Issue - meetings

Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies Document – Adoption

Meeting: 18/12/2019 - Lenton & Wollaton East, Meadows and Wollaton West Area Committee (Item 31)


Report of the Director of Planning and Regeneration with a presentation at the meeting.

Additional documents:


Matthew Grant, Senior Planner (Policy), and Matt Gregory, Head of Planning Strategy and Building Control, jointly presented the report on the Local Plan Part 2, for information, prior to its submission for approval at the next full Council meeting.


All consultation on the Local Plan and planning policies has concluded so no further changes can be made.


The report includes maps of potential development sites within the area and specifies the categories of development which would be acceptable;


The following questions were responded to:


a)  with regard to site PA 73 Canal Quarter – Sheriffs Way/Arkwright Street, a planning request had been received for the whole site but the intention is for Crocus Street to be retained;


b)  planners are aware that the Cattle Market serves an important role in the local community but the area shown in PA80 Waterside - Cattle Market, is wider than just the Cattle Market and it is expected that the far end would be developed first. Any consideration of planning applications would be respectful of the heritage of the site;


c)  Waterside is a prime development site for the City and is a ‘brownfield’ (previously developed) site. It has been difficult to get developers interested in this area to provide anything other than housing as it is substantially a central location in walking distance of the city centre. If development was refused for the site, it is likely developers would look elsewhere, such as the green field (undeveloped) areas around Rushcliffe and employment opportunities for the development lost to that area;


d)  there may appear to be a lot of C3 (residential) development agreed in principle for the Waterside sites, but the broader implications of the number of people should be homed have been considered and a bid for a new school near to the Waterside community has been approved;


e)  Section 106 funding contributions from the development can be used to provide enhancements for schools and will be sought as contributions towards two new secondary schools to the north of the city centre;


f)  Planning colleagues are keen to engage with the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) regarding their forward planning for health provision for new communities;


g)  planning authorities are unable to make demands that don’t fit with the planning rules so would have to permit student purpose-built accommodation unless there are grounds for legitimate challenges;


Comments from members of the committee included:


h)  The Cattle Market has historic and community significance and serves a lot of people in the area. It is a concern that its value to the city is not recognised;


i)  purpose-built student accommodation should be encouraged near to major transport routes such as the tram network. The current situation in the Wollaton Park and Lenton area whereby there are thousands of students living in family housing, to the extent that some streets are nearly 100% occupied by students, is damaging the community. The change in guidance in the new Local Plan should ensure that in areas where there  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31