Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/02/2016 - Bulwell and Bulwell Forest Area Committee (Item 49)


Report of Director of Sport and Culture

Additional documents:


Councillor Dave Trimble, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture Eddy Curry, Head of Parks and Open Spaces, and Alex Brown, Community Sport and Physical Activity Officer were in attendance to present the report and deliver a presentation and a brief film.


ParkLives is a project funded by Coca-Cola which aims to get 1 million people active by 2020. The aim of the project fits well with the City Council’s strategies for parks and open spaces, sport and activity, and health and well-being.


The following points were highlighted:


(a)  the purpose of the report is to:


(i)  help co-ordinators find out how they can best engage and encourage community involvement in ParkLives activities either by taking part in scheduled activities or creating their own independently or with the support of the City Council;


(ii)  to gather information on formal and informal groups of citizens already using the park for some sort of exercise. That the information can potentially contribute to funding bids for further park improvements or to help facilitate activities;


(b)  currently there are 40 active ParkLives Friends Groups across the City which take part in some sort of activity or enjoyment of the City’s parks and open spaces, doing anything from walking, dog walking, running, or in some way helping maintain the space;


(c)  in recent years £20 million has been invested in the City’s parks and open spaces, as can be seen at Bulwell Bogs. However the investment only proves worthwhile when citizens use these spaces;


(d)  the ParkLives Team needs to be able to register existing user groups and encourage new activities and user groups, with guidance and support and even activity leaders available to help activities establish and guide citizens to managing the activities independently by offering training to local champions within the community who can then encourage further activity;


(e)  a brief film of about Sue from Bulwell was shown. From not doing any exercise whatsoever, she joined a City Council hosted activity group and after 8 weekly sessions she was able to run 5 kilometres. The message of the film is that ‘no matter what age or size you can be involved and can achieve what you didn’t believe you could.’ Sue urged families and friends to get together and spend time enjoying the parks and open spaces;


(f)  all ParkLives events are free, fun and open to everyone. The list of the City Council scheduled activities throughout the forthcoming year is attached to the report.


Councillors commented on this was an ideal program to involve as many people as possible to improve fitness and help challenge social isolation.


Community representatives welcomed the initiative but were concerned that irresponsible and disruptive quad and motor bike riding on Southglade Park was deterring current users of the Park as the bikers presence and reckless riding is threatening and even dangerous. On one occasion bike riders rode through a weekend football match. Eddie Curry responded that with more people using the parks, this would act as a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49

Meeting: 08/02/2016 - Wollaton and Lenton Abbey Area Committee (Area 7) (Item 40)


Report of Director of Sport and Culture

Additional documents:


Councillor Dave Trimble, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture and Eddie Curry, Head of Parks and Open Spaces briefly introduced the report of the Director of Sport and Culture, providing a summary of the ParkLives 2015 programme and providing details on getting involved with the programme in 2016.


The Committee also received a presentation from Alex Brown, Community, Sport and Physical Activity Officer, which made the following points:


(a)  The ParkLives programme is funded by Coca Cola GB, currently operates in 10 local authorities and aims to get 1 million people active by 2020;

(b)  The programme aligns with the Council’s Health and Wellbeing and Sport and Physical Activity Strategies, and in 2015 provided a range of activities throughout Nottingham, attracting over 15,000 participants;

(c)  The 2016 programme will operate from April to October, and work is ongoing with parks groups, friends’ groups and community groups to engage and involve the wider community;

(d)  As well as participating in events, there are opportunities for ParkLives Ambassadors and Activators to support the project through delivering sessions, volunteering for high-profile events and advertising the programme more widely, and support and training will be provided to help achieve this.


Several points were made during the discussion which followed:


(e)  The programme is designed to be inclusive and pitched at all levels of ability. Specific ‘start-up’ activities to help people currently leading inactive lives to break that cycle of inactivity were suggested;

(f)  It was noted that there are psychological reasons why people are inactive, and that the programme could also help those in this position;  

(g)  Wollaton Park is an excellent resource for local residents, where activities will be taking place. It was pointed out the very popular 5 kilometre ParkRun events taking place elsewhere in Nottingham were delivered entirely by volunteers.




(1)  To note the report and presentation on the ParkLives programme;

(2)  To request that community representatives share the information on the ParkLives programme with their organisations, to increase participation in the programme.