Issue - meetings

Integrated Wellbeing Service (IWS) - 2024 onwards

Meeting: 30/05/2023 - Commissioning and Procurement Executive Committee (Item 5)

5 Integrated Wellbeing Service: 2024 onwards - key decision pdf icon PDF 376 KB

Report of Corporate Director for People

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Councillor Woodings, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health, introduced the report.


The report was jointly presented by Lucy Hubber (Director of Public Health), David Johns (Deputy Director of Public Health) and Matt Corder (Public Health Principal). The following was stated:


·  Nottingham City Council is responsible for improving the health and wellbeing of the local population. This responsibility, along with the overarching aim to increase healthy life expectancy, was made explicit within the Council’s Strategic Plan 2023-27 ‘People outcome – living well in our communities’;


·  the latest analysed data (June 2022) showed that healthy life expectancy for both men and women in Nottingham was significantly lower than the England average: with men living 5.7 years less in good health, and women 6.8 years less in good health. The risk factors which contributed most to the onset of disability and the foreshortening of life included smoking and tobacco, diet, nutrition, physical inactivity and alcohol and drug use;


·  Nottingham City Council commission services to reduce the prevalence and impact of these modifiable behavioural risk factors, such as tobacco use, physical inactivity and unhealthy diet. Historically, these had been commissioned as separate services and delivered by multiple service providers. Contracts for these commissioned services were due to end 31 March 2024 and a new offer of support was required to ensure health and wellbeing services met the current and future needs of local communities and delivered Best Value;


·  from April 2024, the Council intended to amalgamate a range of health improvement interventions into one service model, referred to as an Integrated Wellbeing Service (IWS). The Council would seek to commission a prime provider model, which would be responsible for delivering the service functions in an innovative, dynamic and flexible manner across Nottingham, ensuring Best Value with the following objectives:


o  maintaining and improving the health of Nottingham City residents;

o  preventing future ill-health and its negative impacts on the local population;

o  reducing future and existing pressures on local health and care services;

o  putting the service user at the centre of provision, in-line with the personalisation agenda;


·  the proposed IWS would provide a single-entry point to health and wellbeing support for residents wishing to address lifestyle and behavioural factors (such as smoking or weight management) whilst considering support and signposting around the wider determinants, such as emotional wellbeing and other factors that might be negatively impacting their health;


·  the service would take a life-course approach to prevention of ill-health, valuing the health and wellbeing of both current and future generations. The service would recognise the significant role the wider determinants of health play, and help individuals receive the support they required and related to the conditions which people are born, live, learn and work;


·  this would follow a sensitive and responsive local needs approach by working ‘with’ rather than ‘in’ communities. To that extent, the service would take an asset-based approach built on local need. The behaviour change service would be required to link with, and complement, the existing offers in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5