Issue - meetings

Good News Stories

Meeting: 09/09/2020 - Bestwood, Bulwell and Bulwell Forest Area Committee (Item 4)

4 Community Representatives - Verbal Update

Verbal update from the Community Representatives


Ben Rosser, of the Pythian Club, provided an overview of the organisation, its achievements to date and plans for the future, as follows:


a)  The Pythian Club works with young people and has been running for nearly 5 years, based in the New Basford area but offering outreach work in Bestwood, Bulwell, Wollaton and NG5 and NG7 areas;


b)  Free youth activities are offered across these areas every day, three times a day and generally focus on boxing, football or music,  whilst providing a positive environment and encouraging development of skills in mentoring and leadership;


c)  The Club works alongside other organisations, but does not specifically promote work or education themes. However, promotion of good mental health and a positive mind set is paramount;


d)  During COVID-19 lockdown, sessions were obviously stopped, but work continued in a different direction with the production of a 28 page document outlining the services and support available to citizens, including young people, during the pandemic. This was circulated to approximately 500 families and residents. In addition, through partnership working, Pythian Club leaders and many of the young people, volunteered to help support vulnerable citizens by collecting and delivering prescription medicines, liaising with food providers and delivering sports equipment, arts and crafts supplies to families;


e)  The City Council has recently provided the Club with a base at a community centre on the Heathfield Estate, where the Club will work with and promote partner organisations to deliver employment projects and workshops to support and encourage young people into work or education.


Responses to questions and comments from the committee were responded to as follows;


f)  As Neighbourhood Development Officers working on the front line of the Golden Number to support residents through the COVID-19 lockdown, the support from and dedication of the Pythian Club and its volunteers has been tremendous and very much appreciated by colleagues and recipients. This selfless involvement made a huge difference to people who were in desperate circumstances;


g)  Although the Club’s base is on the Heathfield Estate, it is the site of the hub and currently no sessions are currently provided in the Sherwood area as the majority of activities are focused within inner city and deprived communities. Heathfield is considered a neutral area, therefore more attractive and accessible for some young people who are reluctant to travel out of their immediate area;


h)  approximately 200 young people are involved in activities every week, and that includes two sessions held within Bestwood and Bulwell;


i)  The Pythian Club provides several routes for young people to be involved in the leadership programmes, including via Nottingham College, usually with about 10 young people every month, looking at what makes a good leader the basics of leadership. Courses are held every month along with ‘Street Games’ for resilience training which links into teambuilding, leadership, mentoring, training and coaching, which build confidence and can be used as evidencing multiple skills when seeking employment;


j)  There may have been concerns that there are pockets  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4