Issue - meetings

Bulwell and Bulwell Forest Area Capital Fund

Meeting: 22/11/2017 - Bulwell and Bulwell Forest Area Committee (Item 42)


Report of Director of Neighbourhood Services 


Neighbourhood Development Officers Suki Shergill and Celia Knight introduced the Area Capital Report which proposes Area Capital and Public Realm (Local Transport Plan –LTP) funded schemes within each Ward.


It is noted that some of the funding allocation towards the Carey Road tram and railway crossing feasibility study has been spent but as of yet no solutions have been identified to solve the barrier failure issues.


Councillor and citizens expressed frustration at the inconvenience caused to pedestrians, drivers regarding the long diversion, and to bus passengers, particularly when unknowingly waiting for a bus that was not going to arrive.


Alternative traffic control measures have been investigated but due to the complex road lay out in the vicinity of the crossing, it is not possible to install traffic lights similar to the arrangement at Basford Crossings.


The barriers have failed on 22 instances during a recent twelve month period which is not considered acceptable. The Area Committee is funding CCTV cameras to be temporarily focused on the crossing to try and identify if damage is being caused to the barriers by people bouncing and riding on them or pushing through them. Once it is understood if the failures are due to such damage,  then a new approach may be taken although Network Rail have stated that they currently have no plans to change the barriers.


Community representatives were alarmed at the cost of £70,000 to undertake the consultations and liaisons necessary and install a zebra crossing outside ParkVale Academy.




(1)  with regard to Bulwell Ward:


(a)  to approve the following Local Transport Plan scheme:







Sellars Wood Drive




Resurfacing of footpath on Sellers Wood Drive from Cinderhill Road to Crabtree Road (LTP contribution)





(b)  to approve the following Public Realm schemes:





Sellars Wood Drive





Resurfacing of footpath on Sellers Wood Drive from Cinderhill Road to Crabtree Road (PR contribution)

Quarry Avenue/

Bromley Close





Installation of dropped kerb at identified location on Quarry Avenue/Bromley Close to improve pedestrian access


(c)  to note the following financial position:


2017 - 2018 LTP allocation


LTP carried forward from 2016 - 2017


2017 - 2018 Public Realm allocation


Public Realm carried forward from 2016 - 2017


Total Available 2017 - 2018 ACF


Less LTP schemes



Less Public Realm schemes



De-committed funds



Remaining available balance


LTP element remaining


Public Realm element remaining






(2)  with regard to Bulwell Forest Ward:


(a)  to approve the following Local Transport Plan scheme:





Top Valley






Installation of zebra crossing outside Park Vale Academy (formerly Top Valley Academy): initial contribution


(b)  to note that there are noPublic Realm schemes proposed at this time;


(c)  to note the following financial position:


2017 - 2018 LTP allocation


LTP carried forward from 2016 - 2017


2017 - 2018 Public Realm allocation


Public Realm carried forward from 2016 - 2017


Total Available 2017 - 2018  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42