Issue - meetings

Non-Executive Amendments to the Constitution

Meeting: 29/07/2019 - Audit Committee (Item 17)

17 Non-Executive Amendments to the Constitution pdf icon PDF 203 KB

Report of the Director of Legal and Governance

Additional documents:


Nancy Barnard, Governance and Electoral Services Manager, presented a report outlining proposed changes to non-executive parts of the constitution as a result of legislative changes and feedback received from colleagues.


During discussion, the following suggested amendments were made:


(a)  Delegation 208 within the Scheme of Delegation – The committee suggested that adding the wording “in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee” would assure them that the Planning Committee would retain ownership of decisions it had previously taken;


(b)  Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules – in point (d) the word ‘less’ be replaced by ‘fewer’;


The Committee also asked that current Portfolio Holders be briefed on the changes to their portfolios.


RESOLVED to recommend to Council that it approves the following amendments to non-executive aspects of the Council’s Constitutions:


·  to Part 1 of the constitution as detailed in appendix A of the published report;


·  to Delegation 155 within the Scheme of Delegation as detailed in appendix B of the published report;


·  to Delegation 208 within the Scheme of Delegations as detailed in appendix C of the published report and with the additional wording set out in (a) above;


·  to the Access to Information Procedure Rules as details in appendix D of the published report;


·  to the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure as detailed in appendix E of the published report along with substituting the word ‘less’ with ‘fewer’;


·  adoption of a revised Standing Orders as detailed in appendix F of the published report;


·  to the Councillor and Co-Opted Members Code of Conduct as detailed in appendix G of the published report.