Joint report of Corporate Director for People and Director of Public Health
Following an introduction from Councillor Linda Woodings, Helen Johnston, Consultant in Public Health, presented the report stating the following:
· Nottingham’s alcohol and drug treatment and recovery system includes an integrated treatment and recovery service for adults, a criminal justice pathway, and services for children and young people and families impacted by substance misuse. The substance misuse treatment and recovery services in Nottingham city need to be re-commissioned, with new contracts to be let from 1 July 2023.
· The Supplemental Grant has been allocated to Nottingham City to support improvements in the quality and capacity of drug and alcohol treatment 2022/23 to 2024/25. Along with other ring-fenced grant funding and partner funding, this marks a step change in investment in substance misuse services, for consideration alongside the commissioning review to ensure Nottingham has sufficient high-quality service provision.
· The report seeks approval for the re-commissioning of substance misuse treatment and recovery services in Nottingham from July 2023, and the receipt/spend of Supplemental grant. The proposal is to approve spend for commissioned services under five year contracts with two options to extend for further two year periods against a nine year budget.
In response to questions, it was confirmed that a two percent uplift had been applied to the Public Health grant funded elements due to anticipated Agenda for Change increments on staffing costs. This applies across the life of the contract. A more substantial risk arises post March 2025 as there is no guarantee of ringfenced grant funding beyond that point. This risk is being mitigated through contractual arrangements.
Resolved to:
(1) approve the receipt of up to £2,899,440 from the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner as a partner contribution to substance misuse
(2) approve the receipt of the full allocation for Nottingham of the Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant (including the Inpatient Detoxification grant line) from the Office of Health Improvement & Disparities to 31 March 2025 (total indicative value of £7,064,863), paying attention to grant conditions
(3) approve the spend of £1,829,466 on substance misuse services and activity to 30 June 2023 as set out in Appendix A to the report
(4) approve the spend of £291,177 of the Inpatient Detoxification Grant through a consortium procurement of additional inpatient detox beds within the Midlands to 31 March 2025
(5) delegate responsibility to Director of Public Health to agree the service model for the commissioning of substance misuse services against the entire budget available, through applying the insight and commissioning recommendations developed within the strategic commissioning review and in consultation with the Portfolio Holder
(6) approve undertaking a procurement process for the following services as outlined in Appendix B to the report:
· Integrated drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services for adults
· Drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services for people in the criminal justice system
· Integrated drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services for children and young people
· Family support service for those impacted by substance misuse
· Harm reduction service including specialist needle exchange & sexual health
· Shared Care ... view the full minutes text for item 21