to the potential expansion of Middleton Primary School ref: 372111/05/201619/05/2016
2451 - Creation of Special Educational Needs pupil projections and review of school capacities ref: 371910/05/201618/05/2016
2447 - Demolition of the former Beechdale Swimming Centre, Beechdale Road, Nottingham ref: 371504/05/201612/05/2016
2446 - Variation in the user clause of the lease relating to a property at Abbeyfield Road Lenton Lane Industrial Estate Nottingham ref: 371404/05/201612/05/2016
2445 - Modifications to short term children's home, 3 bed ref: 371328/04/201607/05/2016
2444 - Approval of the costs of an adult care package ref: 371122/04/201622/04/2016
2443 - Approval of the costs of an adults care package ref: 371022/04/201622/04/2016
2442 - Transfer of external homecare provision to internal provision ref: 370921/04/201621/04/2016
2438 - Recycling of Housing Renewal and Repair Repaid Grants ref: 370525/04/201604/05/2016
2437 - Alfreton Road Improvements ref: 370422/04/201630/04/2016
Permission for Procurement Tender for Nottingham City Council (NCC) Transport services - Key Decision22/04/2016For Determination
2436 - Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) - Additional Resources ref: 370322/04/201630/04/2016
2434 - Community Centre Capital Works Programme 2015 - 2016 ref: 370120/04/201630/04/2016
2432 - Long Lease - 71 Bracebridge Drive, Bilborough, NG8 4PH ref: 369920/04/201628/04/2016
2433 - 137-139 Bransdale Road, Clifton, Nottingham NG11 9HG, disposal of ref: 370020/04/201628/04/2016
2427 - Pocket Park Funding for Barker Gate Rest Garden and Frinton Pocket Park ref: 369418/04/201627/04/2016
2431 - 3 year (+1 +1 optional extention) Income Management Enterprise Licence ref: 369819/04/201627/04/2016
2430 - Commercial Opportunity for Neighbourhood Services (First Aid training) ref: 369719/04/201627/04/2016
2429 - IT training, recycling and application system development services ref: 369619/04/201627/04/2016
2428 - Response to invitation to tender for energy management support for Djanogly Learning Trust ref: 369518/04/201618/04/2016
2426 - This Girl Can Activation Continuation Funding from Sport England ref: 369318/04/201626/04/2016
2425 - Approval of the costs of a placement for a child in care ref: 369114/04/201614/04/2016
2421 - Reinstatement Coring Programme ref: 368814/04/201622/04/2016
2424 - Approval of the costs of a placement of a child in care ref: 369214/04/201614/04/2016
2423 - Approval of the costs of a placement of a child in care ref: 369014/04/201614/04/2016
2418 - Ending Gang and Youth Violence (EGYV) Community Projects ref: 368712/04/201623/04/2016
2419 - Appointment of Property Agents - Broadmarsh Bus Station and Car Park ref: 368413/04/201621/04/2016
2415 - Core Funding to the D2N2 LEP ref: 368111/04/201619/04/2016
2411 - Advocacy Provision ref: 367811/04/201611/04/2016
2412 - Approval for catering facilities ref: 367708/04/201608/04/2016
2408 - Contribution to the Nottingham Music Service CIO ref: 367407/04/201615/04/2016
2407 - Approval of funding and procurement of a canopy, electric gate, fencing and tarmacking for Springfield Primary School ref: 367307/04/201615/04/2016
2410 - Repairs and Maintenance to Council Properties ref: 367607/04/201607/04/2016
2409 - Extension to The HIV Support, Engagement, Outreach and Testing Service provided by Terrence Higgins Trust ref: 367507/04/201615/04/2016
2406 - Derby City Council - Transport Services for Older People and People With Learning Disabilities ref: 367106/04/201606/04/2016
2405 - Approval of the Costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 367030/03/201630/03/2016
2404 - Approval of the costs of an adults care package ref: 366930/03/201630/03/2016
2403 - Approval of the costs of a placement for a child in care ref: 366831/03/201631/03/2016
2402 - Approval of the Costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 366730/03/201630/03/2016
2401 - Nottingham City Council as the Accountable Body for re-balancing Outer Estates Foundation funding ref: 366604/04/201612/04/2016
2399 - Discretionary Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) - Policy update ref: 366431/03/201609/04/2016
2398 - Marketing Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ref: 366331/03/201631/03/2016
2395 - Nottingham Works ref: 366030/03/201630/03/2016
2396 - Nottingham Science Park - Phase 2 Development ref: 366130/03/201607/04/2016
2393 Approval of funding and authority to enter into contracts to expand South Wilford Endowed Primary School ref: 365724/03/201605/04/2016
2392 - Education Improvement Board funding for Communications and Marketing ref: 365624/03/201605/04/2016
2391 - Land Purchase for Housing Development ref: 365323/03/201623/03/2016
2390 - Priority Families Partnership Accredited Practitioners ref: 365222/03/201622/03/2016
2389 - Extension of Edge of Care Hub Service ref: 365122/03/201622/03/2016
2387 - Expansion of the Shared Lives service including new scale of payments ref: 364916/03/201630/03/2016
2386 - Approval of the costs of a placement for a child in care ref: 364816/03/201616/03/2016
2384 - Public Health Contracts 2016/2017 ref: 364616/03/201624/03/2016
2383 - City of Nottingham Funeral Concession16/03/2016Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
2382 - Children and Adults Communications and Marketing Support ref: 364416/03/201624/03/2016
2381 - Demolition of Springwood Day Centre and sale of the cleared site ref: 364316/03/201624/03/2016
2380 - Resources required to develop a proposal for citywide licensing of private rented homes ref: 364215/03/201623/03/2016
2379 - Care Act Web Based Directory ref: 364111/03/201619/03/2016
2378 - Extra Care at Albany House and Woodvale ref: 364010/03/201619/03/2016
2375 - Extra Care at Woodvale ref: 363710/03/201618/03/2016
2374 - The Learning Disability Partnership Board ref: 363610/03/201618/03/2016
2368 - Public Access WiFi ref: 363008/03/201616/03/2016
2370 - Approval of the allocation of funding for the provision of additional accommodation at Fernwood Primary school for September 2016 ref: 363208/03/201616/03/2016
2363 - Membership of Rail North Limited ref: 362303/03/201604/03/2016
2361 - Bioscience Extension - Funding Envelope Revisions ref: 362002/03/201610/03/2016
2359 - Community Right to Bid - Asset of Community Value - Broxtowe Country Park ref: 361826/02/201609/03/2016
2351 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 360923/02/201623/02/2016
2350 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 360824/02/201624/02/2016
2347 - Approval for additional capacity to undertake essential work within Children's Social Care Directorate ref: 360424/02/201603/03/2016
2346 - Amber Hill - construction of eight new homes ref: 360323/02/201623/02/2016
2345 - Ascot Road, Bobbersmill: Use of Section 106 funding for affordable housing ref: 360222/02/201602/03/2016
2344 - Purchase of multiple Microsoft Windows Server related Licences for 3 Major Projects ref: 360119/02/201601/03/2016
2342 - Approval of the costs of a placement for a child in care ref: 359922/02/201622/02/2016
2341 - Purchase of Cleansing Plant and Equipment funded through the Nottingham Business Improvement District (BID) Operating Agreement ref: 359718/02/201626/02/2016
2340 - Procurement of New Waste Management System ref: 359618/02/201627/02/2016
2338 - Adult Provision and Health Integration, Architectural Design for Laura Chambers Conversion ref: 359416/02/201624/02/2016
2337 - Development of waste contracts ref: 359315/02/201623/02/2016
2334 - Building Services Project - Project Management ref: 358811/02/201611/02/2016
2333 - SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE RENEWAL FOR 11 SYSTEMS10/02/2016Decision Approved (subject to call-in)
2331 - Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum - Into the Mainstream ref: 358627/01/201617/02/2016
2330 - Procurement of short breaks services for disabled children ref: 358509/02/201617/02/2016
2329 - Neighbourhood Tree Improvement Programme ref: 358409/02/201617/02/2016
2328 - Funding Allocation for Table Tennis Canopy Project ref: 358309/02/201617/02/2016
2327 - Funding for parks, open spaces and trees in Area 8 ref: 358208/02/201617/02/2016
2326 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 358104/02/201604/02/2016
2325 - Green Space Activation Ranger ref: 358004/02/201612/02/2016
2323 - The Improvement of Libraries Wi-Fi Services ref: 357803/02/201603/02/2016
2324 - Purchase of 4 x Cofdm CCTV Cameras ref: 357903/02/201612/02/2016
2321 - Approval of the costs of a placement for a child in care ref: 357629/01/201629/01/2016
2320 - Commercial Opportunity for Neighbourhood Services (grounds Maintenance) ref: 357527/01/201609/02/2016
2319 - DCLG - Funding to Tackle Rogue Landlords ref: 357401/02/201609/02/2016
2318 - Leisure Centre fitness equipment capital replacement & refurbishment programme ref: 357329/01/201606/02/2016
2317 - Flood Alleviation to Properties in Top Valley. Installation of Property Level Protection Measures ref: 357228/01/201606/02/2016
2316 - Letting of Mill Street Playing Fields, Basford ref: 357128/01/201604/02/2016
2315 - Implementation of a surface water flood alleviation scheme at Woolsington Close, Strelley ref: 357028/01/201605/02/2016
2313 - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Advice and Support Services (IASS) for Parents and Carers ref: 356727/01/201604/02/2016
2312 - Approval of the costs of a placement for a child in care ref: 356627/01/201627/01/2016
2311 - Purchase of long leasehold interest - Glaisdale Industrial Estate, Bilborough, Nottingham ref: 356527/01/201603/02/2016
2310 - Core Cities annual subscription 2015/16 ref: 356427/01/201604/02/2016
2314 - Declare Malt South Base, Summer Wood Lane, surplus to operational requirements ref: 356927/01/201604/02/2016
2309 - Sale of Industrial Unit, 3 Poulton Drive Nottingham ref: 356325/01/201602/02/2016
2307 - The Sandfield Centre, Derby Road, Nottingham ref: 356120/01/201628/01/2016
2305 - DCLG Funding to help support victims of domestic violence 2015/16 ref: 355919/01/201627/01/2016
2304 - Planned Maintenance - Old Market Square ref: 355815/01/201623/01/2016
2303 - Sale of 18 Lenton Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 2ES ref: 355714/01/201623/01/2016
2302 - FP10 Community Prescription Charges - Public Health 2015/16 ref: 355614/01/201622/01/2016
2301 - Victoria Park Play Area ref: 355513/01/201622/01/2016
2300 - Essential Planned Maintenance Nottingham City Council Properties ref: 355413/01/201621/01/2016
2299 - Integrated property asset management system ref: 355312/01/201612/01/2016
2298 - Continuing Services for the Nottingham Deaf Community ref: 355208/01/201619/01/2016
2297 - Call Off The CSE Framework to establish a shared supported living service for citizens with Mental Health support needs ref: 355108/01/201616/01/2016
2296 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package08/01/2016Decision Approved
2295 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 354908/01/201608/01/2016
2294 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 354808/01/201608/01/2016
2293 - Core Funding to the D2N2 LEP ref: 354707/01/201615/01/2016
2292 - Establishment and Recruitment to CAMHS Children Looked After (CLA) Clinical Mental Health Specialist ref: 354604/01/201612/01/2016
2291 - Aftercare Service ref: 354529/12/201508/01/2016
2286 - Approval of funding and procurement to undertake works for the proposed expansion of Whitegate Primary School with additional classrooms ref: 354023/12/201505/01/2016
2290 - Nottingham Industrial Museum - Future Operation ref: 354422/12/201524/12/2015
2289 - Property Investment Acquisition - Nottingham ref: 354323/12/201523/12/2015
2287 - Corporate Travel and Accommodation Contract ref: 354123/12/201523/12/2015
2285 - Highfields Park Restoration Project ref: 353922/12/201501/01/2016
2284 - Extension of funding arrangements to Base 51 until March 2017 ref: 353822/12/201501/01/2016
2283 - Property Investment Acquisition - Nottingham ref: 353721/12/201521/12/2015
2282 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 353618/12/201518/12/2015
2280 - Broadmarsh Car Park - Emergency Works ref: 353418/12/201518/12/2015
2279 - Funding for Legal Support ref: 353315/12/201515/12/2015
2281 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 353518/12/201518/12/2015
2276 - Adult Learn to Swim pilot ref: 352915/12/201525/12/2015
2275 - Forest Recreation Ground - Gregory Boulevard Play Area ref: 352815/12/201523/12/2015
2274 - Citrix Advantage Subscription and Software Maintenance 31/01/2016 to 30/01/2017 ref: 352711/12/201519/12/2015
2273 - Adult Provision and Health Integration, The Oaks, Phase 2 Refurbishment ref: 352610/12/201518/12/2015
2272 - Sale of freehold interest in 144 Sneinton Dale, Nottingham NG2 4HJ ref: 352507/12/201517/12/2015
2271 - Approval of the costs of a placement for a child in care ref: 352409/12/201509/12/2015
2270 - Use of "1-4-1" Retained (Right to Buy) Receipts to Purchase Long Term Empty Properties and Bring Them Back Into Use ref: 352308/12/201516/12/2015
2268 - Sale of Land, Clifton, Nottingham ref: 352107/12/201515/12/2015
2269 - Procurement of Radio System ref: 352207/12/201507/12/2015
2267 - Key Decision - Skills Hub ref: 352004/12/201504/12/2015
2265 - Fairham Community College: To declare the property surplus to operational requirements and approved for sale. ref: 351825/11/201511/12/2015
2264 - Broadmarsh Car Park ref: 351730/11/201530/11/2015
2261 - Approval of the costs of a placement for a child in care ref: 351412/10/201512/10/2015
2259 - Essential maintenance to council properties ref: 351225/11/201503/12/2015
2256 - Key Decision - Voluntary Sector Grant Aid - Area Based and Communities of Identity Grants from 2016 onwards ref: 350920/11/201502/12/2015
2255 - Nottingham regeneration Ltd - Extension of Service Level Agreement ref: 350820/11/201502/12/2015
2254 - Refurbishment and Improvement at Carnforth Court ref: 350723/11/201501/12/2015
2253 - Advanced Designated Safeguarding Leads schools cluster support ref: 350619/11/201528/11/2015
2252 - Stroke Association Funding Extension ref: 350516/11/201526/11/2015
2250 - 21 Sneinton Boulevard NG2 4DF - Compulsory Purchase Order ref: 350317/11/201526/11/2015
2251 - Extending the Safer Stronger Families Contract ref: 350418/11/201526/11/2015
2249 - Mental Health Crisis Concordat Training ref: 350217/11/201525/11/2015
2246 - Summer and Christmas Events Offer ref: 349816/11/201524/11/2015
2245 - Online Chlamydia Screening Self Testing kits ref: 349713/11/201524/11/2015
2244 - C-Card Procurement ref: 349613/11/201524/11/2015
2247 - Additional access works at Nottingham Theatre Royal and Concert Hall ref: 349916/11/201524/11/2015
2240 - Approval of the allocation of Schools Forum funding for Health and Safety and Condition works in schools ref: 349112/11/201521/11/2015
2243 - Adult Provision and Health Integration, Catering Post ref: 349413/11/201521/11/2015
2238 - Document Management, Storage, Access and Processes ref: 348911/11/201520/11/2015
2239 - Continuation of the Neutral Vendor Solution ref: 349006/11/201506/11/2015
2237 - Reline of two 300/2 Double ended Cremators ref: 348812/11/201520/11/2015
2236 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 348710/11/201510/11/2015
2235 - Public health additional services contract for GPs to deliver alcohol identification and brief advice 2014/15 ref: 348605/11/201517/11/2015
2234 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 348509/11/201509/11/2015
2232 - HIV Home Sampling Kits (part of Public Health England's National HIV self-sampling Service) ref: 348305/11/201514/11/2015
2231 - Release of £147,000 of funding for Heathfield Primary's expansion to a new second site ref: 348205/11/201513/11/2015
2230 - Sale of freehold interest in 276a Sneinton Dale, Nottingham ref: 348105/11/201513/11/2015
2229 - Sale of the former Westbury Special School site, Lortas Road, Basford, Nottingham NG5 1EH ref: 348004/11/201512/11/2015
2228 - Lease regear 97 Manvers Street NG2 4PB ref: 347928/10/201512/11/2015
2227 - Continuation of Burglary Reduction Scheme ref: 347803/11/201512/11/2015
2226 - Approval for additional, independent capacity to undertake focussed work within the Education Directorate ref: 347704/11/201504/11/2015
2225 - This Girl Can Swim ref: 347503/11/201503/11/2015
2223 - Approval of the costs of a placement for a child in care ref: 347322/10/201522/10/2015
2222 - Approval to Spend Additional Funding of £171,000 to Deliver Revised and Expanded Scope of Project Evolution ref: 347222/10/201531/10/2015
2219 - Creation of Additional posts to trial Front Loading Assessments ref: 347020/10/201531/10/2015
2217 - Launch and ongoing delivery of Nottingham (East Midlands) Performing Arts Library Service ref: 346822/10/201531/10/2015
2216 - Disabled Children's Short Breaks ref: 346722/10/201531/10/2015
2215 - Direct Contract Award for Metropolitan Briarwood Supported Living Scheme ref: 346620/10/201520/10/2015
2214 - Re-designation of Bellevue Court, St Anns ref: 346520/10/201528/10/2015
2213 - 52 Bedale Road NG5 3GH - Compulsory Purchase Order ref: 346419/10/201527/10/2015
2212 - Fair Access Panel Delegation ref: 346319/10/201527/10/2015
2211 Safe Places Funding - to agree continuation of funding to MENCAP ref: 346219/10/201527/10/2015
2209 - Oracle EDI File Transmission supplier ref: 345908/10/201523/10/2015
2205 - King Edward Park Improvements ref: 345508/10/201520/10/2015
2207 - Enhancing our website and awarding a new contract for a Web Content Management System (WCMS), Hosting and support services to S8080 Digital Agency ref: 345712/10/201520/10/2015
2201 - Extension of Contract - Delivery of Core Reporting Requirements ref: 345109/10/201517/10/2015
2200 - HM Coroners Referrals Systems ref: 345008/10/201510/10/2015
2202 - Fairer Charging - Fees and Charging Adult Social Care ref: 345209/10/201517/10/2015
2198 - Website-based Chlamydia screening costs ref: 344808/10/201516/10/2015
2196 - Purchase of desktops and server to enable the running of onsite and offsite Information Technology (IT) training laboratories ref: 344607/10/201516/10/2015
2197 - Sale of freehold interests in 47 and 49 Gwenbrook Avenue, 51 Fletcher Road and 136 Cator Lane, Beeston Nottingham ref: 344708/10/201508/10/2015
2195 - Public Spaces Protection Order ref: 344507/10/201515/10/2015
2193 - Arkwright Street Public Realm Improvement Scheme ref: 344407/10/201515/10/2015
2191 - To tender for a Debt Management System and associated hardware for traffic processing and enforcement. ref: 344107/10/201515/10/2015
2194 - Creation of posts in Processing and Enforcement ref: 344207/10/201515/10/2015
2192 - ESIF Youth Employment Initiative bid Nottingham Gets to Work ref: 344007/10/201515/10/2015
2190 - Upgrade of the Microsoft Enterprise Contract to Support Office 365 Cloud Based E-mail ref: 343806/10/201514/10/2015
2189 3 year (+ 1 optional year extension) Merchant Acquiring Contract ref: 343601/10/201509/10/2015
2187 - Surrender of lease at Units 5 & 6 Martin Court, Blenheim Industrial Estate, Nottingham, NG6 8US ref: 343429/09/201507/10/2015
2185 - Extension of The Cloud Public Access WiFi Contract ref: 343228/09/201506/10/2015
2184 - Early works including design development to allow Fernwood Infant and Junior Schools to expand ref: 343025/09/201503/10/2015
2183 - Electoral Registration Software - Mobile Canvassing Application ref: 342925/09/201525/09/2015
2182 - Sale of Land off Limmen Gardens (Phase 5 Stonebridge Park Regeneration Masterplan) ref: 342824/09/201502/10/2015
2181 - Extension of Employee Benefits (Cost Neutral) Contract ref: 342723/09/201502/10/2015
2180 - 24 Hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Helpline ref: 342623/09/201523/09/2015
2179 - Additional Fixed Term posts for Adult Social Care to prepare for the increased demand during the Winter months ref: 342523/09/201501/10/2015
2178 - Communities of Identity Grants - Established Communities ref: 342423/09/201501/10/2015
2177 - Sale of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Properties to Nottingham City Homes ref: 342323/09/201523/09/2015
2176 - Financial Advice and Support in the Voluntary and Community Sector ref: 342222/09/201530/09/2015
2174 - Landlord Checks to Nottingham City Council Multi-occupied Buildings ref: 342022/09/201530/09/2015
2173 Priority Families Workforce Development 2014 - 2020 ref: 341918/09/201529/09/2015
2172 - Surrender of Carbon Allowances for the Carbon Reduction Commitment Phase 2 - 2014-15 ref: 341721/09/201529/09/2015
2170 - Adult Provision and Health Integration, Long Meadow Refurbishment, Conversion of Revenue to Capital Budget ref: 341517/09/201525/09/2015
2171 - Additional Costs for Byron House Refurbishment ref: 341617/09/201525/09/2015
Commercial Opportunity for Trade Waste Services ref: 341415/09/201523/09/2015
2167 - Approval of the costs of a placement for a child in care ref: 341211/09/201511/09/2015
2168 - Fixed term contract for Public Health Specialist support ref: 341314/09/201522/09/2015
2164 - Proposed expansion of Fernwood Primary School, Wollaton ref: 340910/09/201519/09/2015
2163 - Advocacy Extension ref: 340810/09/201518/09/2015
2162 - Capital investment for commercial developments at Clifton Leisure Centre ref: 340709/09/201517/09/2015
2157 - Extension to specialist lift engineer contract ref: 340102/09/201510/09/2015
2156 - Fostering Advice and Mediation Service and Intercountry Adoption Service ref: 340028/08/201510/09/2015
2155 - Feasibility Study - Proposed redevelopment in the City Centre ref: 339902/09/201502/09/2015
2158 - Approval of the costs of a placement for a child in care ref: 340202/09/201502/09/2015
2153 - Off-street parking review ref: 339701/09/201509/09/2015
2150 - Payment for Schools Out holiday provision from April 2015 to March 2016 ref: 339327/08/201527/08/2015
2149 - Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) allocation ref: 339227/08/201505/09/2015
2144 - Web Content Management System, Hosting and Support Services ref: 338725/08/201503/09/2015
2148 - Carplus and rate to be paid for employee business travel ref: 339125/08/201503/09/2015
2142 Extension of Contract - Project Manager for Finance Improvement and Oracle Development ref: 338518/08/201527/08/2015
2141 - Autism Innovation (Capital) Grant ref: 338419/08/201527/08/2015
2140 - 9 and 9A Poulton Drive, Colwick, Nottingham NG2 4BN ref: 338318/08/201518/08/2015
2139 - Review of Statement of Gambling Policy 2016-2019 ref: 338219/08/201527/08/2015
2138 - VOIP, Local Area Network (LAN), Loxley LAN and Wireless Maintenance Contract ref: 338119/08/201527/08/2015
2137 - Capital FM school attendance concert competition ref: 338018/08/201526/08/2015
2136 - Declare Ranskill Gardens surplus and sell the property ref: 337918/08/201526/08/2015
2134 - Current Infrastructure upgrade running Delphi (archive payroll and pensions) and OneWorld (archive financials) ref: 337717/08/201525/08/2015
2133 - Introduction of a new salary sacrifice scheme Learning Plus - as part of the Council's current Employee Benefits contract ref: 337617/08/201525/08/2015
2132 Award of contract to operate the Schoollink A1 and A2 bus services ref: 337514/08/201522/08/2015
2131 - Award of Contract for Locallink Bus Services L10, L11 and L14 ref: 337314/08/201522/08/2015
TEST ISSUE ref: 337414/08/201525/08/2015
2130 - Scheme to assist NCC tenants purchase homes on the private market ref: 337213/08/201521/08/2015
2129 - Revision of charging structure for pre-application planning advice ref: 337113/08/201521/08/2015
2128 - Funding to support delivery of the Nottingham Growth Plan and Retail Strategy ref: 337013/08/201521/08/2015
2127 - Transfer of a number of Senior Social Worker, Social Worker and Community Care Officer posts from fixed term to permanent ref: 336910/08/201519/08/2015
2125 - Deprivation of Liberty - Additional resources ref: 336710/08/201518/08/2015
2124 - Appointment of Specialist Rating Surveyors to undertake the 2010 Rating List Appeals and Rate Audit work when instructed ref: 336610/08/201510/08/2015
2123 - Enviroenergy District Heating Equipment Site ref: 336506/08/201518/08/2015
2022 - Declare surplus and sell the freehold interest in 118 Hucknall Road, Carrington, Nottingham, NG5 1AD ref: 336406/08/201514/08/2015
2121 - Multisystemic Therapy Team - Children and Neglect (MST-CAN) ref: 336104/08/201513/08/2015
2120 - Approval of the 2015/16 allocation of the Schools' Forum funding for disabled access works in schools ref: 335704/08/201512/08/2015
2115 - Letting of Land adjacent to the River Trent at Racecourse Road, Colwick ref: 334430/07/201507/08/2015
2114 - Bioscience Expansion Project July 2015 ref: 334329/07/201529/07/2015
2112 - Access to Speech and Language Therapist (SALT) Services ref: 334129/07/201506/08/2015
2113 - Purchase of Solid State Drives for the SQL Server Cluster Storage Blade ref: 334227/07/201506/08/2015
2111 - Adult care package cost ref: 334024/07/201524/07/2015
2110 - Adult care package cost ref: 333924/07/201524/07/2015
2109 - Adult care package costs ref: 333824/07/201524/07/2015
2107 - 1 Daykene Street - 25yr lease ref: 333627/07/201505/08/2015
2099 - Child care placement package ref: 332827/07/201527/07/2015
2098 - Child care placement package ref: 332727/07/201527/07/2015
2097 - Child care placement package ref: 332627/07/201527/07/2015
2096 - Child care placement package ref: 332527/07/201527/07/2015
2093 - 35 Mansfield Road, NG1 3BF - renewal of lease ref: 332222/07/201504/08/2015
2092 - Review of Car Parking Arrangements at the Victoria Embankment and Meadows Recreation Ground ref: 332124/07/201501/08/2015
2091 - Integrated School and Children's Centre Partnership Cantrell School and Bulwell Forest Children's Centre ref: 332024/07/201524/07/2015
2090 - Assisting and Moving People Training Provider ref: 331624/07/201501/08/2015
2089 - Qualifications Credit Framework (QCF) Diplomas 2,3 and 5 in Health and Social Care (Adults) ref: 331524/07/201501/08/2015
2088 - Adult Provision and Health Integration, Retail Income Generation Hydro Pool ref: 331424/07/201501/08/2015
2087 - To create dedicated classroom space in St Anns South Children's Centre for Huntingdon Academy ref: 331323/07/201501/08/2015
2086 - Replacement of the Royal Concert Hall acoustic banners ref: 331223/07/201501/08/2015
2085 - Implementation of Safe Families For Children (SFFC) Approach ref: 331121/07/201531/07/2015
2084 - Lenton Recreation Ground Outdoor Fitness Area ref: 331021/07/201531/07/2015
2083 - Approval for the Crime and Drugs Partnership to tender Ending Gang and Youth Violence services ref: 330923/07/201531/07/2015
2082 - Integrated Schools and Children's Centre Partnership Dunkirk School and Dunkirk Primary School ref: 330823/07/201531/07/2015
2081 Replacement of Cremator Analytical Panels at the Crematorium - Wilford Hill (Southern Cemetery) ref: 330620/07/201529/07/2015
2080 - Declaration that the Former Public Conveniences at Victoria Embankment are Surplus to operational requirements ref: 330520/07/201529/07/2015
2079 - Consultation on a review of fees and charging for Adult Social Care ref: 330421/07/201521/07/2015
2078 - Invest to develop a vibrant and attractive city centre ref: 330320/07/201529/07/2015
2077 - 194-196 and 198-200 Southchurch Drive, Clifton, NG11 8AA ref: 330220/07/201528/07/2015
2075 - Lease of premises ref: 330017/07/201517/07/2015
2074 - Radio advertising package with Capital FM ref: 329916/07/201525/07/2015
2073 - Sale of freehold interest in Kilbourn Street Car Park Nottingham NG3 ref: 329817/07/201525/07/2015
2072 - Proposed admission arrangements for the 2017/18 school year for city community schools ref: 329716/07/201525/07/2015
2076 - Opportunity to bid to Office of Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) Go Ultra Low Fund ref: 330117/07/201525/07/2015
2071 - Review of the Authority's existing approach to special school provision ref: 329616/07/201524/07/2015
2069 - Contract Extension for Document Management system ref: 329415/07/201524/07/2015
2067 - Broadmarsh Car Park ref: 329215/07/201515/07/2015
2068 - Demolition of the former Sandfield Centre, Sandfield Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 1QH ref: 329316/07/201524/07/2015
2065 - Pirate Park Play Area, Sherwood ref: 329014/07/201523/07/2015
2064 - Re-commissioning The Health Shop Sexual Health (sexual health and substance misuse) ref: 328915/07/201523/07/2015
2063 - Letting of the 5-a-side football pitches at Harvey Hadden Sports Complex, Wigman Road, Bilborough ref: 328814/07/201514/07/2015
2062 - Additional Microsoft Licensing ref: 328608/07/201514/07/2015
2061 - Approval of funding and procurement of design team for early design works to expand Mellers Primary and South Wilford Endowed CE VA Primary ref: 328408/07/201517/07/2015
2060 - Nottingham Ice Centre ref: 328303/07/201503/07/2015
2059 - Approval of the costs of an Adult Social Care Package ref: 328208/07/201508/07/2015
To approve the funding to support a programmes of apprenticeships for 2015/16 ref: 328006/07/201515/07/2015
2055 - Lease Re-Gear - Land 5,860 sq yds to the South East of Glaisdale Drive West, Nottingham NG8 4GY ref: 327802/07/201510/07/2015
2053 - Installation of solar panel car park canopy at Ken Martin Leisure Centre ref: 327630/06/201510/07/2015
2052 - Property Investment Acquisition ref: 327230/06/201530/06/2015
2051 - Next Steps for delivery of the Domestic Energy Efficiency Programme - Greener HousiNG ref: 327129/06/201507/07/2015
2049 Public Health England Capital Grant Funding ref: 326726/06/201504/07/2015
2048 - Medicines Management Governance Pharmacist ref: 326526/06/201504/07/2015
2047 - Declaration that 144 Sneinton Dale is surplus to operational requirements ref: 326425/06/201504/07/2015
2046 - New social care system infrastructure and hardware ref: 326325/06/201504/07/2015
2043 - Foster Carer Payment Scheme ref: 326025/06/201504/07/2015
2050 IT Shared User Computing Equipment ref: 326804/06/201504/07/2015
2040 - Declaration that house associated with Henry Whipple School is surplus to requirements ref: 325518/06/201502/07/2015
2039 - 2015 Nottingham Jobs Fair ref: 324919/06/201527/06/2015
2038 - To create dedicated Nursery Education spaces in Wollaton Children's Centre whilst continuing a Children's Centre hub ref: 324819/06/201527/06/2015
2036 - Seven month extension for two contracts ref: 324619/06/201527/06/2015
2037 - Creative Quarter: Castle Approach - Friar Lane Pedestrian Improvements ref: 324719/06/201527/06/2015
2032 - Employment & Training Provider Framework ref: 324218/06/201526/06/2015
2035 - Capital Maintenance grant allocations for 2015/16 ref: 324518/06/201518/06/2015
2029 - Festive lighting ref: 323912/06/201524/06/2015
2028 - Essential Planned Maintenance Nottingham City Council Properties ref: 323712/06/201520/06/2015
2027 - Grant of option to purchase land in the ownership of Nottingham City Council to owner of adjacent site - Lace Market Petrol Filling Station ref: 323609/06/201518/06/2015
2025 - Proposed museum acquisition ref: 323409/06/201509/06/2015
2024 - Approval of the costs of an Adults Care Package ref: 323308/06/201516/06/2015
2023 - Display Energy Certificate contractor ref: 323205/06/201516/06/2015
2022 - Loxley House Heat Exchangers ref: 323104/06/201513/06/2015
2021 - Provision of Solar Panels to a commercial building on Dakeyne Street ref: 323004/06/201504/06/2015
2018 - Relocation of Condition funding for school projects ref: 325828/05/201528/05/2015
2017 - Resourcing for Strategic Regeneration Programme ref: 322601/06/201509/06/2015
2016 - Nottingham Enterprise Zone - Boots Campus Infrastructure Works ref: 320729/05/201529/05/2015
2015 - Feasibility study into the expansion of special schools ref: 320528/05/201506/06/2015
2011 - Wollaton Vale Service Station, NG8 2GR - Variation of User Clause ref: 319027/05/201505/06/2015
2012 - Additional funding towards the upgrade of Dunkirk Primary School kitchen ref: 319128/05/201529/05/2015
2010 - Local Area Network (LAN) and Wireless Maintenance Contract Extension ref: 318927/05/201528/05/2015
2006 - Online Data Management System for Community Pharmacies ref: 318526/05/201503/06/2015
2003 - Nottingham Playhouse Loan ref: 318121/05/201521/05/2015
1997 - Approval to fix and maintain Schools' LA Capita ONE data link via in-house Traded Schools IT Service ref: 314813/05/201528/05/2015
1996 - Community Provision in the Dales ref: 314713/05/201528/05/2015
1982 - Adult Provision and Health Integration, Purchase of CM2000 Smartphone, Opticare and CMBI Reporting modules ref: 308711/05/201519/05/2015
1995 - Marketing and preliminary due diligence in relation to disposal of Beechdale Baths ref: 314618/05/201528/05/2015
1998 - Expansion of Nottingham's Domestic PV Programme ref: 314919/05/201528/05/2015
1994 - REMOURBAN Project : Last Mile Delivery - Dispensation from Financial Regulations 3.29 ref: 313318/05/201527/05/2015
1993 - WREN - Funded Improvements to Parks and Open Spaces ref: 313215/05/201523/05/2015
1991 - Commercial Opportunity for Energy Services ref: 312415/05/201515/05/2015
1992 - Installation of solar panel car park canopy at Harvey Hadden Leisure Centre ref: 313114/05/201514/05/2015
1990 - Approvals related to design works, legal procurement and surveys to develop Bluecoat Primary School ref: 310013/05/201522/05/2015
1988 - Station Street Pedestrian Priority and Traffic Management Scheme - Approval of Funding and Phasing ref: 309612/05/201521/05/2015
1987 - Smoke Free Care - Mental Health Provision ref: 309513/05/201521/05/2015
1986 - Upgrade of Careworks RAISE (Youth Offending Team Case Management Information System) ref: 309412/05/201520/05/2015
1985 - Acquisition of land off Conway Close, St Ann's ref: 309211/05/201520/05/2015
1984 - Adult Provision and Health Integration - Purchase of Just Checking Units using Building Community Capacity Grant ref: 309111/05/201520/05/2015
1983 - Variation of existing contract with 'Advice Nottingham' to provide additional capacity to Nottingham City Council Welfare Rights ref: 309011/05/201519/05/2015
1976 - Disaster Recovery Solution Contract renewal ref: 307529/04/201509/05/2015
1879 - IT Security Health Checks to enable the Councils continued connection to the Public Service Network (PSN) ref: 310409/03/201509/03/2015
1966 - Commitment to running the D2N2 Growth Hub in parallel with implementation of the Nottingham Growth hub ref: 308627/04/201506/05/2015
1977 - Woodthorpe Grange Nursery Retail Unit06/05/2015Decision Approved
1980 - Surrender/renewal of leases - Wigman Road, Bilborough, NG8 3JA ref: 308105/05/201513/05/2015
1979 - Action Plan for Bulwell Town Centre and approval of next steps ref: 308005/05/201513/05/2015
1978 - Payment of Performing Rights Society Licence Fees for 2015 - 2016 ref: 307801/05/201512/05/2015
1973 - Mobile Communication Devices 2015-16 ref: 3072