Issue - meetings

Broadmarsh - Next Steps

Meeting: 20/10/2020 - Executive Board (Item 51)

51 Broadmarsh - Next Steps - Key Decision pdf icon PDF 318 KB

Report of the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Schools and Communications

Additional documents:


The Board considered the report of the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Schools and Communications setting out proposals to ensure that the Broadmarsh site is securely maintained and to identify next steps in bringing forward this crucially important site for development. The following points were highlighted:


(a)  There has already been significant interests from the public about the site and many citizens and organisations have already made contact with the Council to express interest or make suggestions for the future use;


(b)  The Big Conversation consultation process is launching shortly and will run for 10 weeks. Citizens can submit their input through the app on the website. There will also be face to face consultation at a shop in Lister Gate where the public can speak to Council officers directly about the development;


(c)  Urban design officers have created a pack for school children to enable them to feedback into the consultation process, packs are available for download by schools;


Resolved to

(1)  Confirm that the former intu Broadmarsh development proposals are no longer capable of being progressed by the Council following the administration of Intu, and specifically its Broadmarsh related companies going into compulsory liquidation on 3rd July; 


(2)  Note that the Broadmarsh Big Conversation will commence shortly to help inform the future development and regeneration opportunities of the city centre site;


(3)  Grant dispensation in accordance with Financial Regulation 3.29 for operational reasons from Contract Procedure Rule 4.1.2 in order to award a contract to Sir Robert McAlpine in respect of decommissioning and mothballing works;


(4)  Grant authority to procure contractors, professional consultants and advisors in relation to the works to be undertaken at the site, and ongoing site maintenance and operation during and up to the award of the phase one demolition works; 


(5)  Delegate authority to the Corporate Director Development and Growth to award and enter into contracts referred to in the resolutions;


(6)  Delegate authority to the Corporate Director Development and Growth to accept any LEP funding, subject to the LEP’s awaited approval of the Full Business Case, and for the Corporate Director to approve any further business case development required to secure funding to enable an early first phase of demolition of the Broadmarsh shopping centre and to  progress site master planning;


(7)  Grant authority to commence the procurement for the phase one demolition contract with the decision to award the contract to be delegated to the Corporate Director Development and Growth, subject to the acceptance of the LEP funding under Recommendation 6 and the recording of the Officer decision;


(8)  Approve the continued site management and security;


(9)  Approve the establishment of an advisory panel; and


(10)Review the Capital Programme urgently to identify existing Capital Schemes that can be removed or paused to the full value of the collective Broadmarsh approvals i.e. £4.529m.


Reasons for the decisions

These decisions are needed to ensure that the site is safely and securely maintained whilst the consultation process takes place and is able to be brought forward for future development brining lasting benefits to the City and to Citizens.


Contracting new developers rather than directly awarding to the existing contractors would add additional costs.


Other Options considered

One option considered was to do nothing. This would leave Nottingham City Council in breach of statutory and landowner responsibilities and for that reason this option was rejected.


An alternative option considered was to sell the site or seek alternative sources of investment in its current state. This option was rejected because the site requires significant work before being developable. Investors would consider the site in its current state as a liability.