Issue - meetings

Scrutiny of Portfolio Holder for Early Intervention and Early Years

Meeting: 21/11/2017 - Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee (Item 28)

28 Scrutiny of Portfolio Holder for Early Intervention and Early Years pdf icon PDF 123 KB


Councillor David Mellen, Portfolio Holder for Early Intervention and Early Years gave a presentation outlining the progress the Council has made against the Council plan 2015-2019 in relation to his Portfolio. He highlighted the following points:


(a)  Council Plan priorities that have an expected ‘green’ outcome:

·  Achieve a permanent home through adoption of special guardianship for 40% more children in care:

othere has been in increase in adoptions in the city despite the challenge.

·  Ensure at least 85% of children in the City Council’s care live within 20 miles of Nottingham.

oSometimes it is not appropriate for a child to be cared for too closely to their home area. This also reduces travel time for social workers and offers stability in schooling.

·  Increase the number of Nottingham City foster carers by 20%.

oThis has been particularly challenging due to foster carers leaving the service as well as joining, however a number of different groups have been approached such as faith groups and schools to raise the profile of fostering.

·  Offer permanent jobs or apprenticeships within the City Council to at least 10% of care leavers and encourage further employment opportunities for them across the city.

·  Create new services for babies and toddlers to work with parents of 4500 children.

oMoney from the Big Lottery Fund has helped to set up mental health screening for all new mothers in 4 areas of Nottingham, there are also a number of family mentors working alongside families and a wide range of activities run to help support families with babies and toddlers.

·  Ensure that in the evening and at weekends as well as during school holidays there are a range of positive activities for children and young people in every part of the City.

oIn the last year 2478 sessions were run across the city.

·  Increase the number of 2 year olds in nursery by 40%.

oThis has been challenging as traditionally only 3 and 4 year olds have been given nursery places. However the increase in provision and uptake of that provision has been encouraging.

·  Consult young people on important decisions and involve them in the Council’s decision making process.

oThe Youth Council is still running well, the primary council is now being held twice a month due to demand and the Children in Care council has been an important way for young people in care to feedback on decision making to the council. There was recently the youth take over day which ran very well in Loxley House.

·  Secure and provide breakfast clubs in every primary school in the city building on the ‘Cares for Kids’ and other existing provision.

oThis has been achieved and now the Council is working towards ensuring schools are able to maintain the provision through their own relationships with providers as grant funding is coming to an end.

·  Work with at least 3000 vulnerable families over the next 4 years:

oSo far 2420 priority families have been engaged  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28