Delegated Decisions

For decisions published since 1 February 2015, please click the bulleted links below to go to the relevant decision type. For Licensing Panel decisions this applies to decisions published from 11 September 2014. You can then use the search facility below to search for a decision by date, by number and/ or by key words in the ‘Title contains’ box and then clicking ‘Find’.

For earlier decisions, use the search facility below. Change 'Date range' as appropriate, 'Decision makers' to 'Any' and ‘Decision status to ‘Any’ and type either the decision number, if known, or a key word in 'Title contains' then click ‘Find’.

If you experience any difficulties finding a decision, please call Constitutional Services for help on 01158764315, or email

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from
5131 - New 7 year Lease of Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road ref: 850824/05/202424/05/2024
5125 - Acceptance of Notts Police funding for the Hotspot Response Fund ref: 850317/05/202417/05/2024
5124 - To receive additional funding from ICB to increase CAMHS staffing provision in Nottingham City ref: 850220/05/202430/05/2024
5123 - Installation & Maintenance of Real Time Displays Framework access and use ref: 850102/05/202402/05/2024
5122 - To appoint Energy and Compliance Technology Ltd to supply to C365 Cloud Compliance Management System ref: 850022/04/202422/04/2024
5121 - NHS tender for winter maintenance, ground maintenance and Christmas tree installation/removal contracts ref: 849914/05/202422/05/2024