27 Rough Sleeping Drug and Alcohol Treatment Grant 2022/23 and 2023/24 PDF 483 KB
Joint report of the Corporate Director of People and Director of Public Health
Helen Johnston, Consultant in Public Health, presented a report on the proposed use of funding received from the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) under the Rough Sleeping, Drug and Alcohol Treatment Grant (RSDATG) scheme. The following points were discussed:
(a) the allocation for the ring-fenced RSDATG was first awarded in Autumn 2021, with funding allocated until March 2023. The OHID has subsequently confirmed an increased allocation within 2022/23, and a further allocation for 2023/24. The increased grant will be used in line with the existing spending plans, and within the current services in place, to ensure that vulnerable people receive the right treatment;
(b) the service has an embedded trauma-based approach to delivery, engaging with vulnerable people to seek to address contributing factors such as childhood trauma. There is a strong, integrated focus on severe multiple disadvantage, and mental health requirements are addressed alongside the physical health needs;
(c) the existing contracts will be extended, and work is underway to seek to future-proof future commissioning so that there is effective provision within contracts for their extension in the event of additional funding becoming available. It is important that the frameworks used enable the commissioning of the right provider at the right time, as funding opportunities arise;
(d) in terms of budgeting in the medium- to long-term, it is important that the right data is collected and analysed to seek to understand the impact of one-off funding like the RSDATG on future budget pressures within services. This would enable more effective budget forecasting and planning to take place for the service if the RSDATG provision ends at the current cut-off in March 2025;
(e) the Committee considered that it is vital for there to be a strong Public Health involvement in the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership, to ensure that an effective partnership approach is taken to addressing joint issues. It advised that the ability for citizens to access early support in addressing trauma and when at risk of homelessness is important, with preventative approaches leading to better outcomes, particularly when there are close links with the community and voluntary sector for service delivery. The Committee noted that it is also important that support remains accessible to people once they have been housed, following a period of homelessness.
(1) to approve the receipt of funding of up to a total of an additional £1,284,042 from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, for the delivery of a range of additional drug and alcohol treatment activity for people sleeping rough (or at risk of sleeping rough) to 31 March 2024;
(2) to approve the spend of £71,221 to increase substance misuse commissioning staffing resource, in line with the grant conditions;
(3) to approve the spend of £546,725 from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 via a contract variation to the Nottingham Recovery Network contract for the provision of substance misuse treatment services, in accordance with Article 18.99 of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules;
(4) to approve the ... view the full minutes text for item 27