Issue - meetings

Policing and Community Protection Update

Meeting: 09/09/2020 - Bestwood, Bulwell and Bulwell Forest Area Committee (Item 6)

6 Nottinghamshire Police and Community Protection

Verbal update from Nottinghamshire Police and Community Protection


Laura Arnold, Level 2 Community Protection Officer, provided a verbal update the work of Community Protection during the past six months, as follows:


a)  during COVID-19, the work of Community Protection Officers has changed significantly:

i.  engaging with local communities to ensure they understand and comply with government safety guidelines, including patrolling in parks and open spaces;

ii.  undertaking numerous welfare checks, and although this element is still ongoing, there are fewer now;

iii.  delivering food parcels to those told to self-isolate;

iv.  collecting and delivering prescriptions;

v.  responding to the amazing work of the Neighbourhood Development Officers;


b)  there had been some issues with delivery of some of the controlled prescription medications where it is not appropriate to ask volunteers to put themselves at risk, so this was done by Community Protection Officers;


c)  now that restrictions are easing, it is apparent that there are still families needing support;


d)  food banks have done tremendous work, and without them some communities would not have coped well;


e)  normal duties and staffing levels are starting to resume and now only 1 member of staff is isolating;


f)  a Top Valley resident and persistent fly tipper - has now been prosecuted and fined £300;


g)  a new Community Protection Officer, Brian Drummond, has started in the Area and is very keen. He has already made a huge difference on Lytham Gardens by arranging for the removal of a street bin which has significantly reduced fly tipping in the area. He has also engaged with the community and there are now 2 more street clean champions in that area;


h)  there was an ongoing fly tipping issue by a resident in a block of flats but with the intelligence from other residents and invaluable CCTV footage, a £300 fine has been issued;


i)  Bulwell Forest Community Garden had been experiencing high levels of ASB including damage, harming of wildlife and taking of illegal drugs by people forcing entry to the site. As a result, Community Protection Officers increased patrols in the area and later in the evening;


j)  a resident of Bulwell Forest has, under caution, admitted to fly tipping and been charged;


k)  general casework has slowed but neighbour disputes, particularly around noise, are ongoing, as are dog foul and litter operations;


l)  fly tipping continues to be a big problem. Community Protection Officers are trying to educate residents to use the free bulky waste collection service offered by the Council, but many issues have arisen as a result of the bulky waste collection being paused, for obvious reasons, during lockdown. Prosecution involves a lot of investigation to identify fly tippers, but, if residents feel that there is a problem in specific area, they should contact the City Council and if resources are available, they can be put in place;


m)  in the Snapewood Area, officers want to reduce the increased fly tipping in alley ways and gated areas. As a result, 2 zones (2 streets) have been identified for engagement  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6