Issue - meetings

Amendments to the Constitution

Meeting: 14/05/2018 - City Council (Item 13)

13 Amendments to the Constitution pdf icon PDF 228 KB

Report of the Leader

Additional documents:


The Leader submitted a report detailing amendments to the Constitution, as set out on pages 59-120 of the agenda, which include:

·  the establishment of committees;

·  amendments to terms of reference for a number of committees;

·  amendments to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules;

·  adoption of a Code of Conduct for Co-opted Members;

·  amendments to Financial Regulations;

·  a reduction in the size of some committees;

·  amendments to the scheme of delegation;

·  amendments to Standing Orders;

·  amendments to the Members’ Allowance Scheme.




(1)  in relation to disciplinary and dismissal arrangements for particular statutory officers:


(a)  to approve the establishment of an Investigating and Disciplinary Committee(IDC), an Appeals Committee and an Independent Panel, as required by the amended Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2001 to conduct disciplinary proceedings relating to the Chief Executive, the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer;


(b)  to note that appointments to the IDC and the Appeals Committee will be sought from the Political Groups via the in-year appointments process;


(c)  to approve the amendment of the Appointments and Conditions of Service (ACOS) Committee’s Terms of Reference, as outlined in paragraph 5.3 of the report;


(d)    to approve the amendment of the Officer Employment Procedure Rules, as outlined in paragraph 5.4 of the report;


(e)  to approve the amendment of Council’s terms of reference, as outlined in paragraph 5.5 and 5.9 of the report;


(f)  to approve the amendment of the Terms of Reference for the Appointments and Conditions of Service (ACOS) Committee and the Audit Committee to enable these committees to manage grievances relating to or raised by the Chief Executive, as outlined in paragraphs 5.6 – 5.7 of the report;


(2)  to amend Planning Committee Terms of Reference, as detailed in Appendix C of the report, to:


(a)  clarify the remit of the Planning Committee as being for all those non-executive functions of the Planning Authority listed in the Functions Regulations;


(b)  include Ward Councillor speaking rights, as agreed by the Committee;


(3)  to adopt the Code of Conduct for Co-opted Members, detailed in Appendix D of the report, and note that reference to Co-optees will be deleted from the current Councillor Code of Conduct;


(4)  to note that the City Council’s representation on the Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Panel has been reduced to two;


(5)  to amend Financial Regulations to include dispensation for non-executive spend, and the reporting methods for this, as detailed in Appendix E of the report;


(6)  to approve a reduction in membership on the following committees:


(a)  Overview and Scrutiny Committee from 14 (13:1) to 12 (11:1);


(b)  Health Scrutiny Committee from 14 (13:1) to 12 (11:1);


(c)  Appointments and Conditions of Service Committee from 11 (10:1) to 8 (7:1);


(7)  to change the title of the Area 7 Committee to Wollaton and Lenton   Abbey, to reflect that it covers both Wollaton East and Wollaton   West;


(8)  in relation to the Health and Wellbeing Board:


(a)  to note that the Terms of Reference for the Health and Wellbeing Board Commissioning  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13