Issue - meetings

Building Services and Facilities Management Procurement Requirements 2021-2022

Meeting: 13/04/2021 - Commissioning and Procurement Executive Committee (Item 47)

47 Building Services and Facilities Management Procurement Requirements 2021-2022 - Key Decision pdf icon PDF 412 KB

Report of the Portfolio Holder for Energy, Environmental and Democratic Services

Additional documents:


Trevor Bone, Property Maintenance Manager, introduced the report setting out Building Services and Facilities Management (FM) procurement requirements for planned, reactive maintenance and minor works for financial year 2021/22.


Resolved to


(1)  grant authority to procure contracts in line with the annual procurement plan as set out in appendix 1 up to the value of £14.150m;

(2)  delegate authority to the Strategic Director for Neighbourhood Services to award contracts procured under Recommendation 1 and to approve all call off arrangements under those contracts over a period of four years 2021/2025 to a maximum of £14.150m as set out in appendix 1 of the report;

(3)  grant a dispensation from contract procedure rule 4.1.1 in accordance with financial regulation 3.29 to make a direct award to Hanovia UV Systems for the sum of £0.048m for the period 2021 to 2025 due to the specialist nature of their asset maintenance and as detailed in appendix 1 of the report;

(4)  grant a dispensation from contract procedure rule 4.1.1 in accordance with financial regulation 3.29 to make a direct award to Aqua Cool Systems for the sum of £0.015m for the period 2021 to 2025 due to the specialist nature of their asset maintenance and as detailed in appendix 1 of the report;

(5)  grant a dispensation from contract procedure rule 4.1.1 in accordance with financial regulation 3.29 to make a direct award to Trend BMS Systems for the sum of £0.045m for the period 2021 to 2025 due to the specialist nature of their asset maintenance and as detailed in appendix 1 of the report;

(6)  approve the proposed expenditure of at least £1.6m of the £3.4m planned maintenance budget for 2021/22 to be spent on services delivered either through in-house provision or Nottingham City Homes.


Reasons for recommendations:


·  There are a number of contracts which the Building Services and Facilities Management department use that are coming to the end of their term in March 2021. The contracts set out in the appendix 1 and require re-procurement to enable Building Services to keep the Council’s asset portfolio compliant with regulatory, legislative and insurance obligations. Through the proposed procurement routes the Council can continue to improve efficiency and service of supplier delivery across multiple high risk work streams and improve value for money for Directorates across the Council. Our annual procurement programme has been proven to be the best approach to securing a competent supply chain with the lowest costs possible.

·  This report details how orders are placed with Contractors through the Council’s robust systems. To ensure a smooth and timely process for placing orders it is recommended that the Strategic Director for Neighbourhood Services has delegated authority to approve any contracts and call-offs made under frameworks for their duration. No award will be made without evidence that the budget has been approved for the ordered requirement.

·  Due to the specialist nature of the asset maintenance requirement provided by Hanovia UV Systems there is considered to be no benefit to the Council to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47