Issue - meetings

Delegated Authority Projects and Ward Councillor Budgets

Meeting: 01/03/2017 - Area 8 Committee (Item 52)

52 Delegated Authority Projects and Ward Councillor Budgets pdf icon PDF 211 KB

Report of the Director of Neighbourhood Services

Additional documents:


Prairie Bryant, Neighbourhood Development Officer, introduced the report advising the Committee of the use of delegated authority by the Corporate Director for Commercial and Operations for the financial year 2016/17 and the Ward Councillors Revenue Budget allocation for 2016/17.




(1)  note the actions agreed by the Corporate Director for Commercial and Operations in respect of projects and schemes within Area 8, as detailed below:


Bridge Ward



Amount (total)

Bridgeway Centre floral display

Heaton & Edwards


Arkwright Meadows Community Gardens events

Heaton & Edwards


Nottingham Carnival

Heaton & Edwards


Trent Bridge Community Trust – Street cricket sessions

Heaton & Edwards


25ft Christmas tree, Bridgeway Centre

Heaton & Edwards


Safe Alternative Centre CIC –fun day

Heaton & Edwards


Your Choice Your Voice Dragons Den

Heaton & Edwards


Manzil – Cohesion event and outing

Heaton & Edwards


Eid event

Heaton & Edwards


Total allocated at 16/02/17


Balance brought forward 2015/16 inc Dec commit at 09/03/16


Allocation 2016/17


Returned/De-committed at 03/01/17


Total available allocation


Total allocated at 16/02/2017


Total unallocated at 16/02/2017



Clifton North Ward



Amount (total)

Wilford Community Group – May Day event



Drive in cinema at NET Park & Ride

Cook & Ferguson


Wilford Community Group – Queen’s Birthday community event

Cook, Ferguson & Rule


Nottingham Music School

Cook, Ferguson & Rule


Literacy volunteers

Cook, Ferguson & Rule


Clear-up at rear of shops on Varney Road



Gazebo for Clifton Community Family Support Group

Cook & Ferguson


Ruddington Lane Recreational Ground family funday

Cook & Ferguson


NG11 Clifton Foodbank – racking, tables and chairs



Clifton Area travel grants

Cook, Ferguson & Rule


Wilford children’s bonfire



Silverdale Park and Fairham Brook – litter bin and seating

Cllr Ferguson


Clifton All Whites (Clifton FC) Fireworks display

Cllrs Cook and Ferguson


Silverdale Senior Citizens xmas event

Cook, Ferguson & Rule


Fireworks display at Ministry of Restoration



NG11 childminders – purchase of toys/training



Clifton remembrance day wreath

Cook, Ferguson & Rule



Clifton Christmas Light Event

Cook, Ferguson & Rule



Christmas Fayre at Clifton NG11 Foodbank

Cook, Ferguson & Rule



Good Companions Christmas Party

Cook, Ferguson & Rule



Christmas Tree at Wilford Green

Cllrs Cook and Ferguson



Picnic in the Park

Cook, Ferguson & Rule



Official Opening of Clifton Flower Park play area

Cook, Ferguson & Rule



Teddy Bear’s picnic

Cook, Ferguson & Rule


Total allocated at 01/02/17


Balance brought forward 2015/16


Allocation 2016/17


Total available allocation


Total allocated at 01/02/17


Total unallocated at 20/10/16


Clifton South Ward





Amount (total)

Literacy volunteers

Gibson, Jenkins & Young


Nottingham music school

Gibson, Jenkins & Young


Drive in cinema at NET Park and Rise

Gibson, Jenkins & Young


Defibrillator at Peacock public house

Gibson, Jenkins & Young


MPT travel grants

Gibson, Jenkins & Young


Clifton All Whites bonfire night

Gibson, Jenkins & Young


Parkgate Community Centre santa train

Gibson, Jenkins & Young


Highbank Community Centre urban  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52