Issue - meetings

Ward Councillor Budget

Meeting: 28/06/2017 - Berridge and Sherwood Area Committee (Item 13)

13 Ward Councillor Budget pdf icon PDF 211 KB

Report of the Director of Neighbourhood Services

Additional documents:


Leigh Plant, Neighbourhood Development Officer, introduced the report advising the Committee of the use of delegated authority by the Director of Neighbourhood Services for projects funded by Ward Councillor budgets.


RESOLVED to note the actions agreed by the Director of Neighbourhood Services in respect of projects and schemes within the Berridge and Sherwood wards, as detailed below:


Allocated schemes: Berridge Ward 2016/17


Amount (total)

Easter Play scheme – Hyson Green Youth Club

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Gurdwara Luncheon Club

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Freedom Arts Colour of Love project

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Sumac youth activities

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Sharewear clothes bank

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Advice project – Forest Fields Advice Centre

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Poplars Park event

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Breakfast Club – The Pythian Club

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Radford Rd spring clean

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Literacy volunteers

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Summer Play scheme – Hyson Green Youth Club

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Hyson Green Cultural Festival

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


NAE summer programme

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Take One – dance floor

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Volunteer Hate Crime Project – Signpost to Polish success

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Women United – NMWN

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Black History event

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Hyson Green festive lights switch on

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


International Women’s Day event

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Healthy relationship workshops for young people

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Easter activities – Forest Fields Play Centre

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Easter activities – Let’s shine give a smile

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Event at New Basford Community Centre 19th April

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Balance brought forward 2015/16


Allocation 2016/17


Total available allocation


Total de-committed


Total allocated at 31/03/17


Total unallocated at 31/03/17



Allocated schemes: Berridge Ward 2017/18


Amount (total)

Bin stencilling

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Poplars Park sculpture

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Forest schooling – Wild Things

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


May half term activities – Let it Shine and give a smile

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Workshop events – Hand in Hand

Ibrahim, Jones & Neal


Balance brought forward 2016/17



Allocation 2017/18


Total available allocation


Total de-committed


Total allocated at 26/05/17


Total unallocated at 26/05/17



Allocated schemes – Sherwood Ward 2016/17


Amount (total)

Interim manager at Edwards Lane Community Centre

Urquhart, Parbutt & Williams


Nottingham Carnival

Urquhart, Parbutt & Williams


Log cabin

Urquhart, Parbutt & Williams


Nottingham in Bloom

Urquhart, Parbutt & Williams


Remarkable recycling gala

Urquhart, Parbutt & Williams


Sherwood Art Week 2016

Urquhart, Parbutt & Williams


Sherwood Market banner

Urquhart, Parbutt & Williams


Community activities

Urquhart, Parbutt & Williams


Cycle safety equipment

Urquhart, Parbutt & Williams


Woodthorpe Nursery open day

Urquhart, Parbutt & Williams


Nottingham in Bloom 2017

Urquhart, Parbutt & Williams


Loscoe Road planter

Urquhart, Parbutt & Williams


Balance brought forward 2015/16


Allocation 2016/17


Total available allocation


Total de-committed


Total allocated at 31/03/17  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13