Report of Corporate Director of Resident Services
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Jane Lewis, Community Safety Strategy Manager, presented the report, and stated the following:
· it was proposed that Nottingham City Council (NCC) commissions a framework of providers through a tender process to deliver provision for domestic and sexual violence and abuse (DSVA) and violence against women and girls (VAWG) (the DSVA / VAWG Framework) on behalf of the Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Joint Commissioning Group (DSVA JCG);
· the JCG comprises of the NCC Crime and Drugs Partnership and Public Health, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Violence Reduction Unit, the Integrated Care Board, Changing Futures and Nottinghamshire County Council;
· the JCG delivers the commissioning element of the ‘Domestic Abuse Act 2021, Part 4’ statutory duty for NCC and reports to the Local Partnership Board for DVA, which is the Crime and Drugs Partnership (CDP) Board;
· the development of a Public Contract Regulations 2015 regulation 33 framework is recommended in order to ensure that Nottingham City Council is able to select organisations that have been able to demonstrate their qualification to provide specialist DSVA/VAWG services to deliver these services in Nottingham;
· a framework will also ensure NCC achieve best value (in quality and price) and are compliant with procurement legislation and the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules;
· the DSVA/VAWG Framework will enable NCC CDP, as lead commissioner within the DVSA Joint Commissioning Group, to jointly commission DSVA and VAWG services for citizens, the funding for which is provided by NCC Public Health and General Funds, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and Integrated Care Board (ICB) secured under a Partnership Agreement between NCC, OPCC and ICB;
· currently, OPCC and NCC/Public Health each contribute approximately £1m per year. Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities New Burdens Funding to support NCC compliance with its statutory duty fluctuates, but is between £800-900k per year, and other national funding to support provision of DVSA services may become available each year of the framework from government and other sources;
· in the last 4 years, the proposed life of the Framework, NCC received approximately £4m to commission and grant aid domestic and sexual violence and abuse support services. However, the partnership received a greater amount over this time. NCC has a partnership agreement with OPCC and ICB;
· it is anticipated that the ICB will review its position on funding for DSVA/VAWG services during the lifetime of the framework, and the Partnership Agreement between NCC, OPCC and ICB will enable ICB funding to be incorporated into the framework;
· it is anticipated that the DSVA/VAWG Framework will be for a maximum term of 4 years, during which time contracts will be awarded by way of call-off for services required. The Lots for the framework are outlined in appendix 1 to the report.
(i) the procurement of a 4-year DSVA/VAWG Multi-Supplier Framework of providers of specialist services to ensure compliant future contracting of these services, at a maximum cost of £5m per year ... view the full minutes text for item 32