Nottingham City Council welcomes petitions and recognises that petitions are one way in which people can let us know their concerns. All petitions sent or presented to the Council will receive an acknowledgement within 10 working days of it being received. This acknowledgement will set out what we plan to do with the petition.
All petitions submitted to the Council must include:
Petitions must be accompanied by contact details, including an address, for the petition organiser, who must live or have a business address within the City boundary. This is
the person we will contact to explain how we will respond to the petition. If the petition does not identify a petition organiser, we will treat the first signatory to the petition as the organiser.
A template for petitions can be found here Petition Template [58kb] , which you may find helpful to use as it will ensure that your petition satisfies the criteria detailed within the Petitions Scheme.
Written petitions can be sent to:
LH Box 28
Constitutional Services
Loxley House
Station Street
You are not obliged either by statute or by contract to provide your contact details, but we will be unable to process a petition or your signature without them. Petition organisers’ names will be published on the website, but their email address and home/business address will not. Signatory’s names will not be published. Your name, email address and home or business address will only be used by the Constitutional Services Team to process a petition you have created or signed; a Council task carried out in the public interest. If you sign an ePetition, we will email you the updates and responses relating to that petition only. For more information please refer to our detailed privacy statement here.The Data Controller is Nottingham City Council and its Data Protection Officer is Naomi Matthews who can be contacted at: Nottingham City Council, Loxley House Station Street Nottingham NG2 3NG. The new data protection law known as the General Data Protection Regulation provides for a number of new rights listed here. Please note that if you are unhappy with the handling of your data you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.
The City Council's Petitions Scheme can be viewed in full via this link Nottingham City Council Petitions Scheme v7 [50kb] . It is recommended that you read this as it contains details on the categories of petitions and when petitions are excluded from the Scheme, how your petition will be handled and what you can do if you are not happy with how your petition is dealt with.
For all completed and rejected petitions prior to October 2015, please use the following link:
For any petitions from October 2015 onwards, please select from the options below:
Title | Respondents | Deadline to sign by |
100% Plant Based Council Catering | 42 | Finished |
Stop Fly-Tipping in Hyson Green Protect Our Community from Dangerous Waste! | 38 | Finished |