Issue - meetings

Ward Performance Reports

Meeting: 11/11/2015 - Area 8 Committee (Item 38)

38 Ward Performance Report pdf icon PDF 256 KB

Report of Corporate Director of Commercial and Operations

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Prairie Bryant, Neighbourhood Development Officer, presented an update on performance and issues in the Clifton South Ward, highlighting the following points:


(a)  in general, things in Clifton are improving, as seen in the report. There are continued issues with parking, and concerns with the closure of the Nurse Access Point. Tackling travellers on Clifton Green is also a priority;


(b)  the Parkgate Community Centre is opening a “souper kitchen”. Usable food waste is redistributed to group members, who provide inexpensive meals through community kitchens and youth groups. It costs £2.50, and will be a good way to meet neighbours and tackle isolation.


Prairie then answered questions and comments from the Committee:


(c)  the closure of Laura Chambers Lodge is concerning, and it will be a priority to ensure that there is continuity of care and an adequate level of service for those affected. Private homes are also closing, leaving vulnerable groups without protection;


(d)  the Old Rectory is not secure yet. Work has started, and there is ongoing dialogue with the owners, who are keen to complete the work properly.


Parbinder Singh, Neighbourhood Action Officer, presented an update on performance and issues in the Clifton North Ward, highlighting the following points:


(e)  there are car parking issues in Clifton North. The traffic issues are wide ranging and complex. As part of the A453 widening, a new road (Grasby Walk) was created, which initially had no parking restrictions. A parking order was put in place very quickly and a vast improvement was seen. There are ongoing issues of people parking on kerbs and corners;


(f)  work has taken place to protect trees and green spaces, including blocking residents from driving through wooded green areas by blocking entrances with large tree logs. Local residents have also been informed of nearby garages available for hire.


There were no further questions from the Committee regarding performance in Clifton North.


Abdul Ghaffar, Neighbourhood Development Officer, presented an update on performance and issues in the Bridge, highlighting the following points:


(g)  crime in the Bridge ward is down overall, but with an increase in hate crimes and possession of weapons. Fly tipping levels are down, and Arkwright Walk has now been properly secured;


(h)  parking in the Bridge ward is a huge issue, but a wide-ranging residents parking scheme is being introduced to cut down on commuter parking in the area;


(i)  progress has also been made on HMO (houses in multiple occupation) properties


Abdul then answered questions and comments from the Committee:


(j)  the keys to the new cricket pavilion will be handed over from the developers on 11 December. There are plans to improve Victoria Embankment in other ways, such as improved lighting;


(k)  the Youth Club is now only open for 2 days per week, due to decreased staffing levels and a reduction in the activities on offer. Provision is currently stretched across Clifton and the Meadows, but new colleagues will be starting soon from a recent recruitment drive.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38