Issue - meetings

Area 1 Committee Priorities

Meeting: 17/02/2016 - Bulwell and Bulwell Forest Area Committee (Item 53)


Report of Director of Neighbourhood Services 


Celia Knight, Neighbourhood Development Officer, presented the report which updates the Committee on the activity to date focused on the Area Committee Priorities of Employment and Employability, Health and Well-Being, Crime and Antisocial Behaviour.


Within the supporting document, under each priority heading, actions were identified and officers nominated to undertake those actions and timescales by which the actions were to be completed.


The following update regarding employment issues was presented at the meeting:


(a)  Top Valley Academy provided a three week programme for Year 10 students during the summer term. The first week involved detailed assessments, the second week was a work experience placement, and the third week involved a mock interview and support with writing CVs;


(b)  New College Nottingham provided childcare for some courses. Anyone interested in going on a local course can ask if childcare is available;


(c)  96 people had accessed employability related courses through the Nottingham City Homes Tenant Academy.  Of these people, 16% had gone into work and 20% had moved onto further education between February and November 2015;


(d)  ‘Adult Numeracy’ and ‘Introduction to English’ classes are currently running every 8 weeks at Bulwell Riverside.  Community groups have been asked to pass this information onto anyone who would benefit from support with English or maths;


(e)  following a request from a local group, it had been proposed to hold an event on April 23at Top Valley Academy for voluntary organisations to be able to recruit volunteers.  However, there had been a lower than expected response from community groups to this event and it is likely to be cancelled;


(f)  the Mellish Sports Centre has stated that they have helped 25 people into work this year and that they also help people with CVs, college and university applications;


(g)  989 people attended the Jobs Fair held at Riverside last year with 145 of those people moving into work.


Community representatives expressed concern at the lack of manual jobs available for people who do not excel academically and are unlikely to achieve the generally accepted basic standard requirement of five A-C GCSE grades.


In addition it is considered vital that every young person is able to speak with a careers adviser to ensure that they receive guidance to be able to meet their vocational potential.


Members recalled that initially Bulwell Academy had proposed to promote vocational training, so it would be interesting  if they could update the Committee on how this approach was progressing, including outcome work placements.


With such a strong national emphasis on apprenticeships, the committee requested information on how successful they were in and helping young people into work.




(1)  to note the Area Committee Priorities and actions to date;


(2)  for further information to be provided regarding the extent, if any, of careers advice available to young people, specifically aimed at pupils who are unlikely to achieve 5 grade A-C GCSEs;


(3)  for further information to be brought to the Committee on the activity and performance of ‘Small Steps  ...  view the full minutes text for item 53