Issue - meetings

Implementation of agreed budget savings relating to Children's Integrated Services

Meeting: 09/06/2022 - Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Implementation of agreed budget savings relating to Children's Integrated Services pdf icon PDF 200 KB

Report of the Head of Legal and Governance

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Councillor Cheryl Barnard and Catherine Underwood introduced the report setting out the current position in delivering each of the agreed budget savings for 2022/23, the most significant of which relate to Children’s Centres and the Play and Youth Service.


Ailsa Barr, Director of Children’s Integrated Services, provided an update on the proposed closure of five Children’s Centres. She confirmed that progress is on track to achieve associated budget savings, while continuing to deliver a service across the City.  In response to questions from the Committee and in the subsequent discussion the following points were made:


(a)  The five Children’s Centres proposed for closure are presently being offered to lease to organisations via a robust Expression of Interest process which is weighted around the financial sustainability of those organisations interested. Expressions of Interest have been received for five of the Centres and these will be evaluated and decisions made in July.

(b)  The opportunity to lease the Centres was highlighted as part of the consultation process so that the information was all in one place. Some Committee members raised concern that this may mean that some community groups may not have seen the information and therefore missed opportunities to raise expressions of interest.  They commented on the importance of promoting such opportunities far and wide and suggested that there could have been a role for ward councillors in engaging local organisations that may have been interested and facilitating discussions about what could be possible locally.

(c)  One of the most prominent concerns raised in the consultation was about local childcare availability. However, a number of the groups that have made expressions of interest in leasing the centres are childcare providers.

(d)  An interim arrangement will be in place over the summer and transition to the new model will be managed through existing links with partners, which are strong. Centres will be talking with families and professionals, advertising the new offer.  There will continue to be a service in all areas of the City as the new model is to have hubs for staff to be based on and then go out to visit other areas.

(e)  The new model of delivery will be supported by a new Early Help Strategy, which is being developed by the Children’s Partnership.


(f)  In response to concern raised by some Committee members about the new model of delivery being appropriately targeted to ensure a reach to the most vulnerable and in need of support and that the service is able to adequately meet the level of demand, which may change, the Committee was assured that data on demand and the level of need will be closely monitored through, for example, a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. 


(g)  Voluntary sector services can refer families for help, if they have the parent’s consent. The Designated Safeguarding Leads Network works across the city to discuss this and share knowledge. There are also universal services for children in the city and within this there are pathways to access additional support  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5